Was supposed to be induced yesterday but the hospital was full so I got bumped. Today when I went in for my regular check up, I had the midwife strip my membranes and she discovered I was 5cm so off to the hospital I went. I've been here a couple hours and I'm waiting on the dr to let me know what's next. Hopefully I'll be holding my little man in the next few hours!
Chase Alexander 12-11-01
Sierra Nicole 6-15-05
Avery Lyn 8-2-12
Re: Being my own labor buddy
1st pregnancy: m/c began 1/12/09 d&c 1/13/09 8wks. Baby stopped growing at about 6wks.
Delaney: Born 10/15/09
Gavin: Born 4/8/11
Baby #3: due July 10, 2014
We have our "Irish Twins"
DD born 8/7/2013
DS born 7/28/14
DD born 7.27.2014
BFP 09.2015 - m/c 10.21.2015