July 2014 Moms

Kohler2009's birth story (very overdue!)

I had scheduled my c-section with my OB around the 36 week mark due to the babies size and position and previous birth experience (episiotomy and grade 4 tear). The babies were measuring big at this point (est. 7lb 1oz and 8lb 6oz) per my growth US that week. So, July 8th it was going to be!! One day after my birthday :-). As the days went on I grew more and more uncomfortable but pushed through and vowed to myself I would keep these boys cooking until eviction day!! Went to a family picnic on the 6th and just chilled inside with my feet up. Had a great birthday on the 7th with DH (DS was already with the ILs in preparation for the 8th). Then the morning of the 8th arrived...

We woke up at 4am so I could shower, take a few last minute ginormous bump photos, and loaded last minute things into the car to be at the hospital by 5:30am. Got there and was taken into the assessment area to get prepped. I was really calm and you would have no idea I was about to undergo surgery. DH, in the other hand, nearly passed out while holding my hand while I was getting my IV. Not because of the needle, but because the night before he broke his big toe going up the stairs to bed. The nurses saw him turning white and got him to sit ASAP. Then....he proceeded to puke in a trash can. It was at that point I asked if they had support people for rent, lol!!! But he pulled it together quick!!!

So we waited and waited because emergencies cropped up and it was a busy night (my OB delivered 15 babies on his shift!!) and my 7:30am c-section was delayed till 9. After drinking the nasty stomach acid neutralizer and talking with the anesthesiologist, it was show time around 9am!!!

DH was fortunately able to stay with me while getting my spinal (perk to being a doctor I suppose!!) and I have to admit, I liked the spinal more than the epidural!! It worked so fast. Before I knew it, surgery had begun. And I had no clue it started till DH told me. I did get the shakes really bad from the spinal and my shoulders were killing me!! I asked DH for a massage. He said the reason was because they were hitting my diaphragm trying to get baby 2 out.

But....at 9:30am Hayden Alexander made his appearance weighing in at 7lb 7oz and 19". His little "big" brother Griffin Nathaniel made his appearance at 9:31am, weighing in at a whopping 9lb 6oz and 21"!!!!! So I was carrying almost 17lbs of baby in at the end!!!

Griffin had to go to the NICU for oxygen and cpap right away, but Hayden was able to join me in recovery. It turned out that Griffin then developed feeding issues which resulted in a NICU stay until the 16th. But, since we have been home, he has been eating and gaining weight, so I think we are on the right track.

We are in love!! (Hopefully the picture worked!)

Thanks for reading my novel!!!
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Re: Kohler2009's birth story (very overdue!)

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