June 2014 Moms


Make it happen, salty hoes.

I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 


Re: UO

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  • When visitors show up, I'd rather they hold the baby and let me do shit around the house so it's all done to my liking, and I get a break from holding onto Charlie.
    I love visitors for this reason. We had friends come by yesterday, which was perfect because by the time they arrived, I was just sick of holding DD. I was so happy to let someone else take her for a while.

    DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
    DD2: October 2016
    DC3: coming May 2019

  • k318k318 member

    People who put salt on fruit are weirdos. Weirdos I say!

    Then I am really weird! Grilled pineapple with salt and vanilla ice cream is the best thing ever!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • flerlgirl said:

    I think the idea of cookies dipped in milk is disgusting.

    Double stuf Oreos MUST be dipped in milk! It's the only way to eat them!! ...but those are the only cookies I dip.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker image
  • Read247 said:
    I think the idea of cookies dipped in milk is disgusting.
    Double stuf Oreos MUST be dipped in milk! It's the only way to eat them!! ...but those are the only cookies I dip.
    Agree.  I can't eat an Oreo unless it's dipped in milk.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

  • People who put salt on fruit are weirdos. Weirdos I say!

    Salt and watermelon, yum!
  • I like tomatoes with sugar on them, and Oreos without milk are just sad.
  • I hate milk in cereal.

    And salt on fruit is weird (I didn't know people did this until this thread!)

    Baby #1: expected June 2014

    Pregnancy Ticker 

  • diagonalleydiagonalley member
    edited July 2014
    flerlgirl said:

    Merie412 said:

    flerlgirl said:

    I don't like people cleaning my house.

    I don't like people holding my baby.

    I don't like people.

    This reads like the Dr. Suess book of my dreams.

    I do not like them in my home
    I do not like them when they roam
    I do not like them touching things
    I do not like them nearby me.

    Yes yes, please continue :)

    ETA bonus points for pictures/gifs, cause everyone likes a story with pictures.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @flerlgirl that's how I feel about DDs friends coming to our house. They are 2 1/2 years old and never seem to be well supervised, so I have to watch a baby and multiple toddlers. Plus DD doesn't want them playing with her stuff and am I a bad mom that I don't want them playing with her toys either? We put her favorites in another room before company comes over... Adult visitors I like better because I want them to hold DS while I make myself food
  • I think mothers milk yea tastes like ass but I am willing to drink it to up my supply, who knows if it actually works.
  • flerlgirl said:

    I do not like it when they say
    "How is flerl doing today?"
    I do not like it when they smile
    Or when they sit and stay a while


    I do not like it when they judge
    Or bring me desserts that aren't fudge
    I do not like it when they hug
    I do not like their ugly mug

    I do not like them while they talk
    I wish they would get up and walk
    I do not want them to see me
    I do not like them, June fourteen


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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Well flerlgirl won the internet today!

    I concur! Ahmazing.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • elsa1688 said:

    Well flerlgirl won the internet today!

    I concur! Ahmazing.
    Thaaaaanks, guuuuiiiiise

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • JNerd said:

    I have no patience for drama or drama queens lately and thus have been avoiding much of this board. I don't want to hear about how much you (still) can't stand your husband or your ILs or whatever other drama there is. Half of it sounds too crazy to be real anyways.

    I am guilty of bitching on here but I agree with this 100%
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @saltypearl‌ I'm sorry if I upset you, I so didn't mean to!! :(
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