July 2014 Moms

Nursing in public

I'm a FTM and LO is getting pretty good at nursing! :). She nurses often - I've read some women nurse in changing rooms (I was at Target the other day and that was the only actual place to sit down). But let's say I'm out at the mall - can I nurse with a cover on in the open areas between stores, or should I just find a changing room or bathroom? What about at a restaurant- can you nurse right at the table if its just family? Thanks ladies!
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Re: Nursing in public

  • You can nurse wherever you feel comfortable.

  • I feel very comfortable nursing anywhere pretty much - I just don't want to be that mom that makes others uncomfortable..
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  • Any where is OK to feed you baby:)

  • I carry an A&A muslin in my diaper bag. Depending on the situation, I throw it over the baby once he is latched on - like at a table in a restaurant - but usually I don't bother. Do whatever makes you comfortable and whatever seems appropriate.
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  • I'm a FTM and first in my family to BF. I just feed away when people are visiting or we are at our families homes without a cover. Many were surprised I think at first, but not upset or too uncomfortable. I did cover at a restaurant the other night, but I refuse to go to a bathroom too. I just know I would hate to eat with a blanket over my head.
  • I have a nursing cover that I use in public places but as PP have said legally you have the right to nurse covered or uncovered anywhere you 'd like. DH is super supportive of NIP so that definitely helps my comfort level to know that he would back me up if it came to it
  • NIP whenever baby needs you.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


  • I NIP but I use a cover. At the mall I just tried to find a bench to sit down. I NIP at a Sam's Club in the food court because there was no where else to sit down, and I had a million people staring at me (I was covered though). Personally, I would nurse wherever you can sit down. I wouldn't go out of my way to find a changing room or somewhere to hide, I could really care less as long as I have my cover and somewhere comfy to sit.

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  • I'm jealous of all you NIP moms! I still cannot figure out how to get her latches with a cover. I actually can't figure out how to get her latched without both hands and my nipples being shown to everyone around. I guess I need more practice :-/
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm jealous of all you NIP moms! I still cannot figure out how to get her latches with a cover. I actually can't figure out how to get her latched without both hands and my nipples being shown to everyone around. I guess I need more practice :-/

    Ditto. I'm an oozy mess. I have 1 chair I use to nurse w a nest of blankies. NIP is my goal. Lol.



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  • I hate using my cover!, it's just too hot! It is still difficult for me to get her latched without showing my nipples to everyone but I usually just cover up or turn to the side away from people until she's latched on then ditch the cover. I'm super small chested so her head covers evrything anyway.
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  • I haven't nursed in public much yet, only a handful of times, but I have a lightweight infinity scarf I put around my neck and use to slightly cover my boob while NIP. I found it helps when she goes through her fits of latching and unlatching so that I feel more comfortable and honestly less cold. Boob out and wet nipples is cold in the air conditioning.
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  • bunny0711 said:
    I'm totally fine nursing in public, but I'm uncomfortable getting him latched on. I don't care what other people think, but I'm personally uncomfortable with my nipples out for everyone to see.
    This. I was at a restaurant the other day and latched her on in the bathroom and then walked back to my table with a A+A blanket lightly draped.
    This. I nurse anywhere around anyone. However I'm a ftm and I'm not a pro yet so I just go to another room to latch and throw on a cover depending on where we are. We went to brunch with a large group of friends this week. We were the only married couple and the only one with a child. I walked to the bathroom, latched, put on my cover and breast fed right at the table while eating breakfast. No one batted an eye and if they did- who cares.
  • I nurse all over town. I do like the nursing room/sitting area in Nordstrom bathrooms.
  • cko521 said:

    I still haven't done it and I don't know how I will. I have a really fast flow and she pops off my nipple to take breaks randomly. But I need to look at her to get her relatched. Also, my boobs are so huge I still have to hold them for her lots of the time. Any suggestions?

    This is me. My boobs are bigger than his head. With DS1 I was crippled with my anxiety of nursing in public. It really took away from the joy.

    As they get older it is easier. They can latch better, they can handle the flow better, their heads get bigger

    I also bought a nursing cover it has a plastic piece near the top that gives me a little opening. It makes it a little easier to look dow and see him. This really helps with latching
    Lenox: Born March 13, 2012
    Number 2:  EDD July 4, 2014


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  • @AnotherDreamer‌ I was going to order one of these but figured I would be okay with blankets am so never did. I'm going to place my order today after all and try it. Thanks!
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  • Ekg688Ekg688 member
    I have an uddercover but I wish it was bigger. Lately I've been using an A+A blanket and I tuck the ends into my bra strap.
  • I never would have NIP with my first. I'm more laid back this time around and I think I'll eventually do it. I like wearing a nursing tank under everything, I feel like it helps keep the majority of my boob out of view. I'm uncomfortable using a cover, it's so awkward to me.
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    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • I nurse wherever. I like using a muslin swaddling blanket to cover, but sometimes I feel it calls more attention than if I didn't use a cover at all.

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  • I NIP. I do use a cover though, for my comfort and for the comfort of others. Sometimes my cover is an actual nursing cover, and other times it's an Aden & Anais blanket.
  • I'm jealous of all you NIP moms! I still cannot figure out how to get her latches with a cover. I actually can't figure out how to get her latched without both hands and my nipples being shown to everyone around. I guess I need more practice :-/

    I fall in this category too even though we're at almost 5 weeks! Hoping it gets easier soon!
  • cko521 said:

    I still haven't done it and I don't know how I will. I have a really fast flow and she pops off my nipple to take breaks randomly. But I need to look at her to get her relatched. Also, my boobs are so huge I still have to hold them for her lots of the time. Any suggestions?

    I use a light blanket to cover and when I need to help him latch back on I just duck my head under the blanket until he is eating again. If I get hot I will pull the blanket down and until it is setting on his head blocking as much as I can while still allowing his face to be uncovered. If I can ever figure out how to upload pics on here ever I will post a picture of how I do it.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have an UdderCovers cover too, with the little plastic V shape thingamy that means I can see my munchkin to latch and it's so light that we don't get overheated.  Much though I'd love to just whip a boob out and feed her, they're bigger than her head so it isn't physically possible for me to be subtle so the cover is fantastic. 

    I tested it out by getting my OH to stand in different places/walk past me and he said he couldn't see anything unless he as standing right over me so I wouldn't be too concerned about strangers seeing anything.

    And certainly in my state, there's a provision in the law that says nursing in public doesn't count as indecency (so it's definitely not illegal).
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