September 2014 Moms

ALL Moms - How are you measuring up? :: STM - did measurements matter with your first?

For the past couple of months I have been measuring 2 weeks ahead, and just recently, 3 weeks ahead. I asked my doctor if that meant much of anything or if it was just to track a pattern (especially since I was "fluffy" before I got pregnant).

My doctor is not an alarmist at all, so she kind of shrugged off the question with, 'Well, you can never be 100% sure, sometimes baby is just a little bigger - but you could also go at 36 or 38 weeks - you know...let's just start your 1 weeks visits 2 weeks early. So after my 34 week visit I will be going once a week (instead of 36 like it was originally supposed to be).

So I'm wondering how everyone else is measuring up, and for 2nd time mom's did how you measured up with the first turn out pretty accurate in accordance to when you gave birth?






Re: ALL Moms - How are you measuring up? :: STM - did measurements matter with your first?

  • I measured ahead with both girls and I am measuring ahead now. My girls were early, but I also think it has to do with 1 - my being plus sized before getting pregnant and 2 - I am very shortwaisted, so baby doesn't have room to go up, only OUT.

    Babies were born at 38w, 7#14oz and 37w5d 7#15oz, so now the joke is that my uterus has a capacity limit. We'll see, this will probably be the one in there good and snug and stay late. 
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  • I think I was measuring big with dd2 but my doc doesn't make a big deal and would prefer not to use those measurements because of how unreliable they are. She was 7lb2oz at 39w4d and I just had a TON of fluid. For ever after my water broke I felt like I was full on peeing in the bed with every contraction. So far this time, I'm measuring on time but he's measuring small. I too started out bigger but it's hard to figure out from those measurements
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  • Doctor didn't say at my last appointment but we will see on Thursday. I've been measuring ahead most of the pregnancy so I'm hoping that means she's coming a little early haha

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    Fundal height-wise I am measuring right on track according to my doctor. Baby was in the 35th percentile at my a/s at 20 weeks.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

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     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • I always measured right on track with DS's pregnancy until the end and he was measuring a week a head, he was born at 38 weeks exactly at 7 lbs 3 oz. Little miss, has actually been measuring about a week behind (contrary to how I feel) FH wise. I forgot to ask today how big my belly was, I will look online in a few days when it was posted.
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  • edited July 2014

    I had a u/s on my last visit too bc I have GD - so I definitely know there isn't an overabundance of fluid (but doc says just the right amount). I am however short waisted, so like the 2nd poster, there isn't much space for him to go except out.

    My u/s estimated he was in the 60th percentile at about 4.5 lbs or so. I thought 4.5 pounds meant HUGE (bc TB says they should cap out at 3.8 at 32 weeks) but my doc says taht means about an 8-8.5 baby at 40 weeks "potentially". I don't blame her for not wanting to commit to anything 100% - I'm sure there is a lot of guess work invloved when it comes to this sort of thing. :D




  • With DD I measured right on track the entire time. She was born at 40+2. Although I went into labor the day before. This time I am measuring a week ahead and so is baby. But if I go off of my LMP instead of the US both measurements are right on track.
    my measurements are on track or at least much closer to my LMP date than my u/s date too.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • LTMamaLTMama member
    With DD, my fundal measurement was always exactly on track, and DD measured about a week ahead by ultrasound each time.  Oddly, people constantly told me I looked enormous.  DD ended up being 4lb 11oz at 32 weeks, which is a pretty good size (so if she'd gone full term, my doc estimates she would have been 9+ pounds!). 

    This time my fundal height measurements have also always been exactly on track, but by U/S the little dude is measuring about 2 weeks ahead, and again, people tell me I look enormous.  Doc didn't even measure my fundal height at my last appointment, I don't think they really worry about it.  I think I have kind of a short torso, so baby just sticks out. 

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • With my first I measured two weeks behind so they moved my due date and he ended up coming right in the middle of my first and second due date. My midwife figured that I was measuring small just because I lost 30 pounds over the first three months.

