So we trained DS at the very beginning of June using the Potty Training Boot Camp method. It went REALLY well - I was amazed with how quickly he caught on. We're still doing diapers at nap and night but he's waking up dry pretty frequently.
The first 3ish weeks, he had almost no accidents and most of the time he was telling us when he needed to go. I'd ask him and if it seemed like it had been quite a while I'd take him just in case, but he was really good about telling us. However, in the last few weeks, he has sort of stopped telling us when he needs to go. I've started asking him frequently and just taking him when I think it's been a while. He'll say he doesn't have to go, then when I take him he'll go, or he'll say he doesn't have to go and then have an accident 3 minutes later. We're averaging one accident every other day.
I honestly don't know - are my expectations unrealistic? Should I still be taking him frequently, rather than expecting him to tell me when he needs to go? I think I got sort of spoiled with those first few really good weeks. Now I'm questioning whether it's age-appropriate for me to expect him to tell me this (or acknowledge that he does need to go when I ask him). Do your LOs tell you when they need to go? Or do you just take them frequently?
We go together like a wink and a smile. June 27, 2009
52 books in 2015?
Re: Moms who have potty trained - a question
I am just taking her into the bathroom anytime I have to go. (Which seems like quite a bit being 31 weeks pregnant.) Also I can kind of tell by her body language if she has to go real bad, she will start dancing or swaying. Just keep doing what you are doing and he will get to where he stops or isn't having accidents as often. Hang in there!