Yea, it's family. They always say that if we ever need help they will watch him. I'm fighting my DH. I seem to think it's better if they come, he is the opposite!
If i'm not paying them then I try to make it as convieant as possible for the sitter, which usually means at their home. If i'm paying them then its usually in my home.
Keeping in mind that most of my sitters consist of family...
Hmmmm. We've done it both ways. Why not just ask the family members involved?
"Thanks so much for the offer to babysit for us! Is it better for you if we drop off LO, or for you to come here?"
Except if bedtime is involved. Then it has to be here, because I am NOT waking him up to strap him (screaming) into his car seat and drive across town and put him down again .. . no no no no no.
We do either or depending on the situation. If it's around LO's bedtime we do our house. But if it's during the day we usually do their house (my in laws or my parents) because they have toys and pack and plays. If I were to ask another family member I would prob request my house as it would be easier for them.
As someone who babysits a lot, it's almost always easier at the families house. The kids have all their toys and a familiar environment. It makes things waaay easier on Lo's which in turn makes it easier for me.
Right now if family is watching her we take here there. However, she is only three months and will go to bed anywhere and pretty much stay asleep if we move her. I have a feeling once she has a real hard bedtime, and moving her would be more difficult I would ask them to watch her at my house.
June Siggy Challenge My little Princess BFP#2 7/28/13 EDD 4/9/14 Birthday : 4/10/14 Adalyn Nanette
Re: Babysitters
Keeping in mind that most of my sitters consist of family...
BFP#2 7/28/13 EDD 4/9/14 Birthday : 4/10/14 Adalyn Nanette