
has anyone taken the mini-pill?

anyone have any experience with progesterone only birth control pills? i was prescribed them and the reviews online scare me.
any info is appreciated, tyia.

Re: has anyone taken the mini-pill?

  • I was till 8 weeks PP, when I stopped trying to BF. I didn't have any issues with it, I'm just really bad at taking it the same time every day.
  • I took it after DD was born. I had trouble with excessive bleeding while on it and after, but I have no idea if that was a factor
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  • I took it for roughly a year. My periods were awful on it, so I went off. They were like they are without birth control. I went to Lo-loestrin
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  • edited July 2014
    They gave it to me after having DS since I was breastfeeding...but we still used condoms with it because I'm paranoid as hell about that pill...I've just heard about too many "oopsies" while people are on it and didn't want to chance it ....You have to be extra careful about taking it at the same time every day, whereas with the 2 hormone pill you might get a little more leeway out of the effectiveness if you are a bit late or miss one (as long as you follow the instructions in those scenarios of course)

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  • I took it for about 4 years before (deliberately) becoming pregnant with DS and then went back on it before coming off again to TTC for #2.  I enjoyed being period-free and will return to taking it after giving birth again.
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  • I've been on it since November. No pp AF yet though that's probably more to do with bfing. No side effects for me.




  • Pips09Pips09 member
    I was on it after while I was pumping breastmilk. It made me crazy with worry that I was going to get pregnant on it, even taking it the same time every day.
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  • flerlgirl said:

    I took it. Never missed a day, took it at the same time every day.

    Please note that I now I have a second child.

  • I've been on it since March and still haven't gotten my period. No other side effects for me, though. I've heard the stories, but seeing them here has me super paranoid. 
  • I took it for 6 months. No periods that whole time. I went to the doc for a check up and found out I was pregnant. Whoops.
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  • When they say take it at the exact same time they mean it. Or you may wind up with 2u2 :\">
    DD Nov 2010 ~ DS June 2012
  • I took it for a year, before switching to other methods. It made me ragey, but that's hormonal birth control in general. I didn't get my period back until my daughter was about 15 months, though, so I don't know how well it works.
  • LorMorLorMor member
    I took it while BF and had no periods for about 9 months, then had mad, heavy, crampy 3-week periods for about 3 months then went off it. I only found out later that it is effective with BF if you are BF a lot. I was down to twice a day when I went off, and my OBGYN said that I wasn't actually protected with that. (She had previously told me to go off it the MINUTE I stopped BF, but she didn't mention cutting down on BF.)
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  • I took it after DS was born, same time every day, combined with breastfeeding.  DD was born 11 months after DS.
  • My doctor gave it t me at my pp check up, but would only give me a 4 month supply cease she really felt it was only an effective birth control if you were solely bf'ing. Meaning, as soon as baby started solid food or slept longer at night, the effectiveness dropped to like below 70 percent. I didn't actually take it, so I can't speak to side effects.
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  • @golfergirl08 have you gotten the Nexplanon yet?
    i found out my insurance covers that and an iud so now my decision is down to those two options thanks to the abundance of 'oops' stories here.

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