
Pregnant & TTC After A Preemie 07/17/14

Welcome to the check in group for Pregnant After Preemie! This group is also for those who are actively trying to conceive, planning on it, or just thinking about it...

So, list your first name, due date if you're pregnant or ttc timeline, preemie's name and gestational age at birth as well as the reason for their prematurity.


Last week Updates:

vsalt31: Just stopping by to give updates on her two kiddos! DS is now 2 1/2 and loves
singing/dancing, swimming, chocolate milk, and his little sister! He loves to read and show her different things. DD was a 35 weeker but did not need NICU time. She is now 7 months old and been good with BFing. They have decided that they are 2 and through and she feels complete! What a wonderful feeling and it's so great to hear from you @vsalt31 !

We always welcome updates from our mommies well after our babies our born!

cbranch89: NT scan was good, but cerclage placement did not go well-but she was able to recover without further issues than back pain.

megs2011: Getting close to previous milestone and making her more nervous. At 28 weeks, fundal height was measuring 2 weeks behind-OB says it is fine, but after having twins with IUGR, it is understandable why she would be so worried and wants additional monitoring/growth scans. @megs2011 Did you bring that up at your appt?

Pips09: Waiting for results of NT scan. FX that everything is well!

PhillyGal34: First appt is on August 8! Can't wait to hear about that wondeful heartbeat!

mmooki: Fatigue is starting to disappear which helps having an energetic 2 year old! How did your appt and NT scan go on Tuesday?


CTBride79: DS Gavin born at weeks due to IUGR and pre-e; Baby #2 EDD 9/18/14

megs2011: DD1 and DD2 born at 34 weeks due to pree, HELLP, and IUGR; Baby #3 EDD 9/22/14

takmjs: DD was born at 30 weeks due to my bicornuate uterus, incompetent cervix, and PTL; Baby #2 EDD 11/24/2014

SLYDJ (formerly jullybean): DD was born at 29 weeks due to IUGR; Baby #2 EDD 11/19/14

Bruton8288: DD Victoria was born at 36 weeks due to fetal distress; DD2 Elizabeth was born sleeping due to Lupus complications at 33 weeks. Baby #3 EDD 12/11/2014

cbranch89 (Cheylah): DS1 Trenton Elijah born at 37 weeks due to pre-e; DS2 Cameron Jacob (CJ) born at 25.4 weeker due to IC and placenta abruption; Baby #3 EDD 01/13/15

Pips09: DD was born at 30w4d due to a combination of complete placenta previa, PTL and PPRO; Baby #2 EDD 1/13/15

mmooki: DD born at 33w3d due to Type 1 diabetes and pump failure; Baby #2 EDD 1/21/15

PhillyGal34: DS Evan born at 31 weeks due to severe pre-; Baby #2 03/03/15


babylossmama (Caitlin): DS Anderson born on 1/5/31 at 24.1 weeks due to placental abruption (cause unknown); Plan to TTC again in October per doctor's recommendation

cjbwifey (formerly mybb): DS born at 28w1d due to severe pre-e

Missa_g: DS1 & 2 were born at 29w4d due to PTL

MrsLaurenandDan: DS Owen born at 33w5d due to PTL; DS2 Noah was stillborn at 19w4d after a terminal diagnosis

meganole25: Megan, DS Cooper born at 31 weeks due to unexplained PTL

gwapes: Lauren; DS Benjamin born born at 34w5d due to PTL

monkey1988: DD born at 23w6d due to placental abruption

Babymaxwell513: DS born at 30 weeks due to IC

*Sweet Pea*, Jamie - DD Skylar, born at 29 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP

Thinking about/Planning on TTCing:

jbraden12: DD Patricia born sleeping at 31 weeks; DD Anna born at 26w3d due to IC

BLPL101, Laura: DD Caroline was born at 35 weeks due to PPROM.