    This time I am measuring one week behind but they didn't move my due date. I have a different midwife this time but she is saying the same thing. I am probably measuring small in part of my weight loss at the beginning, 20 pounds this time.

    Also, before reading me the riot act like all of my friends, I lost that much weight because I started eating healthy and stopped drinking soda. My midwife, as well as every nurse I have seen, has been amazed and said that it is wonderful. I am not starving myself. (Can you tell I'm defensive? I had a friend tell me I was a bad pregnant woman for starving my me, he's not starving, I eat constantly!)

  • I haven't had an ultrasound since my 20 week. So I have no idea, but at 20 weeks I was measuring a week and a half ahead.
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    Married Since December 1st, 2012
    BFP#1 January 21st, 2014  
    EDD September 23rd, 2014

    Air Force Wife, Oboist, Book Lover
    God's timing is perfect! 

  • With my first I measured two weeks behind so they moved my due date and he ended up coming right in the middle of my first and second due date. My midwife figured that I was measuring small just because I lost 30 pounds over the first three months.

    This time I am measuring one week behind but they didn't move my due date. I have a different midwife this time but she is saying the same thing. I am probably measuring small in part of my weight loss at the beginning, 20 pounds this time.

    Also, before reading me the riot act like all of my friends, I lost that much weight because I started eating healthy and stopped drinking soda. My midwife, as well as every nurse I have seen, has been amazed and said that it is wonderful. I am not starving myself. (Can you tell I'm defensive? I had a friend tell me I was a bad pregnant woman for starving my me, he's not starving, I eat constantly!)

    I just thought maybe you had bad morning sickness. One of my friends got on my case because I wasn't gaining "enough" according to her. I had a few months where I only gained a pound or two. My doctor was thrilled since I was overweight to start with.




  • With my first I measured two weeks behind so they moved my due date and he ended up coming right in the middle of my first and second due date. My midwife figured that I was measuring small just because I lost 30 pounds over the first three months.

    This time I am measuring one week behind but they didn't move my due date. I have a different midwife this time but she is saying the same thing. I am probably measuring small in part of my weight loss at the beginning, 20 pounds this time.

    Also, before reading me the riot act like all of my friends, I lost that much weight because I started eating healthy and stopped drinking soda. My midwife, as well as every nurse I have seen, has been amazed and said that it is wonderful. I am not starving myself. (Can you tell I'm defensive? I had a friend tell me I was a bad pregnant woman for starving my me, he's not starving, I eat constantly!)

    I just thought maybe you had bad morning sickness. One of my friends got on my case because I wasn't gaining "enough" according to her. I had a few months where I only gained a pound or two. My doctor was thrilled since I was overweight to start with.

    I had an er doc with my 2nd yell at me for losing 30lbs in the 1st tri. (He nearly got kicked in the head during an internal exam for cramping and had some not quite nice comments thrown his way.) It was because I was sick but I was eating as much as I could. This time I am still down quite a bit but it's because I have changed eating habits again and I eat smaller meals. As long as baby is growing and doc says all is fine, let them complain!

  • With my dd I measured two weeks ahead then towards the end I was measuring 3 weeks ahead. She was born at 40 weeks 2 days. When she was born they called her SGA, which meant small (for) gestational age since she weighed 6lbs. 6oz. They were estimating her to be between 8-9 pounds.
    When I went into labor with her it was discovered I actually had 2 bags of water. So, with this pregnancy I am measuring ahead again but the doctor has been measuring my water this time, and sure enough it's on the large side again this time.
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  • Well, E was 11lb 4oz at 39w3d, and he started measuring extra-big at my 36 week appointment (he measured 42 weeks).

    Baby girl was measuring right on track until our last appt, now she is about 1-2 weeks ahead, and I suspect that will continue and she'll be a big baby too. 

