My Mom went to a baby shower for a friend's daughter in law on the weekend. While opening gifts the MTB said several times "not the one I registered for...but thanks". My mom sat beside a woman who is an avid quilter and gave a beautiful baby quilt. One of the hostesses came to her after it was opened and said that the quilt didn't fit with the nursery theme, and did she have a receipt. She told her no, that she made it by hand, there was no receipt. Hostess looked disappointed and says "Oh...I guess she'll have to keep it then" and walked away. The lady was extremely hurt, but said nothing. If it had been me I would have taken the quilt and left... :P
Re: Beyond rude!
I received a handmade quilt and pillow. They went with my nursery colors, but even if they hadn't, I would have still proudly displayed them.
Me-31, H-27
**Loss 1-Cycle 7(June 2013) at 5w6d-CP**Loss 2-Cycle 11(October 2013) at 5w4d-CP**
**Loss 3-Cycle 14 (January-February 2014)-M/C dx 2/10, EP dx 2/24, MTX 2/25**
Beta Hell--hCG finally down to 0 - 6/20/14
SA normal. Genetic testing normal. Hormonal testing normal.
HSG 6/30/14 - found blocked left tube and 2 'bubbles' on uterine wall.
Hysteroscopy/Lap--8/4/14 - Tubes unblocked. Polyps removed from uterine wall. Septum removed.
9/30/14--Off the bench! Unmedicated TI through December 2014
BFP 12/14/14!!! Beta #1, 12/16: 990 Beta #2, 12/18: Over 2000! Beta #3, 12/22: over 8000!
U/S #1, 12/23: gestational sac, possible heartbeat
U/S #2, 12/30: HEARTBEAT! 128bpm, measuring right on at 7w EDD: 8/19/2015
U/S #3, 1/9: BPM in the 180s, IT'S HAPPENING!!!
That's awful! I received a homemade quilt at my shower. It did not fit remotely with our nursery décor but I didn't care because:
1) I obviously deeply appreciated the sentiment, and
2) Babies don't use/need quilts in their rooms anyway.
We used the quilt as a stroller blanket and a soft spot for baby to sit/play on.
Oscar born October 2011
Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)
DD due September 1, 2014
As soon as I saw that shizz happening I would have grabbed my gift and left. How ungrateful can you be?? And as a quilter, knowing how many hours it takes to make something by hand, I would have taken my quilt back and donated it to a shelter.
Some people really suck.
Married ~ June 20th 2012
Step Son N ~ Born September 2008
Twin Girls S and J - Born January 18th 2013
Baby Boy L due - November 30th 2014
My Mom thinks the hostess went to everyone with an "unsuitable" gift to ask for receipts, but this one really stuck in her craw as it was clearly a beautiful gift, handmade with care. She said she really wanted to grab her gift and go, but felt bad for her friend who was embarrassed by the host and her DIL. Many people left right after the gifts were opened, so I think many were probably offended.
I'd be pretty pissed and probably would have said something. Plus, oh man, how embarrassing for your mom's friend? I'd have gone off once the guests left.
I can't believe the nerve of some people. I got several handmade items for DD and each one brought me to tears because they were so sweet and well done. Little bonnets, socks, quilts. I can't imagine being so ungrateful regarding a handmade good. Can't teach people class I guess. Ugh.
BFP #2: m/c at 7w, February, 2014
BFP #3: It's a BOY! Please be our rainbow! Due February, 2015
*everyone always welcome*
I am horrified that someone would even think this was okay. None of the handmade blankets and quilt (we received several) matched our nursery. Who cares. You keep the blankets forever, they aren't going to match every décor you ever choose for your rooms.
Making something by hand involves much more thought and work than buying something off of a registry. If I had made it, I would have just taken it back and gifted it to someone who would appreciate it.
son#1 born 6/2010
son#2 born 4/2012
son#3 born 7/2014
"Thinking that this entitled MTB is about to be a parent is terrifying"
Married Bio * BFP Charts
ETA: not that my mom advertised how much she spent on it. We were talking about the price of fabric once when she was going to take her quilts into my friend's family studies class (I'm a high school teacher) and she let it slip.
There's a whole lot of tackiness going on here. Who, whether host or MTB, acts like that, ever? I would have taken my gift back and unfriended, stat.
My mom always gets mad at me at gift giving events. I never, ever say anything rude about the gift, but apparently it shows all over my face if I don't like it. I am a horrible liar and don't have a poker face at all. It gets me in trouble in some gift receiving situations.
My own mother embarrassed the crap out of me at a friends bridal shower. A very close friend of mine crocheted some pot holders for the bride. Anyone remember those little squares with the yarn that we used to make when we were kids? From a distance, yes, those potholders slightly resembled those. But up close you could see the detail of how pretty they were. What does my near sighted mama do? She blurts out "What, did you make those when you were 4?!?"
*Sigh* I had to explain to her in the car how insensitive that was and she called my friend sobbing out an apology. At least she apologized though...sheesh. Some people have no manners.
October siggy challenge: Villains
I would have been so offended. This is my worst fear as a quilter. I put so much time (and money) into making them and always worry that it will not be used or stuffed away never to be seen again. I am not sure how I would have reacted, other than secretly (maybe not so secretly) wanting my precious quilt back.
BFP 4/5/09, EDD 12/4/09, m/c 7/31/09
BFP 5/27/11, EDD 1/17/12, DS born 1/16/12
BFP 8/16/14, EED 4/29/15, We are having another BOY!
Yup. DS is Tommy Pickles! Nothing like living with an escape artist.
Just another cloth diapering, baby wearing mama.