Potty Training

What age did you potty train?

*Cross posting in Toddlers*
My 20 month olds daycare sent home a letter asking us to let them know if we want them to start potty training.
We didn't potty train DS1 until he just turned 3 - we delayed it a bit b/c we were moving from NY to FL, plus, the baby was just born and that was about all I could handle with my husband traveling every week.

Anyways, at what age did you start potty training?  Did you have success at 20 months? I'd LOVE to get him out of diapers and don't want to miss a good window of opportunity like I think we did with my DS1 (he still won't poop on the potty, only in a diaper at night).
Just looking for opinions on starting at this age.

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Re: What age did you potty train?

  • laf83laf83 member
    We started really PTing at 2.5 yrs, but we definitely introduced it way before then and let him sit on the potty whenever he wanted to. I would let the daycare try! He may be ready and they prob have a lot of experience with helping PT, and if he's really not ready or not getting it they will let you know. It won't hurt to try and then if he's not ready try again in a month or two.
  • At 18 months I noticed DS was holding it. He would hold it until I changed him and then pee on the floor. I thought this was way to early so I waited but at 19 months became concerned he was going to get a bladder infection. We started potty training and by 22 months he was fully day trained, even for naps. I read him a book about 10 times a day about Baby Bear using the potty. At 20 months he was in a very "please everyone" stage so potty training was easy. At 26 months now he is hitting a very "please myself" stage so I think we had the timing right.

    Every kid is different. My biggest advice is to formulate a plan and stick to it. Don't start and then decide to wait if by the 2nd week he doesn't get it. It has to be a this is the way things are now and this is how we are doing it. Don't waver. Once you start don't stop just push through.
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  • edited August 2014
    Due to medical issues, we started Reese later---she was 3 and 2 months. However, she was completely ready and figured it out in less than a week-by the end of the week, she was completely trained. She packed up her diapers for her baby cousin; and we bought pull ups which we call bedtime underwear. 
    My daughter is my hero.
  • He would randomly pee on the toilet around 22 months, but it wasn't until this month, 29ish months that we really went for it. I let him lead. When it was all his idea, things went a lot more smoothly.
    Charlie - 12/11/2011 * Surprise! #2 - EDD 2/17/2015

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We did the 3 day method at 27 months. It took 9 days though.

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
    TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • KatelobsterKatelobster member
    edited October 2014
    We started the 3 day method at 22 months and followed through with only being bare-bottomed at home for 2 months. The method trains them to go to the potty independently when they have the urge (as opposed to "tell mom I have to go"), which she was perfect at within a few days, but she wouldn't/couldn't tell us when she had to potty for a month, which made leaving the house suck for a while.

    It was a great time because, like PP said, it was a big "want to please mama" phase, she wasn't afraid of anything, and she was in general much less emotional than she is now at 2.5 (minor frustrations now make her burst into tears). She was so happy and eager to do it at that age.

    The downsides were that she didn't have some auxiliary skills like pulling her pants down and maybe she would have been able to tell us she needed to potty sooner if she'd been older. She also couldn't hold it very long and I hauled the plastic potty around in the car because the bathroom at the playground was kind of far away, which might have been different if she was older. All this made it feel like more work on me.

