Getting close! Only today and one more Sunday left in July! How many inside babies do we still have?
What week, fruit/veggie/thing are you, or how old is your outside baby?
Vents or celebrations from the week?
Any OWTs you're trying to get baby to come out?
QOTW: What sport/hobby (such as music) do you or your SO hope your LO gets interested in some day?
Re: **Sunday Ticker Change 7/20**
Watermelon. 39 weeks 5 days
Vents or celebrations from the week? Trying to be patient. It is not my strong suit.
Any OWTs you're trying to get baby to come out? Not really. DH mowed around our big pasture so we have been walking.
QOTW: What sport/hobby (such as music) do you or your SO hope your LO gets interested in some day? We hope he wants to continue with our farm. Also I hope he picks up his dad's musical talent. (Among other things I hope he gets from his father). Sounds cliche but I like my husband and think he is a good man.
First time responder to this post but nearing the end and just feel like sitting in bed. Blah. 2 days till my due date. 9 until my dr induces.
Vents: I'm just crazy uncomfortable! Two different doctors at my past two appointments have said I'm literally out of room for little girl. I believe it.
Celebrations: DH has been excited about our baby all along, but it really hit him yesterday that labor and delivery could happen at any time now. He just grinned all night and talked about how happy he was and I love it!
Not trying any old wives tales yet, but if I can find some bellyache free time, I'd love to take more walks and whatnot.
QOTW: DH is athletic and I'm not, but we're both musical - him on guitar, me on piano. We'd love our little girl to pick up on music!
DD born 7.27.2014
BFP 09.2015 - m/c 10.21.2015
Celebrations: 40 weeks pregnant and just enjoying these last days of DD as my only baby.
OWTs: Bedroom activities, spicy food, pineapple, walking, and bouncing on the ball
QOTW: We would love it if our LOs showed interest in our hobbies a bit. Wonder what they will end up enjoying though - can't wait to see!
DH:34 - Me: 33
Emmaline Winifred - 1.25.2013
Wesley Daniel - 7.24.2014
#3 EDD - 6.24.2018
Celebration: We got her tongue tie cut and now she nurses great, thank goodness.
No vents today.
Qotw: If DH has his way she will be a soccer player.
The picture is what happens when we try to swaddle her, she has broken out of every swaddle we have put her in, including the Swaddleme.
Vents: had my OB appt this week and still no dilation or effacing
Celebrations: this is finally my last week of work! Working has gotten a lot tougher the past week or so and I'm very glad to start my maternity leave at the end of the week.
OWT: had some spicy food for dinner last night, took a super long walk today, and had some sex this morning. Bring on labor!!
QOTW: I was really into singing and theatre growing up so I'm hoping she has some musical interest but I would also like her to do some sort of sport too. Maybe baseball since my dad would love to coach her.
Married 07/2012
DD born 07/2014
DD2 born 10/2018
DS born 10/2022
IF history:
TTC #2 since January 2016
June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
I'm feeling good, other than bad varicose veins on one leg and the super crowded feeling in my stomach. Compression stockings help with the veins, but my fiancé pointed out today that I look like a pregnant hooters girl when I go for my walks! Baby girl measured an estimated 8.2lbs at 37 weeks, I'm 80% effaced and dialated to 1 and the doctor thinks she will come early, yay!!!
I'm walking 5 miles most days, pre-natal yoga 3 times a week, spicy food, pre-natal chiropractor twice a week, and after reading your posts I will remember to pick up some pineapple tomorrow! I have to go to work tomorrow for meetings and to set up my classroom for my sub, after that I will be ready for baby girl to get here!! I'm getting super excited for the birth, and I feel super grateful to have such supportive families on both sides who are equally as excited!
She will be a scholar and an athlete, whatever sports or activities she chooses are fine with us!
Lol cute! Nathan broke out of every swaddle he was put in. Dylan loves being swaddled on the other hand.
39 weeks - watermelon
Vents: been dilated and 3 cm and 100% effaced for some time now. Very uncomfortable and heartburn so bad I can hardly eat anything!
Celebrations: DH and I were in a wedding this weekend 2 hrs from the closest hospital and were a nervous wreck the whole time, everything went extremely well and we are finally home patiently waiting for baby!
OWT: long walks (even up hills & stairs) ball bouncing, primrose oil, red raspberry leaf
QOTW: we will be supportive in whatever she chooses. We both played soccer so I suspect she will do that. I would like to see her play basketball too
We are finally getting her latched on well so BF has gotten much less painful the last couple of days. And she slept 4 hours straight followed by 3 hours straight last night!
Not exactly a vent but my mother has been with us for the last three weeks and she has been a real help assisting me during feedings and changing diapers and watching Adelinde while I get in a nap in the mornings but she is leaving tomorrow and I'm feeling a bit panicky.
QOTW: DH is hoping to get her interested in music or art like he is and tennis so he can teach her. I'd love it if I could share my crafting hobbies with her!