Kadyra: DS born at 36 weeks due to severe IUGR, DS was born at 32 weeks

aquariogirl: my DS was born at 31 weeks on due to severe and sudden pre-e onset

pinotgirl: DD born at 32 weeks due to asymmetrical IUGR which was caused by velementous cord insertion

OscarQ-: Alison, TTC in 2012, DS Kevin born at 26 weeks due to pre-e.

cfitz16: DS was born at 36 weeks due to pre-term labor. DD was born at 34 weeks when my water broke after being monitored closely, pelvic rest and progesterone shots.  

Mommies (again)!

danalawrence: DD1 and DD2 born at 31w5d due to spontaneous labor; DD3 born full term

mrsdbc (formerly KettBride): DS born 32w5d cause unknown; DD born full term

flergirl: DS Joshua born at 26 weeks due to complications from pre-e resulting in IUGR and reversed blood flow to the placenta; DD Jenna born full term

rslhmg: DD born at 32 weeks due to hellp, DD2 born full term!

Bluebird2318: DD Skye was born at 29 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP; DS born full term!

MinaE01: DS born at 32w3d due to spontaneous PTL; DS2 born at 36 weeks but no NICU time!

haziedaze: DS Henry was born at 29w4d due to PTL and a partial abruption. DS2 Liam born full term

Jenstwins: DS Declan born at 27 weeks due to an abruption, chorio or incompetent cervix - or some combination of the 3; Rhys and Audrey born at 33 weeks

Alphaphi98: DD Madeline born at 32 weeks due to unexplained pPROM; DS Cameron born full term

GirlyGirl319, Danielle-DS Matthew was born at 33w4d due to infection in placenta; DD Gabriella born at 33 weeks due to PTL

SweetPeaKate: DS Liam born at 30 weeks due to HELLP; DS2 Oliver full term

hjweber- DD Hannah born 34w5d due to spontaneous PTL; DD Ava born full term

vsalt31: DS Henry born at 31w3d due to unexplained prom; DD Camille born at 35w2d due to PROM but no NICU time

CurlingRocks, DS was born at 31w 3d due to officially to PTL following pPROM at 28w, but mama was on SBR for 6 months due to SCH, FVL, and Placental Abruption at 13w 4d; DD was a MMC delivered at 18w due to septate uterus; DD born full term

adamnkel: DD born at 35 weeks due to pre-e; DD2 Madeline born full term

L&R70707: DS born 34w6days due to unexplained PTL; DD Elizabeth born full term

Sdtchica13, Carrie: DD Corrine Reese born at 29 weeks 6 days due to a placental abruption and pPROM; DS Gavin Lucas born full term

tlk432: Trish-DS born at 34w5d weeks due to pProm and IC; DS2 born full term

Punky917: DS Noah born at 26 weeks due to pPROM; DD Max born full term

TriciaandSean: DS Kieran born at 34w5d weeks PTL; DS Bryce born full term

BabyRolston1: Lindy:DD Natalie born at 29w5d due to pre-e, DS Zachary born full term

Mommy2CB, Kristin: DS born at 33 weeks 5 days due to PTL, DS2 born full term

komurphy: DS & DD born at 27 weeks; DS born at 31 weeks due to bulging membranes and threat of a prolapsed cord

jteneback: DD was born at 34w3d after pPROM; DS was born at 35 weeks

sucrets4, Danielle: DD Emmalynn born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DD#2 born at 35w5d due to Pprom

kelly321: DD was born at 34w1d due to HELLP, DD#2 born full term

IncogNeato: DD born at 36 weeks due to PPROM, DD#2 born full term

light52: DS2 was born at 35w5d for no known reason, #3 born at 35w4d

ericalee27, Erica: DS Quinn born at 35w4d due to pre-e; DS born full term

eSynergy: DS was born at 36 weeks for unexplained reasons; DS born full term

Cara03, Cara: DS Jacob born at 24 weeks due to IC;  DS Lucas born at 36w2d

Angie637: DS Peyton born at 33 weeks due to pPROM. #2 and #3 born at 35w due to PPROM

