We found out today that we're having a boy! We cannot wait to meet Garrett Scott! I was so excited when the ultasound tech showed us that I cried for about 5-10 mins! LOL
Congrats! We have a boy and are really hoping for a girl this time (even though another boy would be just as awesome!) We find out on the 29th! You will love having a boy! They are so much fun and full of energy!
Thanks ladies, we are thrilled! Even DD keeps saying she wants a little brother! I really want to experience having a son and daughter MRSH- I do NOT have the patience to ever be team green, but I think it would be super exciting! Do you want to find out? Maybe you could and keep it to yourself!
When DS was born (previous relationship) I was team green. I loved the anticipation, but I was also a lot younger!
We found out with DD so I was very surprised to find out that DH wanted to be team green. I'm fine with whatever he decides. If he doesn't want to know then I won't find out either, it will be way too hard to keep that big a secret from him! This will be our last so that excitement of finding out at birth will be worth the wait (IMO).
You can always do what we did. We knew we were having a girl and kept it "our little secret" which made it extra special. Plus, it drove people nuts when they knew we knew but wouldn't tell them (even strangers).
Re: Team Blue this time around!!!!
A boy would be a huge adjustment!
Congrats! That is such exciting news!
DH wants to be team green with this baby. I'll see if he still feels that way the closer we get to the anatomy scan, lol.
When DS was born (previous relationship) I was team green. I loved the anticipation, but I was also a lot younger!
We found out with DD so I was very surprised to find out that DH wanted to be team green. I'm fine with whatever he decides. If he doesn't want to know then I won't find out either, it will be way too hard to keep that big a secret from him! This will be our last so that excitement of finding out at birth will be worth the wait (IMO).
You can always do what we did. We knew we were having a girl and kept it "our little secret" which made it extra special. Plus, it drove people nuts when they knew we knew but wouldn't tell them (even strangers).