He woke up from a nap yesterday afternoon and was a little warm. I took his temp and it was 101.8 so I gave him some Motrin.
About an hour and a half later I checked it again and it was down to 98.6. He played as usual but when he started laughing, I noticed some white spots on the tip of his tongue and also noticed that his breath had an odor to it. It didn't stink but it didn't smell like it normally does.
I tried calling his pedi but haven't heard back yet. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? He's 21 months old.
Re: White spots on DS tongue
This is what I thought as well. Is thrush common in toddlers? I know babies get it more often.
As for HFM, would it be on his hands and feet as well or could it just be in his mouth? I'm clueless!
Thrush - Anyone can get it. It is more common in babies, but any age can get it.
HFM - It can only be in the mouth.
Or it could just b e some random viral thing. If it is still going ton tomorrow I would just call and have him seen. Good luck, hope he is feeling better soon.