May 2014 Moms


Anyone else's baby with eczema? If so, what are you doing for it? Does it bother your LO? LO scratches his face constantly; we have mittens on now but he still rubs all the time. We are using baby aquaphor constantly. Pedi said we could mix in hydrocortisone if we want but I'm trying to see if we can improve things without using steroids. Anyone dealing with eczema? What has been working for you? Any previous kids with eczema and did they grow out of it?

Re: Eczema?

  • My DD had some eczema on her face and pedi recommended Aquaphor as well (though not baby-specific), so that's what we've been using on her. I've noticed a slight improvement over the past week since we started using it.
  • Mine had some really dry and scaley patches. I got some Mustela lotion that had been amazing. It was $21 on amazon but worth every cent. Here's a pic of it. image
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  • DS1 has it on his legs mostly, but it doesn't bother him much. We stick with aquaphor and add hydrocortisone if things are bad. It is worse during allergy season.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

  • DS (2.5) has eczema. I use Curel Itch Defense lotion nightly to keep it in check and a prescription steroid cream on bad patches when he has a flare-up. It's never seemed to bother him, though.

    I don't mind using steroid creams on babies or kids. They work, and the warnings about thinning of the skin are overblown.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • cowpoly959cowpoly959 member
    edited July 2014
    We put hydrocortisone on ds and it got a lot better very quickly. He had it on his face and would itch constantly
  • Had this issue with my DS and used Babyganics Bye Bye Dry cream. It was amaaaaazing.
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  • My oldest has eczema. We use hydrocortisone cream sparingly, as I keep reading it's not really for children under two (though our pedi said it was fine). I've had luck with a colloidal silver gel I found at a natural medicine store for outbreaks on his face and Aveeno Eczema Treatment lotion for outbreaks on the rest of his body. Oatmeal baths seem to soothe his itchy skin, albeit temporarily, and we have cut back on his bathing with soaps, as they dry out his skin. In addition to these treatments, we have switched to dye and perfume free bath and laundry soaps in an attempt to prevent outbreaks from occurring.
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