I\m not pregnant yet, but H and I still like to throw around baby names for hypothetical future children. Recently he said he thinks it would be cool to use his mother's maiden name as a first name if we had a son. His reasons for wanting to use this name are: he is his grandma's fave grandchild and its well known; his grandparents only had daughters and H is very close with his grandma and would like to keep her name alive. I like the idea of using the name, but I'm undecided if I actually like it! Has anyone else used a last name for a first name?
BTW, the family name is Bernat. I would NOT allow this child to go by the name Bernie for short...ugh.
Re: using a family last name as a first name
I love the idea of keeping your husband's grandma's name alive, but if it were me, I would use it as a middle name.
Though I'm not a big fan of that name as a first name. I agree with Dawn that it would make a nice middle name, though.
My so's uncle passed away a year exactly but for we found out we were pregnant so from day one we were trying to come up with a name to honor him (but I don't like either his first or middle names) after we exhausted all other options and settled on his first name being the uncles first name (kody) we were looking for a middle name and I said Griffin. He got all exited and said that was his uncles last name...
The rest is history lol
ETA: words