June 2013 Moms


I bought Benjamin a doll many many months ago at a consignment sale. He has recently taken an interest in it, but it's one of those full the belly with air kind and obviously has a hole because it's totally deflated. So I want to get him another doll, but haven't seen any that I like. I want him to (eventually) be able to change its outfit and/or diaper.
Right now he mostly just gives it kisses and brings it to us to hold. So the one we have is fine, just a little pathetic looking.


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Re: Dolls

  • ...the point of that post was: does anyone have a doll recommendation?


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  • Cricket81Cricket81 member
    edited July 2014
    I've been looking for one too that is even a little gender neutral, but haven't found anything good. So, following!
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  • I actually have my cabbage patch doll that I got for my first birthday! They are made totally different now, but my older boys played with it when they were little.
    I'm sure Owen will at one point carry it around.

    I'm actually holding on to it for a (hopefully) daughter one day.

    Anyway, I prefer those soft bodied dolls for young kids, then for an older kid a hard bodied doll.

    Sorry no recommendation. :|

  • @ChicagoChic82, that's adorable!
    Thanks :) and it smells delicious! Dh thinks it is creepy as all get out... He calls it "mr creepy".
    This made me laugh out loud :) 
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  • Why does this thread give me visions of Chuckie? 
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