For the past couple of months I have been measuring 2 weeks ahead, and just recently, 3 weeks ahead. I asked my doctor if that meant much of anything or if it was just to track a pattern (especially since I was "fluffy" before I got pregnant).
My doctor is not an alarmist at all, so she kind of shrugged off the question with, 'Well, you can never be 100% sure, sometimes baby is just a little bigger - but you could also go at 36 or 38 weeks - you know...let's just start your 1 weeks visits 2 weeks early. So after my 34 week visit I will be going once a week (instead of 36 like it was originally supposed to be).
So I'm wondering how everyone else is measuring up, and for 2nd time mom's did how you measured up with the first turn out pretty accurate in accordance to when you gave birth?
Re: ALL Moms - How are you measuring up? :: STM - did measurements matter with your first?
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^
I had a u/s on my last visit too bc I have GD - so I definitely know there isn't an overabundance of fluid (but doc says just the right amount). I am however short waisted, so like the 2nd poster, there isn't much space for him to go except out.
My u/s estimated he was in the 60th percentile at about 4.5 lbs or so. I thought 4.5 pounds meant HUGE (bc TB says they should cap out at 3.8 at 32 weeks) but my doc says taht means about an 8-8.5 baby at 40 weeks "potentially". I don't blame her for not wanting to commit to anything 100% - I'm sure there is a lot of guess work invloved when it comes to this sort of thing.
This time my fundal height measurements have also always been exactly on track, but by U/S the little dude is measuring about 2 weeks ahead, and again, people tell me I look enormous. Doc didn't even measure my fundal height at my last appointment, I don't think they really worry about it. I think I have kind of a short torso, so baby just sticks out.
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2
With my first I measured two weeks behind so they moved my due date and he ended up coming right in the middle of my first and second due date. My midwife figured that I was measuring small just because I lost 30 pounds over the first three months.
This time I am measuring one week behind but they didn't move my due date. I have a different midwife this time but she is saying the same thing. I am probably measuring small in part of my weight loss at the beginning, 20 pounds this time.
Also, before reading me the riot act like all of my friends, I lost that much weight because I started eating healthy and stopped drinking soda. My midwife, as well as every nurse I have seen, has been amazed and said that it is wonderful. I am not starving myself. (Can you tell I'm defensive? I had a friend tell me I was a bad pregnant woman for starving my me, he's not starving, I eat constantly!)
I had an er doc with my 2nd yell at me for losing 30lbs in the 1st tri. (He nearly got kicked in the head during an internal exam for cramping and had some not quite nice comments thrown his way.) It was because I was sick but I was eating as much as I could. This time I am still down quite a bit but it's because I have changed eating habits again and I eat smaller meals. As long as baby is growing and doc says all is fine, let them complain!
When I went into labor with her it was discovered I actually had 2 bags of water. So, with this pregnancy I am measuring ahead again but the doctor has been measuring my water this time, and sure enough it's on the large side again this time.
Baby girl was measuring right on track until our last appt, now she is about 1-2 weeks ahead, and I suspect that will continue and she'll be a big baby too.
I'm starting my weekly appts at 32 weeks because of my history of making big babies.
This time around everytime she has measured me I have been right where I should be. It would be interesting to have another AS to see what LO is though. I'm carrying this LO way more out front than I did with DS he was tucked up in there pretty good.
I don't know if my Dr is planning on anymore scans, but it would interesting to know this info. Especially since I feel like my daughter might end up being the first female linebacker to play for the NFL by the looks of me.
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
ETA My fundal height is right on target... 31 cm.
VR 4/20/2013 | BFP 1/5/2014 | Baby Girl EDD 9/9/2014