    baby girl  5.12
  • We started a few days after her third birthday because it needed to be done and she wasn't showing consistent interest. Only now, nearly 4 months in has she had 3 accident free days. She still has a pull-up for nap and a diaper at bedtime. She's getting better at getting to the potty on her own.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image image
  • DS started to show interest at 18 months. We just started to seriously train this week (He's 20 months.) So far he's done great. He'll have an accident once in a while but he can stop himself and will tell myself or his sitter that he needs to go.
    Married: August 2008
    DS born: February 2013
    TTC #2: Nov. 14
    Chemical pregnancy 09/16/15
    BFP: 12/25/15 EDD: 09/04/16
  • My goal is to start potty training in the next few weeks! My boys are 2 and are very competitive, so I'm hoping when they watch each other use the potty, they will start. I will be using the 3 day potty method as well
  • We've had the potty (a hand me down) next to the regular toilet for at least 6 months and have been inviting him in to see how it all works when we go and sit down on his, if he wants. He has shown casual interest in sitting down, but never used it. Lately he's been holding his pee longer and today I explained that pee comes out of his penis, and goes in the toilet. And sure enough he peed in the toilet for the first time before bath tonight. He's 21 months. So I guess he's probably ready for more structured training now.
  • DD was interested around 18 months old then decided not to then was good then DS was born so she regressed but was fully potty trained by 2 and a half, my son is 2 1/2 and is almost fully trained but he started at 2 and stopped after 2 weeks so we waited until about 3 weeks ago
  • 9 months later still no full weeks with no accidents.  Still not consistent with poop and now more pee accidents
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image image
  • What is the 3 day method?
  • 3daypottytraining.com
    The woman who runs the site is awesome! We had DS potty trained at 23 months day and night is just 3 days!!
  • bought the potty at 18 months when she had interest and then it went clean away.  got serious right after 3rd birthday - did not officially get it until just before 4th birthday.
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  • I started as soon as my son could walk, which was about 10 months. When he had to pee I would put him on the potty and let him hang out so he can begin to associate peeing w the potty. There were no consequences if he went in the diaper, but if he did he would be rewarded. As he got older and better at verbalizing we stressed it more but not aggressively. By his 2nd birthday he was fully potty trained and hasnt worn a pull-up since about 18 months
  • *LrCg**LrCg* member
    I have 4 kids.  The older 3 were fully PT (daytime, naps & bedtime) at 17 months, 15 months & 14 months old.  I just happened to check back onto this board because my youngest is 12 months old and is now starting to go on the potty when he wakes from his nap and before bath.  I'm also noticing he's staying dry for almost 2 hours.  So I'm getting myself ready for PT in the next few months.  Honestly, it was easy for us and they all did it in under a week (I should add that my children are all CD & at 1 years old we take a liner out of their diaper so they feel the wetness and that's when it was clear that they didn't like that feeling).  We go for diapers to underwear no pull ups, etc.  Depending on the personality of the child, I've done naked time and timer method.  I've NEVER scolded and never made my child sit on a potty for any longer then a minute or two and I don't allow games/books on the potty.  Obviously I do PT early in my house.  I've had friends who have asked me to help them with their children under 2 years old and the few that had older children and potty trained them after they were 2 all admitted that it was easier when they were younger. 
  • We started very slowing around 18 months when my daughter showed interest and asked to use the potty. She is now 2.5 and some days she shows interest and other days she doesn't. We are basically just following her lead. My babysitter also does it informally. She will ask her every couple of hours throughout the day if she would like to sit on the pot. So far she hasn't peed but we have had a couple of poops. I wouldn't force it because it could cause a regression. I would wait until the child shows the signs of readiness, expresses interest and/or asks. 
  • We started pt our son at 18 months because there were a bunch of kids in his daycare class who were potty training and we wanted to let peer pressure do some of the work for us. It worked for a while, off and on. We had a big regression when we moved houses. Now he asks to use the potty a few times a day and poops and pees in the potty, but it's very sporadic and he still goes a lot in his diaper. We're going to go straight from cloth diapers to big boy underwear. Right now he's nowhere near ready for big boy underwear. Just hoping to have him fully daytime potty trained within the next 6 months before his sister is born
  • I started a week before he turned 3
    Me: 29 | SO: 28
    Started Dating SO: 9/26/2009
    DS Born: 6/02/2012
    Tied the Knot: 11/14/2015
    Trying for Number Two since 9/1/15
    BFP!!! Baby 2 Due: 12/6/21
  • 26 months.

    She asked to wear undies one day and now we're on day 6 of peeing on the potty. No accidents the last couple days and we've gone to the park a few times, out to eat tonight and she went on the potty there. I tried training her twice before and let a couple months go between tries but she just wasn't ready (even though she had all the signs and was interested). Since she became ready it's been easy.
    Me: 38, DH: 35
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I potty trained my daughter at 2 yo and now my son is 2 yo so we're trying it with him right now.  He had a great few days, but is already regressing.  I'm here for help, lol.
    Married 7/10/2009 * DD 12/2/2010 * DS 4/24/2014
    2 babies in heaven (mc)

    Blog: ForLoveofCupcakes.com

  • 2winterbabies2winterbabies member
    edited June 2016
    We started at 2 years old  with DS and he completely refused to use his potty so we never pushed the issue again. Then 5 or 6 months later he shows interest but had many accidents so we put him in pull ups the entire time he was potty training and referred to them as underwear.

    It wasn't until a month before his 3rd birthday he just started to fully use the potty. Poop & pee to even controlling his bladder most of the time at night. I think many factors helped with the training process. His boy cousins are all potty trained and he has watched them use the potty and he recently became a "big"brother 
    DD#1 born 12/30/2015
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    DS#1 born 02/19/2013
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • DD is 2.5yo (32 months) and last week she woke up one day and decided she didn't want diapers anymore. No accidents. Before that, it was very sporadic for when she'd actually use the potty. I don't see the harm in introducing it, I just wouldn't force it. 

    MMC 01/26/12 

    MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13

    BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!

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    <3 Clint Kiszonas H. <3 Born 11/21/16 @10:38pm, 9lb11oz

    BFP 1/11/18, EDD 9/21/18 
  • We started at 2 1/2 years old.  He showed a lot of signs that he was ready like dry diapers at nap time, wanting to go to the bathroom with daddy, telling us when he had a poopy diaper, etc.  He took to it well.  
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