Lucy460, Lucy: DS born at 35w4d due to HELLP, DD born at 36 weeks

Delphiaraven, Stacey: DS born at 34 weeks due to PROM, DS born full term

 Lili_h, Lili: DS Matthew born at 34 weeks 4 days due to PTL. DD born full term

Amercana- identical twin girls born at 34 weeks 5 days, DS born full term

Wally3, Eve- DS Johnny born 34w 3 days PROM, DS#2 born full term. 

MeNV-Mel, Phinny born @ 34 weeks after water broke due to large fibroids, DS#2 born at 34w.

Damabo80- DD#1 born at 31w due to HELLP/pre-e. DS born full term

katieguth- DD Melanie born at 31 weeks due to Severe Pre-E. DS born 8/15/12.

nat6102006-first DD born at 32 weeks due to shortened cervix/unknown preterm labor; DS born full term!

crazyanimals- DS, born 30w 1 day due to PTL then PROM, DS #2 born full term!

SnowPea25 - DS Baby N, born at 32 weeks due to severe pre-e. DD Baby A born full term!

KatFco- Katrina, DD Abby, 23w6d, unknown reason, DS, born FULL TERM!

weezie825 - DD, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DS born full term!

IrishSapphire- DS Aidan born close to 31 weeks (was not given a reason for him coming early), DD Noelle Elizabeth born at 34 weeks 6 days

becketts - DD Norah, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e, DD#2 born at 35w due to IGUR

jcsntms06, Jen - DD Annabelle, born at 33 weeks due to pre-e, DD#2 born 34w due to PTL

jaxlynn - DD Leigh, born at 35 weeks due to HELLP, DS born full term

Kimberlyd546 - DS Alex, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e , DS born full term

faeriequeeneonwow, Melissa - DD Sophie Jean, born at 30 weeks due to non-immune fetal hydrops, low amniotic fluid, and pre-e, DS born full term 1/26/12

alaratta1-DD Sophia born at 31 weeks due to PTL. DS born full term on 1/6/12

beachykeen1723, Rachel - DS Cooper, born at 30 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DD born at 36 weeks

beyoga, Deidre - DS Reid, born at 24 weeks due to unkown causes, DD born full term

albertabride06 - DS Dylan, born at 32 weeks due to short cervix/PTL, DD born full term!

kar5162 - DS, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DD born full term!

mrsmikey, April - DS Eli, born at 32 weeks due to pPROM, DD born full term!

ijack, Ivory - DD Emma, born at 29 weeks due to placental abruption, DD #2 Quinn born full term!

njkaren, Karen - DS Brandon, born at 26 weeks due to fetal distress due to twin's loss at 20 weeks, DS #2 Wesley born full term!

LittleD8081 (formerly mrsfriend), Dawn Marie - DS Parker, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DS #2 Braden born full term!

justme04 - DS Ryker, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e and HELLP Syndrome, DS #2 Max born at full term!

lemen99, Kathy - DS Andrew, born at 26 weeks due to IC, DS #2 Elliott born at 35 weeks due to PTL and an unknown rash!

kamcfarlane, Kate - DS Ryan, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa, DD Ellen born full term!

ctrickey03, Christina - DS #1 Michael, born full term, DS #2 Christian, born at 32 weeks due to polyhydraminos and IUGR, DS #3 Benjamin, born full term, DD Serenity born full term!

luvdv8 - DD, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DD #2 Elizabeth born full term!

Clotho!, Janet - DS Robbie, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DS #2 Simon, born at 34 weeks due to PIH and PTL, DS #3 Charles, born at 35 weeks due to PIH

mek10976, Megan - DS Simon, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e/pPROM, DS #2 born full term!

sweetpea18, Sara - DD Reese, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Grier born full term!

magdalina.h, Maggie - angel baby Aidan, born at 28 weeks due to failed cord, DS #2 Lucas born full term!

