So I've had this anywhere chair since Dec, and it's looking dirty...I was going to machine was it cold on gentle cycle, then hang to dry...anyone done this before?
I've washed mine, I have a navy one, no color fading that I've noticed. I also put it back on when it's just a little damp still, the fabric stretches a bit easier and it's not such a PIA to get on.
Re: Washing PBK Anywhere Chair Cover
BFP #1 4/10/12 D&C 6/5/12@ 12.5wks EDD 12/17/12
BFP #2 9/10/12 CP 9/19/12@ 5.5wks EDD 5/21/13
BFP# 3 12/3/12...Lukas James born 8/15/13
BFP# 4 8/4/14 EDD 4/13/15