
Things You Wish You Would've Known (IVF)

We still have a few weeks before we start our first IVF cycle, but I was just wondering for those of you that have already been through an IVF, is there anything you wish you would've known before you started or any helpful tips?

Thanks a bunch! 

Re: Things You Wish You Would've Known (IVF)

  • mm29mm29 member
    I wish my REs would have performed a more thorough work up, including karyotyping and genetic testing. We wouldn't have spent so much time with both mine and my DH's own eggs/sperm.  It was after our fourth attempt at IVF (counting our canceled cycle) we found my DH had a Balanced Translocation (BT).  We learned BT increases risk of chromosomally abnormal embryos and increases m/c risk.  We would have moved to DE and/or DS instead of wasting all the money for those cycles. 
    ::: Married June 2003:::
    TTC #1 since: Aug. 2008
    Me: 34, DOR, MTHFR-A1298C (heterozygous), decreased blood flow to uterus, Mild Endo
    DH: 38, Balanced translocation 5&10, unexplained MFI, normal SA and SCSA
    Tx History: IUI 1&2= BFN
    IVF# 1 W/ICSI= BFN
    IVF# 2: cancelled d/t no response
    IVF# 3= 1 egg retrieved=immature/not viable
    IVF# 4= c/p
    ***CCRM ODWU***
    Found DHs BT and Me-decreased blood flow to uterus
    Recommended DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture. Decided to cycle locally
    ***New RE***
    DE IVF# 1(cycle #6) w/pgd, (freeze all): 30R, 23M, 15F, slow/poor embryo development, 4 biopsied, 1 Normal "Norm"; DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture. 
    IVF# 6: (OE/DS) cancelled
    IVF# 7: (OE/DS) 1R, 1M, 1F, arrested day 5
    Plan-DE IVF# 2 (cycle #8): DE/DS in May 2015
    imageimage image 
  • I wish I had known and planned ahead that I would not have the energy to cook for like two weeks (week before ER through ET and a few days after). I could have made more prepared meals.

    I wish I had blogged a little more about everything the first time, so that for my second round I'd have more to look back on and compare.

    I wish I had bought more yoga pants so I didn't have to wear my two pants three days in a row each - ewww LOL

    TTC since July 2009. Dx MFI & LPD. 
    IUI#1&2&3 (2011 & 2012) BFN
    IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
    IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
    IVF w/ICSI Oct. 2, 2012 - 13R, 11M, 7F, 1 frozen blast 4BB grade - - - FET Nov 15, 2013
    BFP! Beta 1:104 @ 10dp6dt, Beta 2:178 @ 12dp6dt,  beta 3:366 @ 14dp6dt
    Saw heartbeat twice before missed M/C at 8w3d on 12/27/13, missing my little angel boy
    JUNE 2014 IVF#2;  5R, 2M, 1F Three day transfer 6/7.  Beta 6/18 - BFN
    Child Free Now?

    My Blog


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  • LO95LO95 member
    I haven't started my meds yet, but your comment got me to thinking about work clothes.  I am a teacher so it's great right now, but we'll back in a month and I'm wondering what effect the medication has on your body/ clothing choices. I don't want people at work asking if I'm pregnant.  Any tricks for this?

    Me: 27 DH: 27

    October 2013: Endo erosion/ Clear HSG

    March 2014: SA #1/  2%morph, borderline sperm count, decent motility

    June 2014: SA#2/  2% morph, low sperm count, worse motility

    Plan: "Quick Start IVF"/antagonist protocol with Follistim, Ganirelix, Ovidrel and progesterone suppositories (yay)

    High AMH (11) and Low BMI= low doses of everything to prevent OHSS

    July 27, 2014: Started Follistim injections for ten days

    July 31, 2014: U/S= 20 follicles, 8.5 lining, E2 is good, Ganirelix for 4 days starting 8/2

    August 4, 2014: 14 follicles on-track, good lining, Trigger 8/6

    August 9, 2014: 9 ICSIed/ 5 embryos; aiming for a 5dt on 8/13

    August 13, 2014: 5DT of 1 4BA almost-hatching blastocyst (Please hang in, Little Bug!)

    August 14, 2014: We have 3 frosties! Hope they're having fun hanging out together. :)

    August 23, 2014: Beta #1: 144 8/23/14: Beta #2: 374 Beta 8/25/14  Beta #3: 6,600 9/3/14

    September 9, 2014: Ultrasound #1 115 heartbeats per minute

    September 23, 2014: Ultrasound #2 182 heartbeats per minute 

    September 26, 2014: Love my OB's office

    October 10, 2014: Our baby looks like a baby and is moving all over!  

