Have been wrestling with a name to go with Harrison for twin 2! We are down to five which is major progress. Vote please! Feel free to comment with why or if you have other suggestions. One syllable last name
DH feels like spencer is a smug name or something - he just has slightly negative connotations he associates with it. Anyone else feel this way?
Spencer does sound kind of stuck up & preppy to me. Davis just seems like a last name to me, but David is nice. I would go with Harrison and Benjamin. I don't care for Bennett. Griffin would be my second choice, but I think there are better names to go with Harrison. Ideas: Charles, Nathaniel, Gabriel, or Joshua?
Don't want to do Charles because my daughters name is Charlotte. Don't want to use either of our fathers names which would gave been nice choices ( William, Michael). Then Henry is out because it's too matchy ... So I am feeling stuck! Others I gave thought about are Thomas, jack (but maybe not ideal with one syllable last name), ?
I love Thomas, too. Great choice and such a classic.
Of your other choice, I would pick Spencer. I think it matches the tone and style of Harrison but isn't too matchy. Spencer is a solid name, and (not being snarky) not snobbier than Harrison. They both have a bit of a preppy feel to them, but not in a bad way, IMO.
I think Spencer works the best. All the Spencer's I've known have been awkward junior high boys (I'm a junior high teacher), so I don't get the snobby vibe from it at all.
Don't want to do Charles because my daughters name is Charlotte. Don't want to use either of our fathers names which would gave been nice choices ( William, Michael). Then Henry is out because it's too matchy ... So I am feeling stuck! Others I gave thought about are Thomas, jack (but maybe not ideal with one syllable last name), ?
Ooh, Thomas is a great choice! It even means "twin."
Re: Help me name twin 2 (poll)!
Spencer does sound kind of stuck up & preppy to me. Davis just seems like a last name to me, but David is nice. I would go with Harrison and Benjamin. I don't care for Bennett. Griffin would be my second choice, but I think there are better names to go with Harrison. Ideas: Charles, Nathaniel, Gabriel, or Joshua?
Of your other choice, I would pick Spencer. I think it matches the tone and style of Harrison but isn't too matchy. Spencer is a solid name, and (not being snarky) not snobbier than Harrison. They both have a bit of a preppy feel to them, but not in a bad way, IMO.
Natural Miscarriage 2006
BFP March 19th! - Due Date11/25/14