July 2014 Moms

Placenta encapsulation - who went through with it?

Who went through with encapsulating their placenta? Those of you who have taken the capsules, what have you thought of the results? Anybody have any negative side effects to taking their placenta capsules?

At the last minute I decided to go with it and get my placenta encapsulated. No problems with PPD with my first two that I was aware of at the time, but being older now I'm a lot more prone to depressive spells triggered by changes in routine. That, coupled with having intense amounts of family here for at least a week or more for baby than wedding, I figured I need all the help I can get. You only get one placenta, I figure.

Now that my placenta is in neat little capsules I'm terrified to take the things which cracks me up especially at the dang cost to do these things. The encapsulator was recommended by a friend but my paranoid sleep deprived new mom mind is wondering what if she took it home and now there's just random powder in those pills. Wanted to find someone to do the process in my home but since the decision was put on the back burner til last minute I just went with the recommendation. My paranoid mind is thinking even if it is my placenta in there am I going to harm baby by taking on all those vitamins.

My sleep deprived mind is realizing he just lived off that thing for nine months, and since I'm negative blood he couldn't have all the blood released into his body before the cord was cut so doh it would be good for him.

All these rambling irrational sleep deprived thoughts leading to looking forward to the answers of the curious questions above with my most lingering thought being what if there are negative side effects nobody has mentioned.

Also she made a heart out of the dried umbilical cord. Think it was supposed to be cute but it's kinda creepy. Took us a second to figure out what it was. Looks like a small bracelet or necklace charm.

Re: Placenta encapsulation - who went through with it?

  • I'm all set up to have mine encapsulated, just waiting for baby to come! As far as I know nothing bad can come of it, our bodies need all those hormones and vitamins after giving birth!
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  • lks18lks18 member
    I did it. At least in my state (Maryland) I'm under the impression that she could only encapsulate my placentas (twins) at my own home once we brought them here, she'd need a food handling license or something to transport them and process them elsewhere. I actually never met her. I was still in the hospital so my mom let her in to my house. But she came well recommended as a doula and a baby nurse in addition to bring certified by PBi. Anyway, I've been taking them and feeling no adverse side effects. I'm not sure if they're helping either. I'm feeling pretty good post-partum and I have enough milk for twins but who can say how it'd have been without the pills. I'm a FTM so I have nothing to compare it to.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I had my placenta encapsulated and I'm so glad I did! I had "the baby blues" the first few days after labor and couldn't stop crying but felt that with each day I felt better. I started taking the pills when I got home from the hospital on day 3. I was worried about ppd and I'm relieved that I had the nutrients of the placenta as another source of protection against that.Of course, I can't 100% say that it is all attributed to the placenta capsules but I'm glad I didn't have to find out if things would have been worse!

    If the person who encapsulated your placenta was highly recommended, then I would say "go for it" and take them!
  • I had mine done too and like @lks18‌ , I'm in MD so we brought the placenta to my house and she did everything there. I also got the umbilical cord heart (not quite sure what to do with it since it does creep me out a bit) and I also got a "Mother's broth" which is basically the water it was cooked/steamed in prior to the drying process. I kinda forgot about the broth so that went to waste but I definitely notice a difference in energy level from when I take the capsules vs not taking them. I do feel more energetic when I take them. I've never had a problem with the baby blues but I figure the other added benefits are worth it too.
    Chase Alexander 12-11-01
    Sierra Nicole 6-15-05
    Avery Lyn 8-2-12
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Thanks ladies for sharing your experiences and all the thoughts. I ended up sobbing snotty tears last night (2 and a half days postpartum) realizing my cousin was leaving the next day and realizing this little man of mine is going to grow up so quickly. Soooo I thought that was the perfect time to give them a try :D . Perked up a bit that evening, took some more the next morning and during the day and definitely felt better today, even with my dad leaving. Placebo effect or not, I'm convinced. While I may not take them regularly I'm definitely going to be taking them more when I'm sad or mostly during this time of out of state family coming in and out for the birth and my nephews wedding this Saturday. Breaks my heart and triggers me when they leave.

    Thanks for the reassurance about using someone highly recommended, even if it was at her home @LilyanaG1‌ . @lks18‌ thought that was law here in Texas too, but had emailed the lady asking that question and she explained the law that does not state you have to do so in the home and her reasoning, certifications, etc for doing so at home.
  • Wanted to follow up. I've had my sad moments and remember to take the capsules then, but also have been taking them pretty regularly. My sad moments are usually when I've forgotten to take any that day and a major trigger is happening ie last of family after having family coming in and out for a month or DH going back to work. I echo my previous statement, placebo effect or not, placenta encapsulation definitely has my vote.
  • I've been taking them for 12 days and I feel mentally and physically very good. This is my first child, so I don't know how I would have felt without them, but I did not get the baby blues. I cried twice the first week, once after 3 nights of no sleep and I was worried about another night of no sleep, and again when my mom left after a week...these were reasonable cries. This second week I feel great, no crying at all. One thing about the placenta pills, they taste horrible, not sure if other people feel the same way, but they have an indescribable yuk flavor. My encapsulator also gave me the cord shaped into a heart and placenta prints, I thought these looked gross, so I threw them away :-/
  • I had mine done too. I finished up last week with my 4wk dosage. The lady came to my house and prepared it so I didn't have to worry about if it was mine or what was actually in it.

    I dont have any previous PP experience but I feel pretty good. My milk supply is awesome and I only cried out of exhaustion. I have a lot of pills left and plan on keeping them in the freezer. Just in case my hormones go a little wonky later on during this year.



    BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
    BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
    BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p <3

  • Following up- I did have it done, and have been taking six capsules per day. The first couple of days PP were pretty rough, but once I started the capsules everything leveled out nicely. As someone else said, could be placebo effect, but given that I am very prone to hormonally induced depression and anxiety, and also was predisposed to have poor milk output due to Clomid and thyroid meds (hormonal), but am having an awesome time with LO and have all the milks, I'm sold and would recommend it to anyone. However, the umbilical cord heart that the lady gave me... What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?!

    Alexander - 8/9/14
  • PinksundropsPinksundrops member
    edited August 2014
    @aliletz‌ haha I thought the same thing with the umbilical cord heart!! Then I realized the heart symbolized his lifeline to me while in my belly so I kinda fell in love with the thought and hung the heart on my wall with a bunch of other items I've hung up from accomplishments and moments that make my heart warm, this one being the very best of both.

    ETA: I hung up the heart still in the satchel :D . Wasn't brave enough to take it out!
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