I guess this question is more for before your LO was diagnosed and started on meds... Was the reflux worse at certain times of day? DS is great during the morning but around 3 until bedtime he is often inconsolable, back arching, doesn't want to nurse. Plan to call the pedi tomorrow. I just brushed off reflux bc I figured symptoms would be present all day.
Re: Reflux mamas
Mrs. B's Ovulation Chart
TTC Baby B since 10/2012
BFP#1 12/27/12 II TWIN GIRLS II D&C 2/15/13 TRAP sequence
Clomid + TI + Acupuncture x 2 cycles
BFP#2 9/5/13 II EDD 5/16/14 II Beckett Ryan born May 10, 2014