Hi Everyone, looking for advice on washing my diapers because I am getting frustrated!
I have a front loading HE washer (brand is Kenmore). We use a mix of Charlie Banana and Bum Genius diapers. I wash diapers every third day. My son is seven months old and eats solid foods so we now use disposable liners to flush away the solid waste.
I know that it is important to use lots of water to wash diapers effectively, and the job of my HE washing machine is to use as little water as necessary. So I've been trying to find a good routine to 'trick' the washer and get the diapers clean but it seems like nothing works!
Currently I run a cold express wash with no detergent, then another cold express wash with no spin to get the diapers full of water and heavy, next I do a hot heavy duty wash with Country Save detergent with an extra rinse. I set the soil level to heavy on all cycles.
I've tried adding a towel for more weight. I've tried doing a vinegar wash to remove smells. I've tried adding extra water in the washer. Nothing seems to make a difference. The diapers look clean but they still have a smell to them. It's not an ammonia smell, it's just kind of a dirty shoes or sock smell.
I'm getting so frustrated and am seriously considering selling my stash and using disposables. Any ideas for other things I can try? I'm thinking maybe a detergent switch could make a difference? Thanks!
Re: High Efficiency Washing Machine
I switched my initial cold rinse to a warm quick wash and switched my detergent to Nellies and I've had no stink issues since.
In my HE machine I do a warm water rinse/spin. Then my washer's longest wash cycle with hot water and Tide. I use 1/4 cup of tide in each load.
Good luck!