    December 8, 2014: Anatomy scan- It's a girl! 

    "Hope strengthens.  Fear kills."- Karen Marie Moning

    "Heaviness is only temporary; the daylight will soon break in."- needtobreathe

  • Trust your doctor and nurse. Stay off Google. Do a big house cleaning before you are too far along with stims. Make some freezer meals or buy easy to make items. Loose clothing will be your friend. Good luck!
    **Signature Warning**

    Dx PCOS August 2012
    Clomid x4 = BFN
    Femara+Follistim IUIs x 6 = 3 BFN, 2 C/P, 1 early miscarriage
    IVF June 2014- 43 R, 34 M, 24 F, 12 blasts frozen and severe OHSS
    FET September 12, 2014!
    Beta #1 12dp5dt- 724
    Beta #2 14dp5dt- 1631
    Beta #3 20dp5dt- 12,813
    Pending EDD at first OB appointment 11/6. Grow babies grow!

    "I might have to wait. I'll never give up. I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck. 
    Wherever you are, whenever it's right, you'll come out of nowhere and into my life." ~ Michael Buble


  • Trust your doctor and nurse. Stay off Google. Do a big house cleaning before you are too far along with stims. Make some freezer meals or buy easy to make items. Loose clothing will be your friend. Good luck!
    Amen to all of that, especially "Stay off Google."  Seriously, at this particular time in your life, the 
    Google is not your friend.

    I wish I had known that running out of meds was a possibility.  (It looked like more than I could ever use when I was unpacking the box).  I was lucky that my RE was able to "loan" me a vial of Gonal F, but I wish I had known in advance, so I didn't have my full blown panick/breakdown when I realized that a) I would be short and b) there was not enough time to receive new meds by mail.

    Also, I wish I had had known that stims would never be as hard as they were the first day I did them.  They got much easier as time went on, and I was more scared than I needed to be.

    Oh, and I wish I had prepared myself more for eating like a PG person during the 2WW (and potentially, beyond).  Caffeine, cold cuts, soft cheeses (non-pasteurized), certain fish, ... it takes a little planning to change your diet if you've been making turkey sandwiches for lunch for years. 

    *** Ticker Warning ***

    Me: 37, DH: 39, TTC 5 yrs

    2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign); 
    2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
    2014 summary (to date):
    IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
    ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!; 
    1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
    IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26; 
    ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze :'(
    1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!! 
    EDD: 29-April-2015
    Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily

    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • LO95LO95 member
    AMShark Wow! I wouldn't have really thought about not eating those things.  Is that because your RE wants you to eat as if you are successfully pregnant or is there another reason to avoid those things? 

    Me: 27 DH: 27

    October 2013: Endo erosion/ Clear HSG

    March 2014: SA #1/  2%morph, borderline sperm count, decent motility

    June 2014: SA#2/  2% morph, low sperm count, worse motility

    Plan: "Quick Start IVF"/antagonist protocol with Follistim, Ganirelix, Ovidrel and progesterone suppositories (yay)

    High AMH (11) and Low BMI= low doses of everything to prevent OHSS

    July 27, 2014: Started Follistim injections for ten days

    July 31, 2014: U/S= 20 follicles, 8.5 lining, E2 is good, Ganirelix for 4 days starting 8/2

    August 4, 2014: 14 follicles on-track, good lining, Trigger 8/6

    August 9, 2014: 9 ICSIed/ 5 embryos; aiming for a 5dt on 8/13

    August 13, 2014: 5DT of 1 4BA almost-hatching blastocyst (Please hang in, Little Bug!)

    August 14, 2014: We have 3 frosties! Hope they're having fun hanging out together. :)

    August 23, 2014: Beta #1: 144 8/23/14: Beta #2: 374 Beta 8/25/14  Beta #3: 6,600 9/3/14

    September 9, 2014: Ultrasound #1 115 heartbeats per minute

    September 23, 2014: Ultrasound #2 182 heartbeats per minute 

    September 26, 2014: Love my OB's office

    October 10, 2014: Our baby looks like a baby and is moving all over!  

    December 8, 2014: Anatomy scan- It's a girl! 

    "Hope strengthens.  Fear kills."- Karen Marie Moning

    "Heaviness is only temporary; the daylight will soon break in."- needtobreathe

  • denbkdenbk member
    edited July 2014

    I wish I would have asked our RE more questions.  Been more prepared food wise (menu plan, shopping, freezer meals etc.. ), joined this board months prior as I've learned so much from all of you ladies, ate a higher fiber diet (the stims and anesthesia causes severe constipation and it is so painful). 

