I was talking last night with someone with a 2+ year old, and when I mentioned my LO eats sandwiches, she seemed surprised; I don't think she serves them to her son. So I was wondering, how many of your LOs each sandwiches?
Bonus question: What kinds do you make? I am always looking for more ideas.
Sandwiches and LO 113 votes
LO eats sandwiches several times a week.
LO eats sandwiches once or twice a week.
LO eats sandwiches but not on a regular basis.
LO does not eat sandwiches.
Re: Sandwiches and LO
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
My Ovulation Chart
Her favourites are grilled cheese and open faced tuna melts (with lots of pickles!).
Turkey and cheese, ham and cheese. Egg salad, chicken ect. ...
He'll take whatever kinda sandwich we make him.
Eta: grilled cheese.
I make a sandwich and cut it in half. I'll hold him and he takes bites. If I don't hold it for him, he'll play with it. He'll eat a whole sandwich! He's a great Eater.
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