September 2014 Moms

~~*Saturday Ticker Change*~~

Wow, I don't know about you, but that one went by really fast!

1. What week are you/how big is baby?

2. Upcoming appointments?

3. How do you feel?

4. GTKY: all over my fb feed this week have been people arguing over whether women should be allowed to be shirtless in public. Not for breast feeding purposes, but in the same way a man might decide to be shirtless in the park for a game of frisbee, etc. Thoughts?

Have a wonderful week!


Re: ~~*Saturday Ticker Change*~~

  • I'll start:

    1. 32 weeks, a large jicama. What?!

    2. Tuesday at 4:45 I go in for what should be my last "normal" appointment before starting to have the NST each time. Also I start my weeklies at 34 weeks and I'm dreading it.

    3. Feeling ok. There's a big link between how well I feel and how much sleep and rest I get. I have the usual third tri complaints - cramps, Braxton hicks, ankle swelling, feeling super tired... The usual. :)

    4. I really can't decide on women's nips in public (nursing in public, of course I support). When I think about it, I'm really only ok with MEN being shirtless on the beach, at a pool, and maybe in a park. My gut says to have women be topless is inviting disaster, but I know that's awfully non-feminist which makes me uncomfortable. I can get behind separate areas at the beach, certain times at the pool... But is that fair? Probably not. I can't wait to hear what everyone else thinks.


  • @cpj7‌ I was hoping you'd weigh in on this, since you have so much international perspective. Enjoy the break before your next appointment! When do you start your biweekly or weekly ones?


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  • 1. 33 weeks, size of a durian
    2. I have my 34 week appointment next Monday
    3. Ugh, I hurt. Sometime in the last 3 days, my body decided that it would finally crap out on me. My ribs are sore, my hips and tailbone are killing me, and baby girl is getting some really sharp jabs in. Luckily, other than the pain, my body is handling this pregnancy much better than my first.
    4. Well, Portland is shirt optional, so I'm not offended by the idea. :-) There are a couple nude beaches right outside the city and there is a big topless bike ride every year. It's not something that I'm personally comfortable doing, but I really don't care if a woman wants to walk around with her shirt off.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. What week are you/how big is baby?

    33 weeks!!

    2. Upcoming appointments?

    July 24th biweekly checkup.

    3. How do you feel?

    Starting to get nervous/excited!

    4. GTKY: all over my fb feed this week have been people arguing over whether women should be allowed to be shirtless in public. Not for breast feeding purposes, but in the same way a man might decide to be shirtless in the park for a game of frisbee, etc. Thoughts?

    Meh. I'm too tired to have an opinion on this today ;)
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