Not sure about what a brezza kettle is exactly used for - making a bottle or warming one up. If for making bottles from the previously boiled Water, I have some experience - I used a regular electeic kettle to boil water every day and once cooled I mixes bottles.
If that's not what this kettle is used for then just ignore my answer I guess...
Ok then I would say use fresh water in it every day. It can't take that ling to reheat.
Do you know that your baby won't take room temp water though? It's a lot more convenient to not have to reheat bottles or offer warm.
I believe it is a matter of what your baby is used to. We NEVER offered warm bottles, even when I was a week old. Always room temp. And later when she was older we started giving her milk and formula straight from the fridge. No problems with either room temp or cold. That's all she ever had she never fussed to get a warm bottle.
Maybe try that first before spending money on the kettle. After all, who says that what they call 'right temperature' is what is right. It's personal preference IMO.
Re: Baby brezza kettle
Water, I have some experience - I used a regular electeic kettle to boil water every day and once cooled I mixes bottles.
If that's not what this kettle is used for then just ignore my answer I guess...
Do you know that your baby won't take room temp water though? It's a lot more convenient to not have to reheat bottles or offer warm.
I believe it is a matter of what your baby is used to. We NEVER offered warm bottles, even when I was a week old. Always room temp. And later when she was older we started giving her milk and formula straight from the fridge. No problems with either room temp or cold. That's all she ever had she never fussed to get a warm bottle.
Maybe try that first before spending money on the kettle. After all, who says that what they call 'right temperature' is what is right. It's personal preference IMO.