Hailie, Meg - DS Nolan, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DD Maren born full term!

FemmeNat01, Natasha - DD Elena and DS Lucas, born at 33 weeks due to severe pre-e, DD#2 Alessandra born at 31 weeks due to HELLP/placental abruption

Gwenypher7, Jen - DD Abigail, born at 32 weeks due to HELLP/IUGR, DS Cullen born full term!

Heather1979, Heather - DD Olivia, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM/pre-e, DS George born full term!

Tierelieber, Stephanie - DD Charden, born at 30 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DD#2 Adrienne born full term!

IAM4UK - DD Katie, born at 33 weeks due to pre-e/IUGR, twins Abigail and Emily born full term!

Sweets2005, Katie - DD Abby and DS Brady, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa/bleeding, DD #2 born full term!

mrssnflwr - DD born at 32 weeks due to unexplained PTL, DS born at 36 weeks!

ShanaNChris, Shana - DD Lily, born at 31 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DS Liam born full term!

Luvpinsanity, Ashley - DS Brennan, born at 35 weeks due to PTL, DD Addison born full term!

FaithRocks, Kelly - DS Trig, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e, PTL, and placental abruption, DS #2 Grayson born at 35 weeks!

Denesdia, Diane - DD Zoey, born at 25 weeks due to PTL, DS Ben born at 35 weeks!

sabloja - DS Hayden, born at 30 weeks due to pPROM, DD Madison born at 36 weeks!

RRHsMom - DS Ryan, born at 35-36 weeks, DD Meghan born full term!

msalinardi, Margot - DD Angelina, born at 26 weeks due to pre-e, DS Vincent born at 35 weeks due to pre-e, IUGR!

Aidge, Adrienne - DS Sam, born at 29 weeks, DS #2 Ben, born at 35 weeks!

mhop, Martha - DD Campbell, born at 27 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Maggie born full term

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Re: Pregnant & TTC After A Preemie 07/17/14

  • I am stalking all up in this piece. Hi, former check-in buddies!

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • @flerlgirl This is why I love doing the weekly check-ins! I can't believe that we already have 2015 due dates! Seems like yesterday that I announced my BFP and the birth of DD.

    How are your kiddos doing?
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  • It's crazy how time flies by!! My kidlets are good! DS is starting to crawl and gets to start OT and speech therapy for eating so I am super excited about that. And DD is just a plain old "normal" baby. So dull. But she is a sweetie!

    How are your kids? How's your FIL?

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • mmookimmooki member
    Nt scan went great. Everything looks good and I go back to Mfm in 3 weeks for an early anatomy scan. I also start progesterone shots then as well, at my ob's office.
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  • That's great to hear that Josh is starting OT and speech. I bet he will do well! I love their new pic in your sig-so cute!

    DS is starting kindergarten in the fall-getting all choked up about that as I type...DD is surprising us all the time about what she is capable of doing since apparently I am "adjusting" her age and milestones to DS's. LOL! Like she just drank out of a straw and we were like "Holy sh@t!" DS didn't master that until he was 3. :)

    Thanks so much for asking about FIL-wow you have good memory! We were told he told he wasn't going to make it or have to be in a nursing home. Well-prayers must have worked or he got Noah's super preemie powers of defying odds cause he is home! He didn't even need the trach surgery either! He made it to the kids' birthday party several weeks ago. One of the nurses asked him "So how does it feel to be the miracle patient?"
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  • Haha, I know what you mean. With DD I'm already amazed... I can just imagine how it will be when she gets older. Exciting about kindergarten! Is he looking forward to it?

    Awesome about your FIL! That's incredible. It must have been the sweet little note your son wrote!

