May 2014 Moms

Reflux mamas

I guess this question is more for before your LO was diagnosed and started on meds... Was the reflux worse at certain times of day? DS is great during the morning but around 3 until bedtime he is often inconsolable, back arching, doesn't want to nurse. Plan to call the pedi tomorrow. I just brushed off reflux bc I figured symptoms would be present all day.
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Re: Reflux mamas

  • She was worse in the middle of the day as far as fussing and arching goes. I didn't think anything of it either and I kept thinking it was gas pains. Then the last week and a half she started spitting up a lot after eating in the morning and at night. Then she'd be hungry again but she would cry while eating. I defiantly see a difference just a few days into the medicine.

  • DS was the worst at night and anytime he would lay flat. The mornings usually went pretty well and then you could see it get worse as the day went on.
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  • sarag0116 said:

    I guess this question is more for before your LO was diagnosed and started on meds... Was the reflux worse at certain times of day? DS is great during the morning but around 3 until bedtime he is often inconsolable, back arching, doesn't want to nurse. Plan to call the pedi tomorrow. I just brushed off reflux bc I figured symptoms would be present all day.

    Yes, our LO has a rough time from about 4- bed. I've tried changing times of meds, but nothing really helps. I have been giving it in between feeds, that has helped the most.

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  • Night-time was awful 7-10pm we had a screaming hot mess on our hands. We tried gripe water, gas drops etc nothing worked. It didn't occur to me as reflux until he starting having spit up cone put his nose.
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