Tue at OB I was 5 cm, no labor in sight (due 7/11, baby #3).
Woke up Thur night/Fri morning at midnight cramping and not feeling good. Woke DH at 12:10, called his parents to come over at 12:15. Had first "real contraction" on the way to the hospital. Admitted at 12:42 and delivered at 12:59! Thank god we are only 1.5 miles from the hospital!
Macy Jo, 8 lb 8 oz, 20.5 inches, 7/18! Good luck mommas to be & congrats to all the July mommies out there!
Re: Um, wow...shortest birth story ever!
DH:34 - Me: 33
Emmaline Winifred - 1.25.2013
Wesley Daniel - 7.24.2014
#3 EDD - 6.24.2018