Formula Feeding

Combo feeding

Hi, I'm new to the boards and not due until December but have been thinking about how I'm going to feed baby once he comes. Has anyone done a combo of breast feeding and formula feeding or do you just pick one? Thanks!

Re: Combo feeding

  • I'm doing both because my supply is crap. I *MABYE* get 4 oz pumped at work, then start with breast and then offer formula at home. I think LO get WAY more out of me straight on the breast because when she eats straight bottle she will eat 4 oz, and when she takes a bottle after me only needs ~1 oz..and when I pump I get maybe an oz per session.
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    BFP#2 7/28/13 EDD 4/9/14 Birthday : 4/10/14 Adalyn Nanette :)
    BFP#1 6/29/12 LTMC 10/20/12 (20 weeks) induced delivery 10/22/12
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  • I did both at the beginning, alternating bottle and breastfeeding every other time. I slowly dropped formula and now only bf, but it was half her diet for the first few months. It worked great for us!

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