June 2014 Moms

~~~June PAL Mommas check-in~~~

Hey ladies! Everyone should have had there little one by know so we'll change things up a bit. The check-in has been pretty slow as we all adjust to our life change but hopefully things will pick up eventually. ;). Have a great weekend!

How old is LO?

LOs name?

How are you feeling physically/emotionally?


Cute/Funny stories?

QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

All Alers Welcome!


Re: ~~~June PAL Mommas check-in~~~

  • How old is LO? 7 1/2 weeks

    LOs name? Keksey

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally?
    I'm feeling so gross now. I haven't lost anymore weight besides what I lost right away. Emotionally, my breakdowns are fewer and further between.

    Challenges/Successes? We just survived our first leap. I kept asking her were my chill baby went. I was nowhere near as bad as it was with my first. She is really starting to love playing in her toy arch. She was talking up a storm this morning.

    Cute/Funny stories? She's been wanting her big sister to play with her. DD#1 was tackling her and holding her hand this morning. When DD#1 walked away, she started cooing and screeching at her.

    QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?

    We've been doing a lot of crockpot meals. We always have leftovets so we've been freezing some for later.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
    BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
    BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

    Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

    BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

    All Alers Welcome!


  • @skamber- I mainly EPed with DD#1 after I went to back to work. It is tough. Hang in there! It does get better when they are on a better schedule.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
    BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
    BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

    Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

    BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

    All Alers Welcome!


  • Loading the player...
  •  How old is LO? 7 weeks today!

     LOs name? Jackson or we have started calling him Jack

     How are you feeling physically/emotionally? Super tired and mad that my period came already which messes with my milk supply and BF'ing in general...ugh

     Challenges/successes- we are moving and I find it extremely challenging with a newborn and 2 year old. I don't know how I will get everything packed and moved and cleaned.

     Cute/Funny stories? No stories really but Jack smiles so much lately, I love it!!

     QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?

    My 2 year old and I love tomato soup, so we have that quite a bit. My DH works nights so dinner really doesn't ever get made. When he is off it is so wonderful because he wants to cook :D

    Had to share, he's getting so chunky!! Apparently my milk is still doing the job ;)

     Me (36) + DH(35) = Married 9yrs!
    BFP #1 May 2010! mc @11weeks blighted ovum, natural mc.
    BFP #2 Sept 2010! mc @9 weeks, natural mc. Diagnosed with Prothrombin Gene Mutation or Factor II (hetro)-baby asprin while ttc, Found out the hard way that I am deathly allergic to aspirin- OB put me on Heparin injections.
    BFP #3 July 2011 with DS (whom was diagnosed with bilateral trans-radial limb deficiency at 20 week A/S-with no answers why) born 4-12-12.
    BFP #4 March 2013! Early mc @6weeks.
    BFP #5 Sept 2013 EDD June 5th, DS#2 born 5-31-14
    BFP #6 April 2015 EDD December 21st Lilypie Pregnancy tickers   

  • @Brookerose978‌ -Jack is adorable. Do you have anyone that you can enlist to help you with the move and the kids while you pack up? DH also works nights so dinners are pretty basic around here.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
    BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
    BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

    Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

    BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

    All Alers Welcome!


  • How old is LO? 5w5d

    LOs name? Cameron Forest

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally? Physical fine, just exhausted. Emotionally pretty good.

    Challenges/Successes? Challenges- breast feeding. My supply is low so we pump and supplement.

    Cute/Funny stories? We visited my brother last week. He has a 3 year old daughter. The first time I changed C in front of her she asked me, "what's that?" Referring to his man parts. SIL explained that he is a boy so he had man parts. The next diaper I changed was poppy. She looks all concerned and says, "Oh, he made a mess of his man parts!" It was so funny.

    QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?
    BLTs. H is a terrible cook but this is one that he can help with.
     TTC#1 Since April 2011 
    BFP#1 5.23.12 C/P 4w4d 
    BFP #2 10.1.13
    EDD June 10, 2014
  • How old is LO? 5 weeks 4 days

    LOs name? Sawyer Faith

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally?  Physically, pretty good... still some aching from my tear.  Emotionally, I'm really struggling with returning to work. I've only ever wanted to be a mom and the fact that I can't stay home with her, breaks my heart.  (Technically I've already started working but my boss is allowing me to work from home until Sawyer's old enough for daycare.)

