When visitors show up, I'd rather they hold the baby and let me do shit around the house so it's all done to my liking, and I get a break from holding onto Charlie.
When visitors show up, I'd rather they hold the baby and let me do shit around the house so it's all done to my liking, and I get a break from holding onto Charlie.
I love visitors for this reason. We had friends come by yesterday, which was perfect because by the time they arrived, I was just sick of holding DD. I was so happy to let someone else take her for a while.
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe DD2: October 2016 DC3: coming May 2019
I prefer people to hold baby at my house so I can get stuff done, too, but I hate when people hold my baby the whole time we are somewhere else. Irrational, I know. Maybe it's because I'm not focused on him if I am doing other stuff?
@flerlgirl that's how I feel about DDs friends coming to our house. They are 2 1/2 years old and never seem to be well supervised, so I have to watch a baby and multiple toddlers. Plus DD doesn't want them playing with her stuff and am I a bad mom that I don't want them playing with her toys either? We put her favorites in another room before company comes over... Adult visitors I like better because I want them to hold DS while I make myself food
I guess this isn't as unpopular as I thought, but I would also rather not see/talk to/hear from people other than DH, LO, or my dad right now.
I am tired of people saying "Oh, your ILs are coming. That's great. Now you'll have help and company." Why does everyone think I need help and company? I have company all the time because I'm BFing a baby who always wants to eat. And she's really nice company. And my ILs don't help at all. They are a lot of work and FIL is unpleasant.
I am totally cool with someone who babywears to the nail salon to get a pedicure, but people who leave their grown ass kids strapped in a stroller while they get a pedicure is wack sauce. Especially when you are telling your kid to calm down and be quiet every two minutes.
I have the UO because I love having visitors. I would go crazy home with 4 kids by myself all the time. But I also will breastfeed in front of anyone, will put people to work on my messy house, and will take a nap if I have to while others hold babies :-).
I have no patience for drama or drama queens lately and thus have been avoiding much of this board. I don't want to hear about how much you (still) can't stand your husband or your ILs or whatever other drama there is. Half of it sounds too crazy to be real anyways.
I have no patience for drama or drama queens lately and thus have been avoiding much of this board. I don't want to hear about how much you (still) can't stand your husband or your ILs or whatever other drama there is. Half of it sounds too crazy to be real anyways.
I am guilty of bitching on here but I agree with this 100%
Omg salty! Right there with ya
Also, just because you kids is a bit older does NOT mean you get a pass on parenting them. Keep an eye on your kids! I shouldn't have to remove my kid from a play area because your kid is being a twat.
Re: UO
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
I don't like people holding my baby.
I don't like people.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
And salt on fruit is weird (I didn't know people did this until this thread!)
Baby #1: expected June 2014
I do not like them when they roam
I do not like them touching things
I do not like them nearby me.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
I do not like them when they roam
I do not like them touching things
I do not like them nearby me.
Yes yes, please continue
ETA bonus points for pictures/gifs, cause everyone likes a story with pictures.
I do not like it when they say
"How is flerl doing today?"
I do not like it when they smile
Or when they sit and stay a while
I do not like it when they judge
Or bring me desserts that aren't fudge
I do not like it when they hug
I do not like their ugly mug
I do not like them while they talk
I wish they would get up and walk
I do not want them to see me
I do not like them, June fourteen
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
YOU are always the saltiest though. We've literally been waiting on you. ;-)
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.