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • I think he's excited about kindergarten, but afraid at the same time. We put him through 3 years of preschool to make sure that he had social interactions since he was an only child for 5 years. I know that will help since he makes friends at the park all the time. However, being the overprotective preemie mommy that I am, still worried to death that he will be teased for his eye and won't make friends.
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  • I didn't even have to bring it up at my appt really. We talked about my blood pressure being awesome and hoping it stays that way. I asked what my chances are of getting pre-e again and iugr again and he said of course bc I had twins I was at increased risk and the chances are lower this time. But then he proceeded to say that he's sending me for another u/s and blood work after my next appt just to make sure everything is ok. This has eased my anxiety on that matter. I am still on edge till I pass that milestone. About 3.5 weeks from now.


  • We found out we are having a little boy, the anatomy scan went great. Still no blood clots in sight, blood flow to the placenta is also great. I did fail my GD test so I will be doing the 3 hour one on 7/25. Baby boy weighs 10 oz, my OBGYN said baby might be bigger since both of my girls measured small. 
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  • punky917 said:
    I think he's excited about kindergarten, but afraid at the same time. We put him through 3 years of preschool to make sure that he had social interactions since he was an only child for 5 years. I know that will help since he makes friends at the park all the time. However, being the overprotective preemie mommy that I am, still worried to death that he will be teased for his eye and won't make friends.
    I would worry, too! It's hard not to. I bet he will find some good friends, though! If anyone teases him you can send them to me. Children fear me.

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • Appointment on Friday went great. Dr did a speculum exam to check the cerclage and I got to see baby because he thinks he wont find a hb via doppler. Follow up on 8/1 before his vacation
    Trenton Elijah born three weeks early due to pre-e on April 14, 2011. Weighing 6lbs 6.3oz, 18 inches long.

    Cameron Jacob (CJ) came early @ 25w4d on November 16, 2012 due to placenta abruption and incompetent cervix . Weighing 1lb 15.5oz, 14 inches long. 


    Expecting a winter baby. Stay put LO!
  • So glad to see all the great updates!

    We are 6w4d and I am starting to feel like junk.  I keep reminding myself that this is a good thing and that it means my body is doing what it should be doing.  We have our first appt and u/s in a few weeks so until then I will be scared about viability (as far as a viable pregnancy goes) but I think everyone does that. 

    So for now we are just trying to get through the fatigue and nausea and I live for sleep.  I just got to work and I'm already counting down to when i can leave and wondering if I can leave early to take a nap before DS comes home. 

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

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    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

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  • @megs2011 Glad you are getting additional US and bloodwork to ease your mind. Keep growing LO!

    @Bruton8288 So happy that your pregnancy is going well! Congrats on your little boy! :)

    @cbranch89 I am glad that you got to see your LO and everything is good!

    @PhillyGal34 I know the feeling of just waiting til that first appt. Keeping you in my t&p's that you hear a healthy heartbeat!

    @flerlgirl LOL! I am a teacher and have the teacher look down of "What the hell do you think you're doing?"  I am glad to send DS to a school where I don't teach cause I will hunt kids down who are mean to him. :)
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  • Hi! I"m new to the board! I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant with Baby#2, EDD 2/11/15! My DS was born at 29 weeks due to HELLP. He is 20 months old now and doing great :-)
  • @daciadanae Welcome to the board and congrats on baby #2! Thoughts and prayers that you fo the full 40 this time! I will add you to the list for next week.
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  • Hi! Stopping by to say hello again! DS was a 34 weeker due to IUGR and I had hypertension (borderline pre-e). He joined the world at 3.5 lbs and 15 in and we had quite the rough first year with him!

    I am currently about 6w3d pregnant with #2 EDD March 15.2015!! Hoping for a much easier go this time but prepared to take on anything!!

    This was such a supportive board last time and I will check in frequently!
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  • @JeepersWife Congratulations on baby #2! Thoughts and prayers for a happy and healthy full term baby this time!
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