    @katib77 I TOTALLY AGREE!   Today I am on Day 6 post transfer and today is the first day I can zip up my dress pants.   I looked 4 months pregnant come ER and even worse the days following.   


    @georgie314 I agree with you on ER as well.  I was so un-comfortable the day before and just couldn't wait for them to take those follies out to only feel 100 times worse the following day.  I can't believe you worked a 13 hour shift. 

    ME: 37, DH: 40
    TTC since September, 2005 (8 yrs and 9 mos - but who's counting)

    Dx: PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis  
    Tried to conceive naturally on just clomid off and on for several years.
    IVF #1:  4-24-2014:  Started an IVF Cycle on Clomid, my body didn't respond so it was cancelled.
    IVF #2:  7-11-2014:  BFFN :( 

    Our RE believes I have an Immune Disorder that destroys my eggs and our embryos.

    We decided against any more testing or procedures with Infertility and are Happily waiting to Adopt our little one. 

    You can visit our Family and Adoption Blog here.

  • I wish I wouldn't have been so optimistic about IVF #1 working, it has taken a lot out of me emotionally when we lost the baby at 10 weeks. This time around, we are more realistic and know what we are getting into. The med side effects take a lot out of you if your drug sensitive like I am, you feel pregnant after ER, take it easy after transfer and ER, know your limits, I over did it and was exhausted after working all day. The bruises from blood work get harder and harder to draw because you have so much scarring or bruising that they run out of spots to draw from, plus it's hard to hide the bruises if your not telling people what you have been trying to do. I was super constipated after ER, which required a stool softner per the doc .And the most important part is, stay positive and stay away from stress.
  • pblgepblge member
    I wish I had gotten a therapist who specialized in infertility in place at the outset. It just takes so long to locate a good therapist of any kind, especially one with specialized knowledge. We're not "out" about this, so the rough patches are really rough, and having support in place in advance would have made the process a lot easier.

    Agree with the constipation. Also agree with PPs about getting to a high quality clinic sooner rather than later. Also agree about reasonable expectations. So many people don't have success with the first round of IVF, and those BFNs (or worse) are just devastating.

    I WISH I could know if there was really any effect from anything I ate or drank. If someone could tell me that I could either eat whatever was comforting, or just stop wondering.
    **********************siggy/ticker warning**********************

    ***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. :'(  Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen.  => M/C @ 8 wks. :'( Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! :) Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
  • LO95 said:
    I haven't started my meds yet, but your comment got me to thinking about work clothes.  I am a teacher so it's great right now, but we'll back in a month and I'm wondering what effect the medication has on your body/ clothing choices. I don't want people at work asking if I'm pregnant.  Any tricks for this?
    I wore lots of dresses. Nothing tight on my belly...but it wasn't "new" clothes that would throw someone into thinking I had a reason to "need" new clothes. 

    Oh and yoga pants. They are your friend. :)
    Siggy/Ticker Warning

    IVF #1: August 2012 Lupron Protocol | 8R 8M 8F |Transfer 2|BFN
    IVF #2: April 2014 Antagonist Protocol|12R 11M 10F|Transfer 2|BFP | m/c 5.8.14 
    FET#1: Transfer Day 8/29 | BFP | Beta 1: 302 Beta 2: 732
    U/S shows two beautiful heartbeats at 122!!
    Lost Baby B at 9 weeks 
    Baby A is our stubborn little fighter with a heartrate of 169!

    Team BLUE!


  • I do not produce too many eggs and do not have PCOS so I was not bloated during the stims or after ER. But my gallbladder hurt like hell during the stims and about two weeks afterwards. I did not have a gallstone or any prior problems but apparently my gallbladder was a bit too sensitive to the max dose of hormones I was getting. I got it checked with an ultrasound and bloodwork but it turned out to be nothing. Next time I'll be more prepared.

    Also, my RE allowed a 8oz coffee for me everyday, even after ET. However, I was trying to be very careful and cut out caffeine completely. It sucks when you do that suddenly. Lupron was giving me headaches and not having caffeine did not help.

    I do not like to drink water too much but I was so very thirsty after ER for about 10 days. I had to get gatorade to keep myself hydrated. They will tell you to drink lots of gatorade.

    Acupuncture helped a lot during the process. I was always very tired during the stims, so it was helpful to take a 45 minute nap, while hoping that there is a chance that those needles help your IVF process as well. 

