May 2014 Moms

One of the worst experiences

LO had his 2 month shots today. He did great and all was well. He fell asleep for about 4 hours and woke up to eat then back to sleep. Well an hour ago he woke up SCREAMING. This kid has never screamed in his life and he wouldn't stop. So I grab the Tylenol. Of course it says under 2 years to call the doctor for the dose. The nurse was supposed to give us the dose before we left but forgot to write it on the sheet so I had to wait for the nurse to call back. Nothing helped soothe him. I felt so helpless. I got the Tylenol in him and he finally fell asleep. I'm scared to move to wake him and I pray the Tylenol works. For those with colicy babies... God bless. I don't know how you do it. Anyone else have a reaction like this? How long does it last? Did Tylenol help? He feels warm but no way I'm going to try to get a rectal temp right now

Re: One of the worst experiences

  • This happened to DS after his 15 mo shots, but he was old enough at that point to let me know it was the injection site on his leg that hurt, so I was able to massage the area lightly and apply a compress.

    I think for a small baby you just have to comfort them as best you can and wait it out. I remember our pedi telling me to call in if inconsolable crying lasted longer than a certain amount of time...4 hrs, I think.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • My lo has her 2 month shots on the 25th and im dreading them! Im scared im going to cry and look rediculous lol I hate seeing my little girl in pain :(
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  • My lo has her 2 month shots on the 25th and im dreading them! Im scared im going to cry and look rediculous lol I hate seeing my little girl in pain :(

    Good luck! The actual shots weren't bad at all.

  • Kaylee524Kaylee524 member
    edited July 2014
    This is pretty much exactly our experience. He screamed all evening before passing out around 11:30 and sleeping until his MOTN feeding. The next day he was extra sleepy and then was back to normal the next day.

    Lots of hugs, mama! I know that evening was awful for us! It will pass.

    ETA: At our baby care class they told us to take temps under the arm and add one degree - in case you want to take LO's temp without waking him.
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  • Same happened to me too. Thankful for Tylenol! Felt so bad for her! I was heartbroken when she got the shots too. We were both crying and the nurse practically choked her with the oral one. She was gurgling and choking and she just kept giving it to her I said she's choking on it and had to sit her up. So mad! Anyway, hope everything's going well now! Mine seems to be doing better.

  • He is doing much better now. Pretty much like normal just sleeping more. I'm staying on top of the Tylenol Until tomorrow just in case
  • I gave LO Tylenol about 30 mins before appt for shots and then gave more 4 hours after (ped office had given chart to us at first appt) and LO slept more than usual and was a little fussy but all in all was well with shots.



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  • We just had our shots today and this is exactly what happened to us. My baby seriously barely ever cries and when he does he is easily consoled, but several hours after his shots he started screaming seemingly out of nowhere. It broke my heart. Anyways, I came to the boards to see of anyone else had a similar experience and I am glad to hear we are not alone! (He is sleeping on my chest now and I am afraid to move because I don't want to wake the poor little guy...but I have to pee so bad!)
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