April 2015 Moms

coffee addict what to do???? help?

So I'm Italian ... I love love coffee!!! And now only one cup for me and my peanut.. How do I cope and what a bout green tea?

Re: coffee addict what to do???? help?

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    Green tea has more caffeine I believe and blocks the absorption of folic acid.
    Edited because I am an English teacher and that's what we do.
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    I'm a diet coke addict and I'm trying to cut down to the recommended 120-300mg/day limit.  Its tough and my but is dragging more than usual.
    And trying to get up and move when possible. (is tougher for me right now but that's another story)
    Trying to push other fluids.  And sit near the vent for the AC
    Diluted juices, flavored water etc.  Cant stand plain H2O.

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    @transplantedhawkeye I feel your pain. I am a Mt. Dew addict. I was able to completely quit my first trimester with DS, but it's harder this time. I miss the bubbles almost as much as the caffeine, so I am trying to drink ginger ale instead.
    Edited because I am an English teacher and that's what we do.
    Pregnancy Ticker 

    BFP: 7/20/14  MMC: 8/29/14  D&C: 8/31
    BFP: 12/27/14 MMC: 1/26/15 D&C: 1/29
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    I love coffee. My dr told me as long as I'm not having more than 3 all is ok. I only have one
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    I was the same way as you with my coffee until about week 7 or 8 when it just became so not appealing to me!  I lost all taste for it throughout my pregnancy!  
    This time, I'm just cutting back slowly.  I only drink a cup a day anyway but I'm going to try to cut back slowly now since going off of it quickly last time gave me really awful headaches!
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    Have a cup. Do half caff if you are worried.

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    KateRN08 said:
    Water. You will feel so much better. It can he more effective at waking you up than caffeine
    ^THIS totally :) I live in the land of coffee (PNW) and found it hard to give up (and lately, been backsliding because the IVF medications give me a headache only caffeine will chase away)...

    BUT, I digress...I replaced my morning coffee with warm (not hot) water and 1/2 fresh lemon's worth of juice. Took a few days to get used to but in short order I found it was good enough to replace my morning coffee ritual and my body felt great (esp. because I wasn't adding sugar/creamer on top of the coffee, so having less of that felt good too). Also made drinking H2O a bit tastier since, yes, regular ol' water can be boring and not very appealing sometimes.


    I will totally be trying this! I am in need of something to help out with this lack of coffee!
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