So, my DH has fallen in love with the name Justice. He thinks it's strong and likes the virtue it promotes. (I think he's been in law enforcement too long if that's the name he likes) I'm trying to humor him and see if we can find a name we like to accompany it. I flat out refused Justice as a first name, but agreed to consider it as a middle name for a boy.
Any ideas for first names that would sound good with Justice and a two syllable last name starting in W? Looking for something more traditional, but not terribly common. Possible girl's name is Alanna Elle.
Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions!
Re: Middle Name Justice
Cooper Justice
Ian Justice
Isaiah Justice
Matthew Justice
Micah Justice
Rory Justice
Timothy Justice
Yea, I wouldn't do Justice as a fn. And I agree with a PP that you need a normal, classic, strong boy name for Justice not to sound cheesy.
Michael, Matthew, William, Daniel, Timothy
Luca Justice
Cole Justice
Theo Justice
Michael Justice
Christopher Justice
Ronan Justice
Robert (Bobby) Justice
Mateo Justice
Everett Justice
Matthew Justice
Zachary (Zach) Justice
Dominic Justice
Carter Justice
Xander Justice
Eric Justice
Connor Justice
Bradley Justice