May 2014 Moms

GTKY: LO nicknames!

I don't think we've had this post yet?! What nicknames have surfaced for your LO?

DD May baby: name is Maren and we call her Mare-bear and my toddler can't quite say her name so he says "May-me" which now my husband calls her that all the time. Cute when toddler says it, not when DH does constantly:)

DS two yr old: name is Rowan. we call him Ro, RoRo, and used to call him chunks when he was a baby because he was hefty.

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Re: GTKY: LO nicknames!

  • DD's name is Cecilia. We call her Cilia-bug or C-bug
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  • DD (May baby) named Adyson. Her brother calls her LuLu, which he came up with on his own. And I call her doodlebug, not sure why it just happened.

    DS name is Brayden. And he goes by B, Bray or B-bug.
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  • lrmrtnlrmrtn member
    Ours have no relation to his name. We call him bubs, bubbies and puppy. Not sure where these came from but they stuck and suit him. and lately because he's gained weight - chunky monkey and Blubbers.
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  • We call DS little man, buddy, or gruntosaurus!
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  • britabbritab member
    Doodle, Hattie Moo Mae, Baby, Pumpkin
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  • My little guy's name is Dexter, so our families call him Dex a lot. We call him grumpus when he's crabby. I call him pootser allll the time. I'm not sure where it came from, but he's just my sweet little pootser!
  • LO has had about a bazillion nicknames since birth. I'll just list the regulars.

    Her name is Kerrigan, so we call her Ker-Bear. She was also eating a TON in her first week - 3 to 4 ounces of breast milk per feeding - so that lead to Hungry Hippo. Pumpkin, which has been shortened to Punky. Sweets is more recent, and my mom calls her Blue Eyes. I'm sure she'll have many more in no time!
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  • Zoey's many nicknames include Zo, Zozo, and Zobe wan kenobi. But a lot of the time she's referred to as Sissy.

    Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
    BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
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  • We don't have a ton for our daughter. Her name is Abigail, my sister sometimes will call her Abby otherwise it's just baby girl. Except when she's cranky or fussing, we will call her crabigail and joke that crabigail is coming out and we want our sweet baby girl back lol.
  • My little guy is Finley. Obviously, Finn is what people call him most of the time. Others are finny (not a fan, my sister always says it), baby boy, bubba
  • DD's main nickname that I've been calling her since before she was born is Boo. Now we use all variations of Boo including Booster, Boo-y, Boo Bear, Boo Radley, etc, you get the idea. I am actually kinda worried she will think her name is Boo so I've had to consciously call her Ainsley every day.
  • Crankzilla and Cranks McGee when he's fussy. Calvatron because we love Calvin Johnson from the Lions. Bug and buddy get in there too!
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  • We call DD little baby fuss-fuss because well, she's always fussy :)
  • Too many! Her name is Delilah but We call her baby girl because she didn't have a name my entire pregnancy. Now we call her Lala or Yaya or on days like today De-cry-ya ;) lately I've been calling her bubbles as well due to all the spit bubbles she's been blowing!
  • Eliana is Ellie or Bunbun (we have a thing for bunnies)
    But now we do Bubbles too bc wow there is so much saliva!!
    Married 5/5/12 ~ Miscarried @ 6wks 7/1/13 ~ Has Pacemaker ~ Due May 7th
  • DS's name is Tobias but mostly we just call him Baby, Baby Boy, or Little Man. I know not very original. My family likes to call him Toby, we would prefer they didn't but I feel like it's inevitable.
  • Julian is Jules, Jujube, grumpus, grumpy bear or Stinkle. Mostly jujube or grumpus depending on his tude.
  • Jack is Captain Jack, Jack-o-latern, or (the one I hate the most) cracker Jack!
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  • We have a few for Haleigh. My husband LOVES cereal so he calls her fruit loop he also calls her sweetie. I call her sweet pea a lot and miss crank pants when she's cranky.

  • My little girl is Kailey. We call her raptor because when she is mad she moves her arms like a raptor. If one of us is making a bottle and one is holding her we always say "hurry up, she's raptoring me". I call her my Kailey girl, baby girl or princess alot. Also squeakers because of all the squeaky noises she makes when she stretches.
  • Maycee May and DS calls her Sisser (like sister without the t) because he calls DD1 Sissy and there can't be two of those :)
  • I call Scarlett, toots. It seems to fit any situation because it's so easy and it just slipped out one day. My mom calls her monkey. I call her other things too but toots and squish are my fav.

