June 2014 Moms

baby sign language

Have you started, or plan to start teaching your LO some baby sign language? I was really into it when I was pregnant, but now it just seems too much work.

Re: baby sign language

  • I lucked out with C and daycare taught her some.  At two, even talking, she still uses more, all done, and please.  When she was still taking bottles she knew milk as well.  At the very least, I'll probably teach him those because he'll be able to see someone else using them.  Anything else, meh.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • We will be doing baby sign. I took some ASL in college and have heard it is great for communicating earlier with a baby.

    About concerns that it delays speech -- make sure that you are using the verbal word at the same time as the sign. I thought the research suggests that it does not delay speech as long as you are still speaking a lot as well as signing.
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  • QT3.14QT3.14 member
    I downloaded a couple of free apps so we could start learning the signs. I just searched for baby sign language and there were a few out there.
  • MNOpeaMNOpea member
    I will most definitely be doing it. Ds1 knew 20+ signs and it was great, I think I started at about 2 months
  • MNOpeaMNOpea member
    @KrystaJ‌ I did and will be again doing it on my own. I'm a SAHM so no daycare. Just use the signs and the word together every time whatever word you're working on comes up :)
  • Our library offers a 4 session class for free so DH and I are learning to teach DD. We have done 2 sessions so far. I loved seeing my friends son sign to her and I also took ASL in college so have some basic signs. I don't think it can hurt and hey if DD can tell me why she's upset or what she wants earlier I'm all for it!
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  • When I work with families that are interested in learning Sign Language I recommend Signing Times DVDs.  (I work with families whose little one's have been diagnosed as deaf/hard of hearing).  There are some good books, but families seem to like the DVDs best. :) Oh, and I plan on teaching LO Sign Language.  
  • I want to teach DD sign. I think it is a great tool to have. I'm excited to start with her.

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  • kks4471 said:

    We'll be teaching a few signs like "milk", "more", "eat".  I actually took his picture the other day with his hand saying "I love you".  Total coincidence, but very cute!

    I am jealous! My LO has only given me the middle finger multiple times.
  • I did the words eat, more, all done, and please with my first and will definitely do it again. I learned the signs through a friend at church who used them with her kids. I simply did the sign when I said the word (e.g. Do you want more?) I started late so she didn't use them all regularly until about one but they are great for communicating. I also had absolutely no problem with talking. She actually was a very early talker! This time I think I will start when cora starts eating solids because I just don't have enough hands to sign while breastfeeding haha.
  • Sounds like you guys started somewhat early for your first ones. I will try to start it in a couple of weeks when LO hits the 2 month mark. I dont think the daycare will teach them any, but maybe I can communicate with the owner and see if she can somewhat assist/accomodate.
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