Welcome to TTCAL CheckIn!
I hope I can find you all well and positive this week! Please don't be shy in asking the PGAL/PAL ladies questions if you have them.
Where are you in your TTCAL journey?
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming?
QOTW: If you had to choose one word to describe TTCAL what would it be?
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
BFP # 2 8/7/14 EDD 4/22/15
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
Re: TTCAL check in
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? yep, July 21st meeting with my OB who delivered Ana. It's our "we've been trying for a year, now what" appointment. I'm ovulating with the metformin, so not sure if she would consider medication. We'll see. I'm pretty nervous.
QOTW: If you had to choose one word to describe TTCAL what would it be? Complicated
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Not getting KU this month was hard. Now I will have to go through her second birthday without a baby in my arms. Totally sucks. I hope it happens soon, I am running out of hope
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? I have an estrogen/progesterone check on Wednesday and my FET is on Friday. Weird to think next week this time I'll be staring down my stash of FRER/Wondfos
QOTW: If you had to choose one word to describe TTCAL what would it be? Just one? Hmmm... I'll go with daunting
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Lots... I'm worried this FET won't work. I'm also worried it will, which is something I never thought in my IF journey I'd be afraid of but I am now
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
Where are you in your TTCAL journey?
We are just finishing up our first cycle. I think I'm 7 dpo but I had positive opks for a week so I'm counting on this one being out. Hormones are all still wonky.
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming?
QOTW: If you had to choose one word to describe TTCAL what would it be?
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Ticker warning
@shandorfml2 I'm so sorry you're feeling hopeless. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers for a rainbow! Good luck with your appt.
My Pregnancy/Parenting BLOG TTC since 5/2011, BFP #1 12/3/11, M/C 12/7/11 @ 4wks 2d. Began seeing RE Sep 2012. October 2012 Metformin 1500 mg= ovulation on CD34 BFP#2 11/14/12 9DPO, EDD 7/26/13, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks, our angel born sleeping 3/24/13 @ 22wks 2d. BFP #3 7/4/13 8DPO EDD 3/22/14, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks. started insulin @16 wks. Our rainbow, born 3/19/14 @ 39wks 6d., we're so in love!
Hi ladies...big ((hugs)) to everyone this week.
where are you in your ttcal journey? cd 29- this cycle has already been declared a bust due to cysts...just waiting on AF
any relevant appts upcoming? US on cd 3 (whenever that may be) to make sure cysts are gone
QOTW: torture. can i add 2 more? not fair.
what's on your mind this week? not too much...I've gotten over the initial freak out of having the cysts. it's been kind of nice to sort of be on a "treatment" break the past week. I've been drinking lots of caffiene and alcohol. I'm trying to stay cool and calm but just hoping the anger and sadness and frustration stay at bay.
fx @kflynn81!!!
((hugs)) @shandormfl
8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)
-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)
11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13
8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF
IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties
12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!! One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15
Everyone Welcome.
Where are you in your TTCAL journey? cycle 2, cd 15
Do you have any relevant appointments upcoming? Not about TTC. Have an appointment with Lincoln's liver doctor to go over autopsy results on Thursday and I'm really nervous that they found out what happened to him and it's something I did.
QOTW: If you had to choose one word to describe TTCAL what would it be? conflicted
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? conflicted I want another baby, but I'm so afraid that I won't love that baby as much as I love Lincoln. Lincoln was pretty awesome, what if his little brother or sister isn't as awesome??
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
@mumel16 -I've been wanting to comment on what you said about loving Lincoln's sibling as much as you love him, but didn't right away because I wasn't sure how to answer, but here goes... We have two boys, one here with us and one in Heaven. I love both of my boys so so much. I never got to meet Colton outside of the womb, but it doesn't matter. My love for him is just as strong as my love for my first son. I show them love differently and parent them differently, I don't really have a choice about that, but my love for both is overwhelming. I have no doubt that you will love Lincoln's sibling just as much as you love him. We are planning to start trying for a third child soon, and I have noticed recently how much I want another baby. Not a baby to replace Colton, but a new little person to know and love and hopefully get to raise. And even though I'm not pregnant, I can already feel that love starting. I desperately wish I could have Colton back, but I also equally wish for a new little one. They say that a parents love doesn't divide, but multiples, and that is exactly how I would describe it. I felt very similar to what you describe when I was pregnant with Colton - how could I possibly love him as much as I love DS1? - but I do, absolutely. I hope this encourages you.
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**