Baby Names

Thoughts on Jeanette

Baby Girl #4 is due in 7 weeks or so.  We are STILL struggling to find the right name.  What are you thoughts on Jeanette?  I don't know if I love it or not  I like that it is a family name.  How do you feel about it a sister Charlotte?  Too many "-ette" type names?  Sisters are,, and Han.nah.  Also, would Jena be a suitable nickname?

Other names we have considered were: Elena, Helena, Nora(h), Sarah and Georgia (DH doesn't like, but it's my GP name). 

We typically wait until delivery to pick a name, but I don't even have a list that I truly LOVE at this point. 


C+C born June 2011

Surprise! H born Novemeber 2012

Baby #4 due September 2014

Re: Thoughts on Jeanette

  • I LOVE Jeanette.

    I also really like Nora and Sara though.
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  • I don't love it, if I am being honest.  It feels like a "mom" name to me-- too young to be vintage, too old to feel fresh.

    Can you middle name it?  Sarah Jeanette is lovely!


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  • I love Jeanette on its own or nn Jena.  I don't think it's too much -tte with Charlotte.  I also love Nora(h) from your list. 
  • I really like Jeannette, it's so spunky! With your other girls' names though I think I prefer Sarah.

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  • Jeanette is very country and doesn't compilment the style of your other daughters' names IMO.

    I wouldn't use 2 -tte names in one sibset. I think all of your other options are superior to Jeanette. To honor family I'd MN Jeanette.
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  • Although I like Jeanette, I do agree that it doesn't "go" with our sibset.  Thanks for the input.


    We'll keep looking...

    C+C born June 2011

    Surprise! H born Novemeber 2012

    Baby #4 due September 2014

  • I like Jeanette. It's a tad dated, but I still think that it's a great name. And it goes well with your other daughters' names.
  • I don't think Jeanette goes with your daughter's names. I much prefer their names over Jeanette. Any of your other choices are so much better IMO. I liked the suggestion of using Jeanette as a middle name though.
  • My middle name is similar (Jeanetta, named after my great-grandma), so I think it's a nice middle name. :)
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