    Challenges/Successes? Challenges- Breastfeeding, I have a really low supply (which has been really hard to deal with emotionally as well) and LO has had problems gaining weight.  We've also figured out that she has some sort of intolerance to the formula we were using to supplement and have switched to an expensive one but seems to be working.  LO also has reflux and possible colic.  Poor thing just can't catch a break. :(   

    Cute/Funny stories?  She smiles in her sleep and DH just saw it for the first yesterday.  Still waiting on the social smile though.  Oh, and she loves the shower!  

    QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?

    When I remember to eat it's cereal or fast food.  Or if I'm lucky it's dinner in a box... I don't like cooking.  
  • How old is LO? 6+2

    LOs name? Adrean

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally?

    Got the go ahead from my doc at the six week appt to go swimming and DTD, neither or which I have attempted yet. Hm, DH has been dragging his feet with the vasectomy and we def DTD w/o protection the first couple of months pp after both of my girls since I didn't get my period for months, but I kind of don't trust it this time around. My doc said my pregnancy was difficult and the delivery even more so and he def said no more children for me. We both can't stand condoms so that's out. Hubby def is looking for some but I really don't feel like it yet. I feel really overwhelmed with three kids. I know I'm doing a super good job, I just feel so tired and stressed ALL.OF.THE.TIME.

    Plus packing for our big out of state move is stressing me out. We are moving from NY to NJ in a few days but keeping our jobs in NY. So many changes!


    FX, don't want to jinx it but BFing is going well. Considering buying another breast pump BC hopefully third time's a charm? My last two experiences with a breast pump went exactly like this:
    I pump, nothing comes out, my boobs get engorged and hurt like hell. My boobs spray all over the place and soak my bras.
    Or: I pump, a half of an ounce comes out, the baby gets hungry as I'm pumping, I feed the baby but nothing comes out, baby cries, I give the baby the tiny bit I just pumped, baby is still hungry.
    Going back to work after Labor Day weekend so I need to introduce a bottle as well as formula. With DD1 I went back to work when she was a year and she never took formula, she went from BM to solids to not drinking milk, but the pedi said it was ok since she ate yogurt and cheese and other dairy products every day. She took cows milk around 2 yo. With DD2 I went back to work when she was 6 months and as soon as she had formula she refused BM completely.

    Cute/Funny stories?

    Baby boy is cute! Last night I placed him in front of the mirror in the bathroom and he really enjoyed it. He was smiling soo much.

    QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?

    I like to keep rice and bagels and things in the freezer so it's easier to make something to eat when there's something already prepared. Takeout has been insane lately :( I always feel gross when we order our BC honestly my food tasted better but with DH working nights and sleeping days I don't feel like cooking after being with all three kids all night and most of the data by myself.
    One thing i do cook for my girls often is pastina. It basically Italian egg drop soup with tiny pastina pasta. It take ten minutes to make and they love it.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Carriebear22Carriebear22 member
    edited July 2014
    Camryn is 1 month 2 days! ~~~~~. Physically I guess a little brain fried, I thought I had done my check in on Saturday morning. Actually feeling pretty normal, my 6w check up is 1 week from today, looking forward to getting back to the gym and jogging. Preparing myself to return to weight watchers next week as well. Emotionally very good, a little sad to see the time going by so quickly. It feels like in no time I'll be back at work and she will be growing up. ~~~~~ Challenges: sometimes she can be a little fussy at night when we are ready to go to bed, but otherwise we have hit the baby jackpot. Last week she slept through the night 3 times, I'm assuming that was related to a growth spurt. I think that May have effected my supply a bit but she seems satisfied, she was a real chow hound last week too. ~~~. Cute stories: DH watched her Saturday while I was gone for a daytime bachelorette party, and during thAt time he did laundry three times. Little girl can be kind of a shit monster. I explained that he doesn't need to wash everything the second it gets dirty but whatever..... ~~~~ Meal ideas: I've usually got batches of taco meat or spaghetti frozen for quick meals, but take out or going out is always a good option too.
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


  • MollySmMollySm member
    edited July 2014
    I've been keeping up with reading these posts, but I'm always behind at finding time to respond!  

