I get so frustrated reading about everyone who gets long stretches at night. I had two nights total with. 5-6 hour stretch between feedings. Otherwise it's 2-3 hours. I'm so tired. Who else is with me? I can't be the only one.
My little dude doesn't sleep through the night yet. Depending on the night (we've been on vacation this week so he's not been sleeping well) gets up about every 4-5 hours and sometimes its 2-3. I agree I'm so tired. By 8 weeks my daughter was sleeping through the night.
My little guy doesn't sleep more than 2-3 hours a stretch at night. Which is awful since I have a 6 and 4 year old to care for... and a full time job I'm so tired.
Right there with you. We got three nights with a five hour stretch, but usually we do two to three hour stretches. I just started work again and am more exhausted than ever!
My baby just doesn't sleep and I have talked to the pedi a few times now. Last night he fell asleep at 4:10am and was back up at 9am. Then he does about 2-3 20 minute cat naps during the day. I keep being told it's reflux and nothing has worked! I hope everyone gets some good sleep soon!
We were doing great and doing 5 hours the first stretch every night now for the last two or three weeks I'm lucky to get three hours. I blame it on not swaddling but it's killing me. I was up five times last night. And he doesn't go down easy and flails around all night.
You are not alone. Also remember ppl say sttn but that's technically a 5 hr stretch so not really. We are still up every 2-3 she's 12wks. Don't be discouraged and some are lucky but some ppl lie lol.
Married 5/5/12 ~ Miscarried @ 6wks 7/1/13 ~ Has Pacemaker ~ Due May 7th
What's really considered sleeping through the night? My guy does a long stretch but he doesn't go down for the night til later 10-11...he has a shorter nap just before for 1-2 h max, eat then he does a long stretch. I can't imagine anyone's baby goes from 8-8 or wherever without eating...
I'm lucky if we get 3 hours once and a while. I'm always blaming myself, so I decided that he's not getting enough milk from me which causes him to wake more often. Oh andddd he's still sleeping on me! Ugh
I don't consider a 5 hour stretch STTM but that's just me. I was wondering the other day what moms consider STTN. LO usually sleeps a 6 hour stretch then every 2-3. Once we had 8.5 and I considered that STTN
We might have gotten one 5 hour stretch a couple of times but usually it's a 3-4 hour stretch followed by 1-3 hour ones. Whixh tend to barely add up to 8 hours - sometimes less - forget the 10-12+ I've read about! And often she's up for almost an hour for MOTN and a bit more early AM. We might both doze off a little during that feeding which does make it take longer but sometimes not. I also can't put her down drowsy - she fights sleep way too much that way. I have to nurse her all the way to sleep and then move her very carefully and pray the eyes stay closed! And then sometimes get her back to sleep with side lying nursing. I know it could be much worse but still really wish she would sleep more!
Me: 39 DH: 44 together since 2000 married 9/2004 TTC #1 since 2/2012
BFP #1 6/5/2012 m/c 6/15/2012 about 5w3d BFP #2 6/?/2013 m/c 7/1/2013 5w 3d
BFP #3 8/25/2013 EDD 5/7/2014 DD A. born 5/8/2014!! Love!!!!
I get the longest stretch from when he first goes to sleep. That's anywhere from 3 to 7 hours now. I've had 1 5hr and now 1 7hr. Then it can be between 1 to 3 hours after that long stretch. Depends on the night. Usually around 2 hours.
One thing that has helped is not only him being in his own room is what he's doing when I hear him. If he's just sucking his thumb and is still I walk out. If he's squirming and grunting I pick him up. Him sucking his hands is really no longer an indicator of hunger for him anymore since he does it a bagillion times a day. He usually grunts and squirms when hungry. Cries when tired.
But that's today's current routine. Lol
Eta. It kinda just happened as well. However. Getting him down at night is now our challenge. He cries from 8 to about 9 to 930. He's tired but doesn't want to sleep yet and isn't hungry. I'm hoping it will work itself out once he can stay up longer.
Within the last week my DS has started 7 - 8hr stretches pretty consistently..... I only say this because it came completely out of the blue! We were every 2 - 3hrs since birth and skipped the 'ramp up' of a teaser night of length here and there or starting to go 4 - 5hrs. There is hope! Maybe your LOs just want to surprise you like mine did! I hadn't made any changes to routine either... Can't think of anything I did to help or encourage STTN.
* ETA due to spelling mistake
I have never gotten five consecutive hours! LO is almost 8 weeks and we are up like clockwork at 11:15, 2ish, and 5ish, so I feel your frustration. And tiredness! He is BF which probably makes a difference.