    I'm starting my weekly appts at 32 weeks because of my history of making big babies.
    laying down the law on Oahu's North Shore

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I was measuring a few weeks behind with DS so she ordered another AS. He was right on track so she didn't seemed too concerned about what my fundal height was after that.

    This time around everytime she has measured me I have been right where I should be. It would be interesting to have another AS to see what LO is though. I'm carrying this LO way more out front than I did with DS he was tucked up in there pretty good.
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    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • I measured exact with my first pregnancy. This time I'm measuring ahead. First I was only one week ahead, last appt it was 3 weeks. Dr said if I'm further along next time he may schedule an US. Wouldn't mind if she decided to come a few weeks early. I am in so much pain this time. :-/
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  • At my a/s, she was measuring in the 40th percentile. However, at the growth scan 2 weeks ago, she was measuring at 4.2 lbs and the doc said that she'd be a big baby. By my uneducated calculations, she'll be anywhere from 8-10 lbs...depended on how accurate the growth scan measurements were.
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  • As far as I remember, I measured pretty much on track with both DS1 and DS2.  DS1 came 2 weeks early and DS2 came 1 week early.
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  • With DS1 I kept measuring 2 weeks ahead. I had a growth u/s at 34 weeks and he was estimated to be about 6 lbs. I was induced at 39 weeks and he weighed 8 lb 3 oz. So far DS2 is measuring on track.
  • It's great that you all know all this information. No one has said anything to me about percentiles, etc. This is probably a dumb q, but they would have to do an ultrasound to know if you were measuring ahead/behind, right?

    I don't know if my Dr is planning on anymore scans, but it would interesting to know this info. Especially since I feel like my daughter might end up being the first female linebacker to play for the NFL by the looks of me.
  • It's great that you all know all this information. No one has said anything to me about percentiles, etc. This is probably a dumb q, but they would have to do an ultrasound to know if you were measuring ahead/behind, right?

    I don't know if my Dr is planning on anymore scans, but it would interesting to know this info. Especially since I feel like my daughter might end up being the first female linebacker to play for the NFL by the looks of me.

    An ultrasound would be the way to know if baby is measuring ahead or behind, however fundal height measurements can give you an idea of whether your uterus is measuring ahead or behind. It doesn't always correspond to the size of LO, but it can give you an idea.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • We had our first growth ultrasound that Thursday.  I was a little over 28 weeks and baby was measuring 4 day behind. Not a big deal to either my OB or me. I have an other growth ultrasound in 3 weeks and I'm interested to see how she is measuring. 
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • With DS I consistently measured right-on average and my docs always told me to expect a 7, 7.5, maaaaybe 8 lbs kid. He ended up being 9lbs 3oz at 40w4. Last appointment my doc asked how much DS weighed and was kind of surprised, as she said this one isn't measuring big like that at all. I laughed. Guess we'll see in another 7 weeks or so!
  • I haven't had an ultrasound since my a/s at 19+2. My fundal height was measuring 2 weeks behind at my 28 week appt. Interested to see what it's measuring this week since I don't think I look any different. I'm hoping for a growth scan to make sure baby is growing well. I had iugr last time.


  • I had a growth scan today and I'm measuring 34w and I'm at 32w4d. She said he is around 4 lb 12 oz already. I was diagnosed with GD so I'm sure I will be monitored closely. Have another one next friday. Oh and he's in the 65th percentile. No worries unless he hits 90!
  • RobynD99 said:
    I had a growth scan today and I'm measuring 34w and I'm at 32w4d. She said he is around 4 lb 12 oz already. I was diagnosed with GD so I'm sure I will be monitored closely. Have another one next friday. Oh and he's in the 65th percentile. No worries unless he hits 90!
    You are almost exactly the same as me. I was 32 w - estimated weight, 4 lbs 10 oz. I also have GD, but my doc said that has nothing to do with his size as his torso is measuring well under his little head (like it's supposed to). She estimates he might be an 8 1/2 lb baby if born at 40 weeks.