    How old is LO? 3w 5d

    What is LOs name?  Viviana Mae

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally?  I had strep throat this week.  Really??!!  Can I stop being sick already??  My boss had it and I went back to work last week (bringing the girls with me, I nanny), so of course I caught it.  Thankfully kids under 3 don't catch it.  I got on antibiotics quickly, and am doing much better now.  I was a disaster while it was going on.  Now I feel so thankful to feel better that emotionally I am in a much better place now than I was before I got sick.  

    Challenges/Successes? Challenges : Being sick was the big one.  H has been doing a great job helping out when he can, but it is keeping him from being on top of his things, which can't work.  So I need to feel confident, and get him back to not feeling like he needs to help me all the time.  Our older daughter, Lucia, is also doing some testing, which is tough.  She's great with Viviana, but is telling us no, and not listening.  We're trying to stay strong with her, and hopefully this phase won't last too long.  
    Successes : Vivi is fabulous.  She's so adorable and makes such funny faces.  I love being around her.  I'm not sure I get to count her as a success though.  :)  My big success is that I have settled into work!  The first day was rough.  The other 2 girls I watch go to preschool in the mornings.  I take them, and then pick them up (which involve having Viv in the Ergo, Lucia and the younger girl in a double stroller and the older girl walks).  Then we have the afternoons together.  The first day back was terrible, but the girls have gotten back to being used to me, their new puppy (!!??) is settling down, and I've managed to fit Viviana's routine into the routine of the 3 bigger girls.  The moms at school keep telling me that I'm a superwoman, which makes me feel good :)

    Cute/Funny stories? She's just adorable in every way :)

    QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?

    I need to get dinner ready because Lucia needs to eat too.  It was definitely easier with my first kid.  We bought some processed foods, but try not to resort to them too often.  I froze a bunch of things, so we're pulling those things out, I'm having H grill as often as he can, and then I cook some easy things.  We do occasionally eat grilled cheese and canned tomato soup, or Trader Joes fish sticks and tater tots.  
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


  • How old is LO? 8 weeks + 1 day

    LOs name? Elijah

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally? Surprisingly, I'm feeling really good. I healed very quickly from c-section and I have a lot of support so emotionally, I'm doing quite well (most of the time). It helps too that I don't return to work until after Labor Day, so I'm spending lots of time with my family which I absolutely love!

    Challenges/Successes? BF goes in both of these categories. My supply is good so I don't have to supplement but I'm struggling to build a freezer stash. It's like my body makes just enough for baby and nothing more. I'm drinking Earth Mama Angel Baby's milkmaid tea so I hope that beefs up my supply.

    Cute/Funny stories? I just love that E "talks" now. This morning I said to him "good morning" and it sounded as though he said "hey!" Also, he mimics my hubby. Last night DH was singing and dancing after bath time and Eli was singing and dancing right along with him. My heart melted.

    QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy? During 6-week growth spurt DH adjusted his work schedule so that he can help out with evening chores such as cooking and bedtime routines. We did take out once, but sub sandwiches or hoagies were quick and easy. Also, casseroles are good bc it allows for leftovers which I love.
  • How old is LO? 5 weeks

    LOs name? Elle

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally?
    I'm a little tired, but I have learned to nap during the day.

    Challenges/Successes? BFing is going well, but the growth spurts are crazy. I feel like a cow. Although I have a pump, hand expressing went well today. It's good to have options.

    Cute/Funny stories- I caught DH brushing her hair while she slept. Too cute!

    QOTW- DH had been doing more cooking when he gets home from work. It's usually enough for two days. He likes casseroles. It's not always my preference, but I can't complain.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
  • @presslove- can i just say that i'm so glad you haven't taken down your pic of Lenny Kravitz yet? I thoroughly enjoy your siggy each time I see you post :) 
  • Carriebear22Carriebear22 member
    edited July 2014
    I second that about the kravitz picture. My15 year old cousin was talking about the hunger games and I told her that I knew I was old when I saw it because Lenny Kravitz was the hottest guy in it. She didn't know who I was referring to until I told her he was Cinna. Poor kids these days.....
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


  • SA1112SA1112 member
    How old is LO? 4 weeks

    LOs name? LO has a pretty uncommon name so for privacy reasons online I'd rather not post it. 

    How are you feeling physically/emotionally? Physically I'm feeling pretty good...finally feeling like my old pre-pregnancy self. Emotionally I'm doing fine most of the time.

