
Would you travel?

I don't live in the area where I grew up/parents live anymore. I'm having 2 showers (work and friends) where I currently live, but several people have asked about one in my home town (9-10 hour drive or 1.5+ hour flight). I have many friends and family friends that still live there and I know they want me to do a shower. But, I have two problems. One, I don't know that I want to be traveling at that point and two, it would be pretty hard to get all of the stuff back, unless we drive (which was already uncomfortable to do at Christmas time). Have any of you faced this problem? Should I just invite them to my showers here and that way they can send a gift if they want to and those who are really close could make the trip? Do I travel by plane and ask one of my parents to make the trip back in a car to bring back gifts? My mom has suggested a shower after the babies are born, but I'd rather get things before they are born.... Thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated!!!
M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Would you travel?

  • It depends on when they would have it.  I would not drive 9-10 hours at all because I was super uncomfortable - but my Dr. said no plane travel after 24 weeks.  You may want to ask your OB b/c I know they are all different.
  • My OB said as long as everything was fine, I could travel up until 28 weeks, but I'm not sure I want to...I don't want to risk being stuck due to weather or be traveling without DH I don't think....
    M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • Definitely ask your doctor because they may have special travel restrictions earlier for twins. 

    Personal experience: I decided to go home for a day after Christmas (28 weeks) which is a 3 hour drive one way for me.  Not that far and I feel pretty good physically on a day to day basis still.  Even with stopping in every little town to pee and walk around I was still so uncomfortable and hurting, especially on the way back.  It took 4 days for my back to stop hurting when I got home, and I had twice as many BH for a few days as I normally do.  After that I have decided I'm not doing anything that requires me to be in a car for longer than 30 minutes a day until well after delivery. 

  • This same thing happened to me. I had relatives 12 hours away that begged me to come out for a shower. We decided to fly out and I was about 22 weeks. I got 2 mattresses, and tons of clothes and items i really needed. DH's sister lived there and drove out the next week and delivered all the stuff.

    It depends on how far along you are if you should travel. It would be really nice if they could arrange it for you as a a "gift card" shower...  it would be really easy to fly home with just a stack of gift cards in your purse, they could write on it what they want it to go towards or something? 

    Wonder if there is an un-tacky way to ask that?  Just a thought.



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