January 2014 Moms

Teething Help!

My little girl is not cutting teeth but we have now hit the stages of nose running, of course chewing on everything. But she's fussy is not nursing well and she just wants to be held and entertained all day and not napping long. I just want to help her feel as comfortable as possible. What are you mommies doing?

Re: Teething Help!

  • If he gets really bad I give him Tylenol. He likes frozen teethers and wet or frozen washcloths. DD liked those netted teether pouches. We would put ice in them.
  • I'll haft to try a frozen rag. Is the netted things just the ones you can put fruit in?
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  • @Jadederek‌ Yes they are. Idk what they're called. She used to like to chomp on the ice. When she got older we did popsicles.
  • I've been using tylenol/advil, 0-9 brand for teething, another homeopathic teething thing which I'm not sold on, and our trusty amber teething necklace, with cold teething rings from the fridge and foam bathtub letters. 

    image  image

  • I've been using tylenol/advil, 0-9 brand for teething, another homeopathic teething thing which I'm not sold on, and our trusty amber teething necklace, with cold teething rings from the fridge and foam bathtub letters. 

    DS likes the foam bath toys too.
  • We have always used frozen baby carrots for teething or those frozen fruit Netts
  • We use:

    -frozen chew toys
    -punkin butt teething oil (rub on gums)
    -camilia (natural teething medicine)

    Usually we use all 3 at once so I'm not sure which one does the trick.
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    Patrick: born at home on January 14, 2014

  • Mesh feeders with frozen purees in it. She loves it. Also, orajel and tylenol seem to work. 
  • Beer, crying, pawning baby off on anyone who will watch him for a few minutes...

    Kidding, mostly. Thankfully that really bad stage only lasted 4-5 days before the teeth popped out and he returned to happy baby

    BFP 11.8.12 * EDD 7.17.13 * MC 12.20.12
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  • Amber teething necklace!! Read the reviews on amazon! All of my friends swear by them! Mine little guy wears one but doesn't have a tooth coming through yet!
  • Awesome thanks!
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