  • nilveronilvero member
    edited July 2014
    Had a growth scan this morning. Baby weighs about 3.7 and is in the 40th percentile, so he's on track. Which is good considering his cord insertion issue. Mfm wasn't in but tech told us we didn't need to stick around for him. I have another appointment later at my OB and we will see how my fundal height matches.

    ETA My fundal height is right on target... 31 cm.
    Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
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  • I've always been a week or so ahead based on my fundal measurement.  Today at my growth scan baby weighs 4.7 & they said my fluid level is right on target - Putting her in the 50th percentile.

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  • I measured small with DD1, enough to get a growth scan to check for IUGR. In the ultrasound, she measured right on track.
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  • I am consistently a week behind. LO was born 5 days late, but I am pretty sure this one is going to come a little earlier. (Now that I said that, he/she probably won't! It's just a feeling I can't shake.) LO1 was 6lbs12oz when he was born which is normal for my family.

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  • I have been measuring two weeks ahead for 2 months now. My OB doesn't seemed alarmed by it.

    Jess & Jason | DSS 8 | DSD 6
    VR 4/20/2013 | BFP 1/5/2014 | Baby Girl EDD 9/9/2014

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  • I've measured right on track with all 3 of my pregnancies.
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                                   DS 10/02/09  DD 03/28/11
  • JD83JD83 member
    At my appt at 29 weeks, fundal height was measuring right on track, but no practitioner has ever even said the word percentile much less attached a number to it. All I get is someone looking at my weight and blood pressure and saying "Yep, looks good. See you next time...oh, did you have any questions?" I don't always even get the last part. I usually have to stop them on their way out of the room to ask anything, like "what were my 3-hr GTT results?" I swear, I'd know NOTHING if not for TB and Dr. Google. Makes writing a birth plan interesting...
  • JD83 said:
    At my appt at 29 weeks, fundal height was measuring right on track, but no practitioner has ever even said the word percentile much less attached a number to it.
    The percentile # comes from a growth u/s that I had at 32 weeks - only because I have GD. You will probably have another growth scan maybe around 34 or so weeks. Did you have a 20-week scan?




  • My new doctor hasn't even been telling me the measurements, he just says "well everything looks okay..." I feel so uninformed!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • OK, so found out yesterday that LO is measuring a week ahead and is in the 70th percentile weighing in at 3lb10oz. I now re-read all your posts and they make a lot more sense. Based on everyones comments, it seems that measuring early/late has no real impact on actual delivery date!
  • Welp. Today my fundal height measured 4 weeks ahead so now I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • Wow! Keep us posted!

    Welp. Today my fundal height measured 4 weeks ahead so now I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning.

  • JD83JD83 member
    JD83 said:
    At my appt at 29 weeks, fundal height was measuring right on track, but no practitioner has ever even said the word percentile much less attached a number to it.
    The percentile # comes from a growth u/s that I had at 32 weeks - only because I have GD. You will probably have another growth scan maybe around 34 or so weeks. Did you have a 20-week scan?
    Had the 20 week scan, but they didn't say anything because the techs "are not trained or authorized to answer any questions," which was super comforting, and Tricare only covers the initial dating u/s that I had at 6 weeks and the 20w a/s, unless there's a medical need. So, unless we pay for additional scans out on the economy or something bad happens, no more scans for us.
  • Wow! Keep us posted!

    Welp. Today my fundal height measured 4 weeks ahead so now I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning.

    Just to update you, went in for the ultrasound. Baby is vertex so that is good. She has an enormous head, measuring about 3-4 weeks ahead, femur is measuring about 1 week ahead, and abdomen is measuring about 1-2 weeks behind. My fluids are on the high side but the ultrasound tech said it was a "good high". According to her, besides a big noggin, baby's size seems average. She didn't seem overly concerned about anything but said that the doctors will discuss it in their weekly meeting and call me this coming week to discuss any concerns. If everything is okay I guess I'll see what's up at my appointment in two weeks.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

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