Pregnant after 35

Passed 3-hour glucose test but still considered glucose intolerant?

I failed my 1-hour glucose test with a 169 but passed the 3-hour glucose test. I'm reading my lab results online and it says I technically don't have GD but I'm still somewhat glucose intolerant. I'm told to limit carbs/sweets to at most 1 small serving per meal so that LO doesn't grow too large. It doesn't really explain the specifics of what led to this interpretation. Do you think it's because I failed the one hour or are my 3-hour numbers too close to the maximum normal number? Here are my 3-hour results with the normal range in parentheses:

fasting: 82 (65-94)
1 hour: 168 (<180)
2 hour: 131 (<155)
3 hour: 118 (<140)

Has anyone gotten similar results and was still diagnosed with GD or given dietary restrictions? It seems diagnosing/treating GD can depend on the doctor, since my SIL's doc diagnosed her with GD after she borderline passed the 1-hour test. Or do docs just tend to over-diagnose for preventative purposes?

Re: Passed 3-hour glucose test but still considered glucose intolerant?

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    I am no medical expert, but those numbers all seem well below the accepted limit. 

    I would ask your doctor why he/she thinks the dietary restrictions are a good idea. I'd be confused, too.

    First-time mom, 35+, parenting after a loss (mmc Oct. 2012 @ 8 wks), ttc for a year after loss

    CafeMom Tickers

    January PAL siggie challenge; Good advice:

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    I was considered glucose intolerant with DD#2 but I failed one of the four draws at the three hour test. By the looks of your results my Dr would consider you not glucose intolerant. I really think there is a huge swing in what different Dr's accept as normal. I learned that by following other diabetics when I was diagnosed with DD#3. I would for sure talk to your dr about it. GL, JM

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