January 2014 Moms

Help with eating solids

Anyone have suggestions on what I should do. So last Monday we just started DS on solids. We decided to start with some rice cereal and go on from there. Well we are in the 2nd week now and the last 4 days or so DS now screams and cries when u feed him the cereal. Last week went well, and he seemed to catch on just fine. He even grabs the spoon and helps guide it into mouth. The last 3 days now he gets so angry when u remove the spoon from mouth. He cries and cries and then doesn't even swallow what's in his mouth. Should we just keep trying every night or give it a break for a few days? I don't know. It's like he wants to suck on the spoon like a bottle. Maybe his teeth are bothering him. Any suggestions or any of u have had this happen before???

Re: Help with eating solids

  • Maybe I will try sweet potatoes next. Give that a try. It's just sad when he screams and cries when u take spoon away, ha ha. Arghhhhhhh
  • Maybe give him a spoon to hold himself while you feed him with the other spoon. He probably doesn't see solids as a way of eating just yet, so its just a fun game right now. It took DD several weeks before she understood that solids = full tummy. He will catch on soon enough, I think. 
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  • Yup, give him an extra spon to play with.  Some times I have to do this with H.  He usually trys to "feed" himself between bites.  Another thought.  We had fussiness problems when we first started foods too.  Turns out he just didn't like his highchair.  He wanted the Bumbo and tray.
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  • I agree with PP about giving him another spoon to play with. Also, its possible that he doesn't really like the cereal. My son cries if we give him cereal without something mixed in with it so we did veggies and some fruits for awhile and are just now reintroducing cereal and oatmeal mixed with apples.


  • My DD also really likes playing with the spoon. Sometimes she's perfectly content to be fed other times she really wants to hold the spoon. If she's in one of those moods I'll just put some purée on the spoon and give it to her to let her feed herself and then play with it for a while. I keep refilling it as long as she seems interested. That usually makes her happy and keeps her entertained.
  • We started DD on rice cereal and she liked it for the first week. Then she didn't. So we switched to oatmeal, which she now prefers. We also feed her veggies now like peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes, all pureed. Try mixing rice cereal with something else, or else ditching it for another grain cereal. I also agree with PP about giving him another spoon to play with or changing up the feeding chair. 
  • DS hates rice cereal but seems to tolerate oatmeal after being consistent. I also give him an apple (now knowing he's not allergic) so he gums on that in between spoonfuls.  Granted he only eats about 1/2 tbsp of oatmeal daily but it works for me.
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  • just wanted to throw out that my daughter got pretty constipated from the oatmeal cereal, so if you start to try that maybe don't do it every day until you see how he does on it. DD does have a picky tummy though so he could do just fine with it. 

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    Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
    After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
    Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
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  • km_mdkm_md member
    @Cara1024‌ thanks for that heads up! DD has some tummy issues so this is a good reminder for me!

  • km_md said:
    @Cara1024‌ thanks for that heads up! DD has some tummy issues so this is a good reminder for me!
    We tried apples several days in a row also and got a similar reaction. I really have to be careful with her.  i hope she grows out of it eventually :(

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    Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
    After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
    Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Cara1024 said:
    km_md said:
    @Cara1024‌ thanks for that heads up! DD has some tummy issues so this is a good reminder for me!
    We tried apples several days in a row also and got a similar reaction. I really have to be careful with her.  i hope she grows out of it eventually :(
    yep, too much apple, oatmeal, or bananas and my boy gets constipated. poor little thing


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