    No alcohol and no workouts etc. may mean that you may need to lie to your colleagues and friends time to time. Knowing that I always drink at least two glasses of wine when we go out, my friends were sure that I was pregnant. My to go lie was that I was on antibiotics and could not have alcohol. 

    ---- Siggy warning ------

    Me 34 y/o  DH 35 y/o

    IVF#1 (ICSI)-- April 2014-- MDL with BCP, 5R, 4 ICSID, 3dt with three embryos, 1 six-day freeze (2BA grade)-- BFN

    IVF#2.1 (ICSI)-- August 2014: MDL without BCP-- cancelled

    Natural IUI on 11/8 -- BFN

    IVF#2.2 (ICSI)--Nov/Dec 2014: MDL without BCP, 5R, 1 ICSID, frozen on day 6 (grade 2BB)

    FET #1: transferred two 5 (or 6?)day embryos on January 27. Beta #1 (2/4): 158, Beta #2 (2/6): 391 Beta #3(2/9): 1187 BFP! 

    First u/s at 5w1d showed one gestational sac and yolk sac. Second u/s at 6w showed heartbeat at 102. Third u/s at 7w heart rate 145. EDD 10/15/2015


  • Lillovebug79Lillovebug79 member
    edited July 2014
    I wish I had known that the Lupron was going to make me feel like I was going through menopause all of a sudden! I was restless at night, hot flashes, night sweats (dripping wet night sweats), mood swings, anxiety, headaches, and a rash at the injection site. Not that this happens to most people because it doesn't but I wasn't prepared for it and I wish I had been.
    I was also terrified of ER and it wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined. I was glad that I took the following day off because I needed it! I was really sore.
    The absolute hardest part of it all for me was waiting for my daily call from the embryologist. I was a nervous wreck. I felt like I left part of myself in the lab and I was praying for each of my little embies constantly. It was really hard.
    Definitely plan a lot of things to keep yourself distracted in the 2WW, it will be the hardest one ever!

    ********Siggy/Ticker Warning***********

    Me (35) no known issues DH (37) MFI. TTC 21 months (24 cycles)
    Dx MFI with low to normal count, low motility, morphology 3%
    HSG normal, ultrasound and labs on me all normal. 

    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and TI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and IUI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    Started seeing an RE!!
    2 more cycles of clomid 50mg (great response), with IUI and Pregnyl trigger (4.8-8 mil good ones after wash) = all BFN
    1 cycle of clomid 50mg (3-7) followed by Follistim 75iu (7-11) + IUI = BFN
    December 2013 DH saw urologist and is taking Anastrozole, CoQ10, and L-Carnitine
    IUI #5 natural cycle (needed a med break) = BFN
    IUI #6 Follistim 75iu (CD3-10) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI (final count after wash 300K) = BFN
    IUI #7 Follistim 75iu (CD3-9) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI on 2/20 (post wash count 12.5 million)= BFN
    IUI cancelled (DH OOT) Clomid 50mg (CD3-7) 1 follicle +(not well timed) TI = BFN
    IUI #8 and last one!! Clomid 100mg (CD3-7) +OPK before US + IUI 4/17 (post wash 8.5 mil)= BFN

    Pre-IVF testing complete! SHG great and measurements taken! Labs for infectious diseases completed, FSH (5.4), TSH (1.6), Prolactin (11), AMH (2.6), Estradiol (40).

    Started BCP 5/29 and Lupron 6/11 prep for IVF #1! Started follistim 225u/day on 6/28. Monitoring on 7/2 >15 follicles measuring 11-14, E2 758. Monitoring on 7/5 all ready to go!! Great follicle sizes and lining is at 9. Tigger 7/5, ER 7/7 16R 9M 3F. Stimmed too fast in just 7 days. 7/10 3dt of 2 8-cell grade 2 & 4. 7/14 P4 >60.
    Holy crap BFP!!!
    Beta #1 (14dpo) 7/21 112 Beta #2 (16dpo) 7/23 286 a Beta #3 (18dpo) 7/25 761 Beta #4 (21dpo) 2631!!! Hold on tight little embies!!
      First Ultrasound 8/7- 1 perfect little bean with a beating heart 117bpm!! EDD 3/30.
    Second ultrasound 9/2 Little bean measuring a few days ahead with a heart rate of 161!

    PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!


