May 2014 Moms

Formula by day, BFing at night? Stories?

I'm going back to work in three weeks.  So far I've been EBF'ing, but given the nature of my job it's not realistic for me to pump during the day (I'm an attorney and am often in court, meetings, conf calls, etc.)  But I don't want to totally stop BF'ing either.  I've heard about people who give their babies bottles of formula during the day and then keep BF'ing at night and that your body will just "adjust" to producing milk in the evenings but not so much during the day.  Sounds great but does this really work?  Stories/experiences/advice to share? Thanks in advance!

Re: Formula by day, BFing at night? Stories?

  • I did this for about a month.  The only reason I stopped is because my baby is now STTN, so she's all formula now.  For me, my body just regulated itself to produce enough for the nighttime feeding without feeling sore during the day.  You could try a cup of mother's milk tea or a lactation cookie before bed if you feel like your supply is getting low.  Good luck, for me it was the best of both worlds; I was more comfortable formula feeding so I knew how much she was getting during the day, but I could just roll over and feed her at night without getting up to make a bottle.
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  • As your baby gets older and starts dropping feeding your supply naturally regulates to match their eating pattern. I breastfed DD1 only once in the morning and once before bed for several months. Eventually my supply dried up but I think that's because I was 6 months pregnant with DD2. I'm not sure though if your supply would keep up for nightfeedings only with such a young baby. You could try asking the breast feeding board, they might have more experience with this.
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  • Watching this as I'm also considering the same thing!
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