Married since April 2011-Homeowners since January 2012-TTC since June 2012
She gets up every 2 hrs and takes forever to get back asleep. I usually end up being in the rocker all night and dose on and off while nursing/trying to get her back to sleep. I am exhausted and my body hurts from being in the rocker so much. She will have one 2-4 stretch to start the nite in her RNP then the rest of the night it's the rocker. I have started co sleeping for the last 2 hrs or so just to be able lay down. But I really don't want to start co sleeping all night. I start back to work this week and she's also started reverse cycling and refusing bottles (posted about it) so if that continues my hopes for better sleep are for sure a long ways away. Yawn, hello coffee.
DS just started this week. He was doing 2 3-4 hour stretches, then we had a few nights with a 5 hour stretch and then the past few nights we got a 7-8 hour stretch. He sleeps from 7-10ish and 11/11:30ish -7. We'll see if it keeps up.
Under 6 mo, a 5 - 6 hour stretch is considered sttn, even if it's not the hours that are most convenient/coincide with your sleep.
We do get longer stretches than that most nights now, but I assure you I'm not doing anything different than you. I'm not doing everything right and you're not doing everything wrong, we just have different babies. And like everything else it's probably a phase and will change again (probably already changed it myself by moving her to the crib last night).
There's also a pretty big difference right now between early May babies and late May babies.
Pedi suggested at 2 months that we pick a bed time based on her eventually doing a 12 hour stretch. She never suggested the bed time would stick right away, just to start a routine now. She also never said we should expect 12 hours anytime soon or that 12 hours would be uninterrupted anytime soon. Read a little on the 3-6, 6-9, or bf boards...lots of babies going up and down all the time in number of sleep hours.
Fwiw lo did go 12 hours between feedings one night and I was worried about her all the next day because it seemed like too much. Also her longer stretches just started happening one night with no specific magic trick to claim credit for. The trade off is she eats at least every two hours all day and many days naps only in 30 - 40 min stretches.
Sorry you're not getting as much sleep as you'd like but most of you are doing just fine as moms. Sleeping all night isn't some parental achievement or measure of you child's intelligence or development. It's just nice when it happens. Now is a great time to stop comparing your baby to anyone else's.
DS only sleeps 5-6 hours. We put him down around 8 and he will sleep till 2ish. Eats quick and goes back down till 6:00. Sometimes he will even go back to bed after that till 9:00. My problem is I don't go to bed till 12ish because I want to enjoy the quiet time with my husband so I'm always tired. I do try to nap when he naps during the day. This reason will probably be why I probably won't have another child. I wouldn't be able to handle no sleep and having to care for another kid and work full time.
I don't consider a 5 hour stretch STTM but that's just me. I was wondering the other day what moms consider STTN. LO usually sleeps a 6 hour stretch then every 2-3. Once we had 8.5 and I considered that STTN
this. Always 6 then up every 2 and we def don't consider it sttn
DD2 sleeps a 4 hour stretch then up to eat every 2 hours. DD1 ate every 3 hours until 8months old, at 9months she was sleeping 12hours, at 10months back to 3 hours and since she's been 1yo sleeping 11-12 hours consistently.
Regs, lurkers and newbies we are leaving TheBump. Come join us at the new place
I don't consider a 5 hour stretch STTM but that's just me. I was wondering the other day what moms consider STTN. LO usually sleeps a 6 hour stretch then every 2-3. Once we had 8.5 and I considered that STTN
this. Always 6 then up every 2 and we def don't consider it sttn
To me STTN means x amount of hours of interrupted sleep. From evening-night to morning hours. I don't even STTN. Never have. DSs stretches are getting longer but to me he's not STTN until I put him down at night and don't get him til morning. But that's me.
Re: Baby does not sleep through the night. Who else?
My DD only sleeps 3-4 hours and that's on a good night. I do bath, feeding, swaddling, and she still doesn't fall asleep until 10-11p.
LO has had a few random good nights (aka cruel teases), but mostly wakes every 2-3 until four am. Then it's hourly until 9.
One thing that has helped is not only him being in his own room is what he's doing when I hear him. If he's just sucking his thumb and is still I walk out. If he's squirming and grunting I pick him up. Him sucking his hands is really no longer an indicator of hunger for him anymore since he does it a bagillion times a day. He usually grunts and squirms when hungry. Cries when tired.
But that's today's current routine. Lol
Eta. It kinda just happened as well. However. Getting him down at night is now our challenge. He cries from 8 to about 9 to 930. He's tired but doesn't want to sleep yet and isn't hungry. I'm hoping it will work itself out once he can stay up longer.
Eta. I mean it sincerely