May 2014 Moms

Exchanging diapers

I had a diaper raffle at my baby shower and got a ton of diapers. Mostly size 1's. Well LO is only 9 weeks but already 14lbs and needs to go up to size 2's. I went to exchange them at Walmart and Toys r us and 2 packs of Luvs weren't from either store. Those are the only big stores in my area that sells diapers. No Target or babies r us. I tried 2 apps on my phone that are supposed to scan the bar code and tell you the cheapest place to buy them. Well both apps didn't recognize them. Anyone recommend any apps that actually work? What could I do with them? I'm thinking they must be from target. The one box is 104 count of Luvs

Re: Exchanging diapers

  • Just take them to walmart they will exchange them, as Walmart sells all of those brands. I would be beyond surprised if they said anything to you about the exchange.
  • I tried. They scanned it and said it wasn't theirs
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  • They night carry the brand but not the box size. I know in Canada the sizes of boxes vary between store's :(
  • Shows on Walmart online that they carry it. Google Luvs size 1 104 count. It's shows up.
  • I'd print it off then and take it in and show them. I have no idea why they are choosing to be so fussy.
  • Ya I just googled it and saw they have it online. I've also had problems with Walmart like buying stuff online and returning to the store and it doesn't scan. They told me that if it doesn't scan, they can't process the return. Maybe I'll try to sell them locally
  • That sucks. I'm sure you can sell them. Diapers go fast on the fb groups in my area.
  • I'm honestly floored! I've never heard of Walmart not taking something back, when it's a brand they carry. Good luck sorry for the hassle!
  • Grocery store maybe? Think that is where MIL got some diapers for us
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