September 2013 Moms

Suddenly spitting up again

So, I plan to call my pedi tomorrow but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like this.

LO has suddenly started spitting up again. She stopped around 7 months and just this week has been spitting up here and there (she is 10 months 1 week). At first I didn't think much of it but today it was 3 times in an hour. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it persay but has been a bit more fussy. We have been attributing it to teething. Can that cause more spit up? I've also heard of babies suddenly having side effects from a formula they've been on for ages and needing a genteler formula.

Anyways, I'm not too worried about it but wanted to see if any of you ladies had any experience. Thanks!

Re: Suddenly spitting up again

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    Could it be from swallowing excess drool while teething maybe? I wouldn't worry either, but I agree a call to the pedi can't hurt!

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    Af1004Af1004 member
    DD had been spitting up this week too. 2 mornings in a row so not as bad as yours. We bf and that was all she had prior to spitting up those days. Let us know what the pedi says.
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    In our case this was a sign of his food allergies. I hope it is teething and your LO feels better soon.
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    Baby girl just did it the last 2 days too and she hasn't done it in months. I can see a tooth peeking through (our first woohoo!) and she's been drooling like mad so i'm going to hope it's teething too for both of us. 
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    Same here - every night for about 5 nights after going months without any spit up. From what I can tell it was teething related. He also went through a food strike, started drinking more water, and we had a huge heat wave. It's hard to say for certain whether some/all of those things we related, but teething seems like the most likely cause in our case.
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    edited July 2014
    DD stopped spitting up around 6mo I'd say and then started up again when we started formula at 7.5mo which I wasn't concerned about. She slowed down again but she still occasionally spits up. It's usually right after she ate and she started crawling around pulling up on everything and getting all excited, she sometimes will spit up a bit. It hasn't really worried me. It's not excessive and she doesn't seem like anything is bothering her.

    Edit to add that all PP's have good advice about it possibly being due to teething. Our little girl is definitely teething and has SO much drool lately that sometimes she will gag on it. Hopefully it's just due to teething.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    BFP 1.5.13 - EDD 9.5.13 - Ysabella Sofia born 9.12.13
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    Thanks everyone. I feel silly calling the pedi on a weekend but this morning she has spit up every time she burps! It almost seems like reflux all of a sudden. So weird.
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    @kcleaslp if DD was spitting up every time she burped, I would probably call as well if it lasted the whole day. I've heard older babies who have never had reflux issues can suddenly develop some. Let us know how it goes!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    BFP 1.5.13 - EDD 9.5.13 - Ysabella Sofia born 9.12.13
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    My LO has occasionally started spitting up again too.  But it is not often.  I am not concerned.  But your situation sounds alittle different.  I would give the doctor a call.
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