    Challenges/Successes? Well  BF has been a huge challenge for us from the start- bad latch, leading to low milk supply. This past week I feel like we've finally gotten the hang of it- all of the sudden LO latch seems fine and BF is not uncomfortable. I'm really hoping my supply starts to pick up now that things are going better. So I guess BF has been my challenge and success! 

    Cute/Funny stories? DH loves to dance around with her and it's adorable. Totally melts my heart to see him interacting with her like that.

    QOTW- So I stole this from another check-in but I thought it would give others some ideas. Having a LO at home can keep you quite busy. During those crazy leap/growth spurt weeks it may be difficult to find time to cook a meal. What are your go to meals when things are just crazy?

    I feel guilty that I haven't been cooking much at all since I used to cook every night before getting pregnant. Now it's take out and freezer meals :( 


    My Ovulation Chart

    BFP #1 3.16.12. mmc 5.7.12 at 11 weeks ~Avery Cameron~

    BFP #2 12.12.12. mmc 1.22.13 at 10 weeks ~Theodore Michael~

    D&C #2 Chromosome analysis results: Translocation Trisomy 14

    My RPL Testing: Homozygous MTHFR, normal karyotype

    DH's karyotype results: Robertsonian Translocation 13:14

    BFP #3 9.10.13 mc at 4 weeks~Our little May Flower~ 

    BFP #4 10.13.13- Our Rainbow Baby, a little girl, arrived June 25, 2014! 






  • Hey ladies. So I totally brain farted And didn't post a new check-in this morning. Whoops. Let's just reuse this one for time sake.

    QOTW-Maybe a weird one but what baby part do you think is the cutest?

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Our 3 Precious Angels That Left Us Too Soon
    BFP #2-EDD 07/05/13 - Tater and Tot passed at 12w3d. D&C 1/17/13
    BFP #3-EDD 12/19/13 - Peanut passed at 9w1d. D&C 05/31/13

    Diagnosed with Hypothyroid 05/20/13 

    BFP #4 - 09/22/13 - DD#2 born 05/27/14

    All Alers Welcome!


  • Brittnic531- I've been mobile since giving birth and forgot all about it.  However, my original plan was to keep him all summer.

    Carriebear22- You sound even older when you tell kids that his daughter was in X-Men First Class.

    QOTW:  Baby thighs are adorable.  However, my favorite is the face.  Babies make the most adorable faces!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
  • Things going well here, I think we have gotten our first social smiles today. She is 5w2d. She has slept through the night several times, Friday night she slept 9 hours straight! (Don't hate me....). I know a lot of people will say that's too long but she wakes when she is hungry, is having no problems growing. My favorite baby part is their little feet, they are so cute and so soft! I could just play with her little feet all day!
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


  • Carriebear22- I don't hate you.  I'm super jealous!!!  Please share whatever you did on Friday.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
  • Nothing different than my normal, but I have noticed that she always wakes up on nights we don't swaddle her.
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


  • LO is 5 weeks old today. His name is Philip. (Family name)

    Challenge/success: breastfeeding. He was having latch issues and then I got mastitis. Fun fun fun! It's finally cleared but he still has a shallow latch but has a big appetite and whenever he's awake this kid wants to eat!

    Cute/funny story: DS1 was playing with him and got him to smile! I got it on video and I can't stop watching it.

    QOTW: I suck at cooking, but in a pinch the go-tos are: chicken noodle (can) and grilled cheese sandwiches, frozen chicken and fries, hotdogs, pizza or spaghetti.

    Favorite baby part: the belly! My peanut has a teeny tiny waist and a big belly. I love it!

    **sorry I haven't been doing check ins. Mostly lurking and I'm trying to get back to posting more. I'm still love titting though!
    imageBabyFruit Ticker image
  • Sawyer will be 7 weeks on Wednesday

    Things have been SO much better! Something switched last Sunday and her reflux is under control and the special formula is working.  She's a whole new baby!!! Unfortunately, today is her first day at daycare and I'm a mess.  I won't go into all my feelings, but I decided to work from home today because I've done nothing but cry all day.  I just want my baby!!! 

    She started smiling socially this last week and her coos are so precious! 

    QOTW: I love faces! Babies are so expressive! 
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