    Pregnancy Ticker

    March 15 Siggy Challenge: You had one job

  • Progesterone has the same side effects/symptoms as pregnancy.  Don't start looking for pregnancy symptoms bare days after transfer, its the progesterone (I know this one causes a lot of grief). 

    I was really sore from the ER and needed two days off work to recover and start feeling normal again. 

    Anesthesia causes constipation.  Take a stool softener before ER and probably for a few days after, it will get uncomfortable.  

    That my med doses would change almost daily depending on my blood work results.  

    That it might not work the first time and that I needed to keep my expectations reasonable.  

    Stay focused on your relationship with your DH, its important not to forget about the guys and the stress they are going through as well.  

    That the first shot is by far the worst, only because I had it so built up in my head that it would be a traumatic experience.  It took me 45 min to do the 1st shot.  
    Melissa - 36   DH - 42
    TTC # 1 4+years
    6 months Clomid/Unmonitored TI with GYN
    1st RE visit Jan'11
    7 Clomid IUI's 3/11-3/12 - 4 with DS
    8/11 Clomid/IUI/DS - BFP!  MMC 8 weeks D&C 10/11
    4/12 Moving on to IVF!
    8/12 IVF/ICSI 16R/6M/5F 5DT of 2 blasts, froze 1 BFP! Heart beat at 7wk us! MMC 9 weeks D&C 10/12
    1/13 FET Transferred our 1 frozen blast - BFN
    6/13 IVF/ICSI 27R/17M/7F 3DT 2 embryos, froze 1 hatching blast - BFN  
    11/14 IVF 33R/28M/20F (12/16F DH/ICSI, 8/12F DS/Natural) - 5dt of 2 morulas - BFP! 
                   Beta 1 12dp5dt - 162
                   Beta 2 15dp5dt - 414  
    image  image
  • CMH25CMH25 member
    The process works! Research the doctor and clinic. Once you gain confidence in them, trust them, trust the process, let them do their job and worry for you. Easier said than done, I know. But that is what I wish I knew. :). GL!
  • Also, I wish I had known that putting ice on the muscle for 5 minutes before the PIO shots helps so much!!!! It seriously makes a huge difference, sometimes I don't feel it at all! I didn't read that in my instructions until after the 1st one.

    ********Siggy/Ticker Warning***********

    Me (35) no known issues DH (37) MFI. TTC 21 months (24 cycles)
    Dx MFI with low to normal count, low motility, morphology 3%
    HSG normal, ultrasound and labs on me all normal. 

    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and TI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    1 cycle of Clomid 50mg and IUI, unmonitored by OBGYN= BFN
    Started seeing an RE!!
    2 more cycles of clomid 50mg (great response), with IUI and Pregnyl trigger (4.8-8 mil good ones after wash) = all BFN
    1 cycle of clomid 50mg (3-7) followed by Follistim 75iu (7-11) + IUI = BFN
    December 2013 DH saw urologist and is taking Anastrozole, CoQ10, and L-Carnitine
    IUI #5 natural cycle (needed a med break) = BFN
    IUI #6 Follistim 75iu (CD3-10) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI (final count after wash 300K) = BFN
    IUI #7 Follistim 75iu (CD3-9) + Pregnyl (CD11) + IUI on 2/20 (post wash count 12.5 million)= BFN
    IUI cancelled (DH OOT) Clomid 50mg (CD3-7) 1 follicle +(not well timed) TI = BFN
    IUI #8 and last one!! Clomid 100mg (CD3-7) +OPK before US + IUI 4/17 (post wash 8.5 mil)= BFN

    Pre-IVF testing complete! SHG great and measurements taken! Labs for infectious diseases completed, FSH (5.4), TSH (1.6), Prolactin (11), AMH (2.6), Estradiol (40).

    Started BCP 5/29 and Lupron 6/11 prep for IVF #1! Started follistim 225u/day on 6/28. Monitoring on 7/2 >15 follicles measuring 11-14, E2 758. Monitoring on 7/5 all ready to go!! Great follicle sizes and lining is at 9. Tigger 7/5, ER 7/7 16R 9M 3F. Stimmed too fast in just 7 days. 7/10 3dt of 2 8-cell grade 2 & 4. 7/14 P4 >60.
    Holy crap BFP!!!
    Beta #1 (14dpo) 7/21 112 Beta #2 (16dpo) 7/23 286 a Beta #3 (18dpo) 7/25 761 Beta #4 (21dpo) 2631!!! Hold on tight little embies!!
      First Ultrasound 8/7- 1 perfect little bean with a beating heart 117bpm!! EDD 3/30.
    Second ultrasound 9/2 Little bean measuring a few days ahead with a heart rate of 161!

    PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!


    Pregnancy Ticker

    March 15 Siggy Challenge: You had one job

  • gnl42gnl42 member
    I wish I had realized that things can get delayed or cancelled at any point in the process. Starting IVF can be very exciting, but it can also be very frustrating and disappointing along the way if things don't go as planned.
    Me (31), DH (33), one furbaby (7) - unexplained IF 
    hysteroscopy and polypectomy 2/14
    IVF #1 3/2014 - cancelled (early ovulation)
    IVF #1.2  ER 5/16/14: 23R 18F -  freeze all (12) due to concern for late onset OHSS 
    FET #1 in June - delayed due to thin lining, 7/18 SET (7.5 mm lining) resulted in chemical pregnancy
    FET #2 in Sept - 9/4 transferred 2 CCS tested embryos (6.5mm lining)
    9/13 beta #1 - 400, 9/15 beta #2 - 950, U/S 9/22 one gestational/yolk sac - next up 9/29
    3 frozen CCS tested embryos remaining
  • I wish I had done my shots myself from the beginning. It took me, my H and my sister to prep for the first little lupron shot over a year ago. I was a mess. I hate needles.  But after 2 IVF's, I realized my H was awful at giving me the shots.  It hurt every time.  He was just too nervous.  It stressed him out because he knew how much I hate needles.  When I did it myself (or when my sister/mother/friend did it), it didn't hurt. Now I just think, "it's a tomato!" Yes, I practiced on a tomato, don't judge me.

    I wish I knew it wasn't going to be easy like we were told in the beginning since we were MFI.

    Book vacations anyways, but maybe around potential future cycles.  And get the no questions asked insurance policy if it applies (ask specially for it, it's usually not the basic one!).  

    If you're lucky to have insurance coverage, don't expect them to cover everything.  And just because they cover it for one cycle, doesn't mean they will the next.

    Don't do anything in the 2WW that you would regret if you were to get a BFN.  I struggled with picking up our 18lb puppy the 2 times I had to during that time, when I know it was not that.

    If you feel like you are not getting the right attention or that your RE/clinic is not experienced enough with your issue, then switch RE/clinics.  Get multiple opinions.  Sometimes the second opinion isn't any better.

    Question everything (within reason).  And follow up with approvals frequently.  I call almost every day until my cycle gets approved and with the pharmacy I use now, I do call daily to get an update.  I feel like otherwise, it can get lost or delayed another cycle.

    Relax.  Try to combat any anxieties as they occur.  Yoga, walking and laughing help.

    Definitely stay off google during the 2WW.  It will not help any.

    Try to laugh during times of stress.  It's a stressful time, but you're trying to make a baby, with like a bunch of other people that you've just met and may never meet again!

    I keep track of my E2/follie sizes/counts so I can compare with how I am doing with respect to previous cycles. It helps keep me hopeful, usually.  I wish I did that better with my first cycle.
    ****************SIGGY WARNING****************

    TTC since 2011
    DH: 29, Severe MFI; grade III varicocele; surgery postponed till KU
    Me: 30, POF/DOR, factor II hetero, MTHFR homo
    5 IVF's, LLP, EEP, MDLF all BFN
    IVF 6 using DEB USA frozen eggs
    developed bilateral PE's from BCP, cancelled/delayed 6 mths, taking lovenox
    Feb'15 SURPRISE 1st BFP ever! EDD: 10/10/15, FX
    Still have frozen donor eggs on ice
    All are welcome!
  • LO95 said:
    AMShark Wow! I wouldn't have really thought about not eating those things.  Is that because your RE wants you to eat as if you are successfully pregnant or is there another reason to avoid those things? 
    If all goes as planned, then you actually will be pregnant after ET.  
    I know - It blows the mind to think that's a possibility after years of failure, but its true.

    *** Ticker Warning ***

    Me: 37, DH: 39, TTC 5 yrs

    2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign); 
    2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
    2014 summary (to date):
    IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
    ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!; 
    1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
    IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26; 
    ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze :'(
    1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!! 
    EDD: 29-April-2015
    Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I posted this several weeks ago, but as a FYI, if you put pressure on the site of your blood draw for 5 minutes after it is done, it should not bruise.  I made it through my stimming without the slightest hint of a bruise.  

    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


  • The days between ER and ET are the worst!
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

  • CML11CML11 member
    This is really great info, I feel like I want to book mark it so I can keep referring back. Great thread! Scary, but very helpful info!
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