Baby Names

Murphy James

I'm about a minute pregnant, and don't even know what I'm having, but of course am already day dreaming about names. I've always wanted to use the name Murphy James for a boy. These are both of my (deceased) grandpas' first names.

I just wanted some honest opinions before I get too stuck on it. Is it too goofy? My IRL friends who I've mentioned it to say it's legit, but I could also see them not wanting to hurt my feelings.

DS's name is William Edmond (named after DH's dad), and our last name sounds like Bieber. Thoughts? Tia!




Re: Murphy James

  • I'm not fond of Murphy, but I like James. I do love when people honor loved ones with names though. sorry I'm not much help...

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  • I'll definitely think about it. I just love the name Murphy so much, I'd want to be able to use it regularly! I know people probably aren't crazy about it, otherwise it would be more popular, but I mainly wanted to see if anybody would side-eye it.

    It's one thing if somebody thinks, "eh, I wouldn't name my kid that", and another if they're thinking "Wtf, that poor child! What were his parents thinking!". I hope that makes sense lol.




  • LNic5LNic5 member
    That totally makes sense. I myself honestly don't love Murphy and prefer the suggestion James Murphy but it's a "not my style" opinion, not a "wtf poor child" opinion. So if you absolutely love Murphy and would never regret naming him that then go for it!!
  • WymasaWymasa member
    I love Murphy. DH would have never gone for it, but it's a good name, imo. Not too little kid sounding and not yooneek enough to receive side eyes. I can see a cute, quirky little Murphy. 
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  • When I think of Murphy, I think of the phrase, "When Murphy comes calling..." As in, Murphy is trouble. So in my head, it has a negative connotation. I've also heard it used a lot on pets, so there's that issue, too. If none of that bothers you, it isn't a bad name, but it's NMS.
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  • ==N====N== member
    I love Murphy! And James too.
    Murphy James is very handsome together.

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  • Nothing "wrong" with it, but Murphy is not pleasant to my ears at all. I do like James Murphy, but I really love the names James.
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  • We almost named DS Murphy, it was my grandma ms maiden name. I love it!
    My 2 girls, both born on a Friday the 13th, are exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 hours and 2 minutes apart! And Baby Boy joined us October 11, 2013! image
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  • shannmshannm member
    To me, Murphy is a nickname and/or last name that is also frequently used when naming dogs.
    I vote James Murphy.
  • Murphy is the name of our next door neighbor's dog. I'd put it in the MN spot. James Murphy sounds much better IMO
  • James Murphy is infinitely better than Murphy James.  
  • I think murphy is an awful first name...James i love
  • I'm not fond of Murphy, but I like James. I do love when people honor loved ones with names though. sorry I'm not much help...
    This exactly.
  • CMSAV said:
    I think it's offbeat and kind of charming. If you love it, go for it!
    Exactly this. If I were close to Murphy James, I would have a world of fun coming up with nicknames for him (in an affectionate way, of course). He'd probably be the only Murphy in his class/job and nobody would have to ask "Murphy who?" I think it's a great name.
    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
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