Where do you ladies go to get your news? I'm looking for one place I can go when I get into work in the mornings to get a quick rundown. I don't really like mainstream news sites - they really annoy me - so ideally I'm looking for alternatives. I listen to NPR on the way to work every morning and that gives me some news, but not really enough. I probably only have time in a day to read for 15 or so minutes and get a quick overview. Ideas?
Re: News sources
Then I go to people.com to round myself out.
Yeah, podcasts are probably a good idea. Listening to NPR on the radio, despite the lack of commercials, includes a lot of info I don't care about and waste of time. Like traffic updates and a list of all the companies that support public radio.
And it's important to round your news out with celebrity gossip. Stay relevant!
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
FFWC: Unless I have heard that there is some big breaking news story or there is a topic I want to research, I typically only read news like three times a week and mostly stick to the articles on science, technology, health, lifestyle, weird news, etc.