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  • cnbeancnbean member
    Malachi has many nicknames. We call him Mal, Doodlebug, Goober, Baby, Slobber-Bucket, Precious, Sweet Pea, and Handsome. There are probably more that I can't think of just right now.
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  • Lillian is DD name. I am determined it have her go by the full name and for the most part ppl refer to her as Lillian. DH calls her Lilly though. I call her Lil sometimes, LillyBean, BabyGirl, and Stinker. My Sis calls her Buggaboo.
  • LO's name is Wyatt. I call him Wyatt, little man, baby boy and bubba. MH calls him Wyatt, little man and cracker man.
  • Its highly inappropriate but my family likes to joke about "mila tequila" otherwise we really only call her mila. Our daddy calls her little girl

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  • purtzpurtz member
    These are cute! DS's name is Ty, so no nickname there. I usually call him Buddy or Cuteness. DD is Skylar, who's nickname is Scooby or Sweetness.


  • Claire has a lot of aliases. She wiggles a lot so she gets called "the squirm" more than anything. Or squirm worm, Claire worm, worms, squirmy wormy, squirms. There is also milk pig, captain squirms a lot, squirmalicious, and the squirmbabe. We are getting a lot of mileage out of this nickname, apparently.....
  • letal316 said:

    DD's main nickname that I've been calling her since before she was born is Boo. Now we use all variations of Boo including Booster, Boo-y, Boo Bear, Boo Radley, etc, you get the idea. I am actually kinda worried she will think her name is Boo so I've had to consciously call her Ainsley every day.

    When my sister was 2, she'd throw serious tantrums if you'd call her by her real nickname, Missy, she'd shout "I'm not Missy, I'm Booboo." While she eventually transitioned, at 22, we still call her Boo.

    We don't use a NN for Corbin's actual name. We still call him bug and squish. We've added bugaboo and lovie. DH calls him shorty and short stack. :) I'm sure we will keep adding!
  • Mary is Mare Bear, Punkin, Punkin Butt, Punkin Pie, and Chunk. 

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  • Abigail = Abby, Abby-girl, Abscadabs, Bubba, bubba girl, boom boom baby, stink, little lady, to name a few :)
  • DD's name in Lincoln Olivia. Sometimes we'll call her Linc, or if she is being fussy, LincBug StinkBug. My nephew has his side of the family calling her BabyLincoln and my sister calls her Lo (bc of her initials).
  • I have Brooke. We call her brookie, Brookie cookie, and B
  • We call Henry Ball. Sometimes Doctor Ball.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • We call Isaac by many names. My BIL calls him Ink because of his initials. I call him snakebaby because he is always sticking his tongue out in quick succession. Before I was ever pregnant my brothers always referred to my first born son as "Lil Hans", so they both call him that. I also call him little dinosaur, as his cries sometimes sound like a velociraptor. My husband calls him Boyo. When he wakes up he grunts a lot so we call him gruntopotamus. 

    Having listed all of these I am starting to think he might never figure out what his real name is lol.
  • We don't have any nicknames related to her real name yet. Dh calls her umba (he calls both our female cat and me nicknames with mba at the end so said DD needed one too) . I call her pickle, petunia, poopsie, or sweet potato pie depending on the mood. Somehow she makes me think of words that start with p. :) though her real name starts with a. The first couple weeks we also called her tomato because she turned so red when she cried. We also sometimes use the obvious/popular ones like hungry hippo, fussybunch, and bubbles (as she is another one with major drool)
    Me: 39  DH: 44  together since 2000 married 9/2004 TTC #1 since 2/2012
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    BFP #3 8/25/2013  EDD 5/7/2014    DD A. born 5/8/2014!!  Love!!!!
  • DD's name Elliott, but DH calls her Sweet Pea. I call her Muffin, or when she's going through one of her Wonder Week terrors, she's Monster Muffin. She's 7 weeks.
  • Bear. I don't know why, but it's just what I started calling him. C-Bear or mood based: Sleepy Bear, Hungry Bear, etc.

    My husband calls him "Mr. Man" when he is being fussy. We don't know where that one came from either.
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  • fraseyfrasey member
    At first he was Little Bear, but he's huge now so its Henry-Bear. DD is Noelle but we don't really call her anything other than that. 
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  • LO is Jackson. Nicknames range from related to totally nonsensical. Jack, Jackie boy, buddy boy, Mister Jacksons, Mister Mastookama, Mister Magoomah, Mastooks, and lastly, Freddy. Freddy was the in utero NN my family gave him, and it stuck.

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

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