December 2011 Moms

S/O how IS potty training going?

Who has started and who hasn't? We have been doing bare bottoms for two weeks and since that we haven't had any accidents when bare. When we put underwear on him though when we are out and about he does have accidents. We will start with underwear at home tomorrow and go from there. No where night training.

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Re: S/O how IS potty training going?

  • DD has been day trained since March and night trained for a month. We did have one set back on a vacation because she doesnt like to use public restrooms. We now take her my carry potty everywhere. She has to be trained for preschool this fall so we definitely felt pressure to start sooner rather than later.

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
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    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • DS will go fine when it is part of a routine, like before bed, before bath, or first thing in the morning, etc... but he is no where near being able to let me know when he needs to go potty. 

    He isn't shy at all to announce he is pooping though.. but will scream like a howler monkey if I try to convince him to poop on the toilet instead.

    So we're still in an 'encouraging' phase. :)


    My 2 December boys



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  • It's going no where.  I still haven't gotten him to pee or poop on the toilet at all, not even once.  He'll sometimes sit but 2 seconds later he says "I'm all done". He sees his friends at school go, but he really doesn't have a big interest.  He keeps saying "If I pee pee on the potty, I get a lollipop" LOL but still even that isn't enough motivation. 99% of the time when I ask him if he wants to go pee on the potty he says "no, I don't like it" I have both the sesame street potty ring that goes on the toilet and a small potty on the floor and he tries both but still won't go. He knows that he has awesome mickey mouse and thomas the train big boy underwear waiting for him when he goes.

    The other day I was showing him how tiny his brother's diapers are going to be and he got extremely pissed off when I told him that brother will wear diapers.  I am hoping when the baby comes he will see how helpless little babies are and how they go in diapers just like him. I am hoping it will encourage him to be more of a big boy. 

    IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
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    DS born 12/14/11

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  • We have been fully day-time potty trained since the beginning of June.  He still wears a pull-up at nap and nighttime and he wakes up pretty wet so we are no where close to him being night-time trained.  Our next step is getting rid of his "tiny potty" as he calls it and have him use the "big potty". He is good about going in public restrooms and generally he will tell us when he needs to go.  I would say he has about 1 accident a week.  
  • DS is doing great! We went bare for about 3-4 days. He is down to an accident or two a week and dry at night and naps more times than not. I keep the pull up on during sleep times just for my own sanity. He isn't quite at the point where he'll tell us consistently when he needs to go, but we're making progress.
    We had to tell him that diapers were all done! We couldn't get more. He hates messes for the most part so it worked out.
  • We are potty trained. We started last weekend in June, he was bare bummed at home for two weeks, then in pull ups when we went out (Got treats for peeing or pooping in the potty and dry pull-up when we got home). After day one he was dry when bare bummed, it took 2 weeks to be dry in pull-ups, which is when we changed to underwear. It is three weeks now, he has only had two accidents since we changed to underwear, both times where my fault, I didn't remind him to go after his nap and he woke up needing to go in the middle of the night and I was too sleep addled to realise what he needed (feeling very guilty about that).

    He stopped wearing pull-up for naps after 4 days, he refused to wear them so I took a chance, he was dry over night after 6 days, we haven't had any nighttime accidents except the above since.

    He only went on the potty for the first couple weeks, now we are going about half on potty and half on the toilet, we are still giving smarties as treats, we are just going to keep with giving them when he asks, and hope he slowly forgets to ask. I am so proud of him he has done so well. I never thought it would be so easy, we tried before at Christmas, and it was two and half days of peeing and pooping everywhere, we gave up as he really wasn't getting it.

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    Diagnosed with Anti little c antibodies. DS1 7.11.11 - Anaemia and Jaundice. 10 days in the NICU, 1 exchange transfusion and 4 blood transfusions. DS2 29.8.13 - Anaemia 7 days in the NICU and 1 exchange transfusion. Both are now happy and healthy. 

  • Like a previous poster, DS is great with routine potty times, but he will not tell us that he needs to go.  Also he does not like big boy undies.  I bought pairs with his favorite characters on them and he screams when we  try to put them on him.  Only once have I got him to wear them.  Also he's funny - he only will go on the normal potty - he never wanted anything to do with the potty seat or little potty. 

    And he's nowhere near at nighttime.  Still wakes up with a wet diaper.  My DD was super easy with potty training.  She was already potty trained both day and night time by this time.  I'm so ready to be done with diapers!  I've had at least one kid in diapers for 4 years straight now!!!

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  • Kelly1109 DS1 was the same with big boy undies before we started truly potty training. We had him naked at home for over two weeks before even thinking about giving him big boy pants (When we went out he was in pull-ups which we called big boy pants for training purposes). He was also always wet overnight and after naps, but as soon as he understood what was going on he stopped ( 4 days for naps and 6 days for night time), many children (boys in particular I have heard) if they are in diapers or anything like them they will continue to use them, you have to get them naked so that they have more immediacy I think.

    This link really helped me..we didn't do everything on here, but it was our inspiration:

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    Diagnosed with Anti little c antibodies. DS1 7.11.11 - Anaemia and Jaundice. 10 days in the NICU, 1 exchange transfusion and 4 blood transfusions. DS2 29.8.13 - Anaemia 7 days in the NICU and 1 exchange transfusion. Both are now happy and healthy. 

  • Ugh potty training is the devil, I swear. Blake says he wants to and says he has to go potty and then doesnt. We tried underwear one day and he freaked out when he peed and just pooped in his underwear. I just put him back in pull ups. I might try the bare bottom though. 
    ** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
    Married: February 14, 2009

    MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
    DS: December 19, 2011
    MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

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  • Well we started doing underwear at home and on short trips and he is doing good. Few accidents here and there but not bad over all.

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  • DD has been PT for about 7 months now. At night I still use a pull up but every morning its dry. I just can't bring myself to take away the pull up because I don't want her to have an accident and lay in pee all night. I think she has woken up twice out of the 7 months wet and that's because she drank a lot of fluids before bed.
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  • Well... Let's just say we're going nowhere fast... He sits on the potty at daycare and even there noth'n... I swear this kid is going to be a "cold turkey" and straight to underwear kid. And the part that gets me is DD was completely done - including nighttime by this point, so I know it can be done, even if I have to keep reminding myself each kid is different... 

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  • We have done underwear the past 2 days. Yesterday he did really well and was holding well. Maybe too long? Only a few accidents. I set a timer for every 5 minutes then 10 minutes. He was getting to be mad if he wasn't going when the timer went off so I stopped. Today he just pees his pants and says "moooom, i pooped again." (He thinks its all poop) It seems to be if I do the alarm way its better but I always miss when he has gone. Will it flip one day? Is the timer set too soon? I think he's ready to be potty trained because he says he can't wear diapers but when he wears underwear he just pees in them too. 
    ** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
    Married: February 14, 2009

    MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
    DS: December 19, 2011
    MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

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  • I feel like our son is going to take a while. He pees in the underwear as well and will tell you. Tried having go around buck naked but then he just peed in corners... like a cat. Any who... I keep buying pullups at 50 cents a pop. 
    Domesticated: 1 Hubs; 2 sons; 3 cats; & Broke

  • We had a small success. He peed in the potty and got a sticker for it! He likes the idea of the stickers but Im not sure if it will stick. We will see, I guess. 
    ** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
    Married: February 14, 2009

    MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
    DS: December 19, 2011
    MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

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