I bought Benjamin a doll many many months ago at a consignment sale. He has recently taken an interest in it, but it's one of those full the belly with air kind and obviously has a hole because it's totally deflated. So I want to get him another doll, but haven't seen any that I like. I want him to (eventually) be able to change its outfit and/or diaper.
Right now he mostly just gives it kisses and brings it to us to hold. So the one we have is fine, just a little pathetic looking.
Re: Dolls
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
I'm sure Owen will at one point carry it around.
I'm actually holding on to it for a (hopefully) daughter one day.
Anyway, I prefer those soft bodied dolls for young kids, then for an older kid a hard bodied doll.
Sorry no recommendation.