If taught to pee sitting first, how do you transition to standing? Right now I am thrilled that DS1 is using the potty so I have no desire to change anything. But I'm just wondering because he sits for everything, and it's going well.
Also, this sort of ties into DS2.... Apparently, he has peed in the potty at day care but is doing it standing up. I have qualms about this because my nephew learned to pee standing up and then he had HORRIBLE problems sitting on the potty to go #2. He was also constipated a lot so maybe that was the whole source of the problem. Anyway, DS2 has a really tiny pee-thing. I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong (like it is not growing with the rest of him). I will ask at his 2 year check-up. He is really fat down there and looks totally different from DS1. Both were circ'd by the same dr. They seemed to indicate at day care that standing up was easier because it couldn't be directed well (because it's so small). I need to get more details but I'm not the one who drops off/picks up most of the time. I would like for him to pee sitting down. He asks to go potty at home but won't sit long. I have not pushed it. He usually asks to go and then poops right afterward in his diaper. What should we do? I guess for DS2 this is not special needs (yet) so I apologize for the 2-pronged post....When DH gets back home we can make more of an effort to keep him on the potty and entertain him so he sits longer. And have him watch DS1 pee in the potty.
Re: potty training boys - from sitting to standing
I'll be watching this thread. My guess is that it will have something to do with a social story. DS learned to pee sitting down and now (age 6) refuses to stand up. Well, he won't refuse- he will when I tell him to, but he won't when he goes on his own, which is 99% of the time. His reasoning is sound- it's easier, and more comfy. He's a couch potato at heart so looks forward to any excuse to have a seat, so to speak. When he stands he gets really anxious about accidentally peeing on the seat. I tried telling him that in kindy all kids stand, hoping that his rule-abiding nature would kick in, but it never did because they use private bathrooms and no one is around to enforce it. We need to nip it in the bud before he starts using public bathrooms at school.
My husband also needs to enforce this. DH is a pee behind closed, locked doors kindof guy and despite his occasional gentle reminders to tell DS to stand, I think he could work on it a bit harder.
No idea on question #2!
DS has mastered peeing sitting down and pooping sitting down during the day.
One morning, I saw that he took off his night time pull-up and did not wet the bed. I woke him up and he managed to pee standing up half-asleep.
I can't convince him enough to pee standing up when he is wide awake.
The preschool teacher had DS do it towards the end of the school year. Now he is back to square one. I will start the pee standing up with the new kinder teacher so we can keep at it to get DS to pee standing up.
Some people use cheerios in the toilet as a game of target practice.
He will pee sitting down now only when he needs to poop, too.
DS1 (typical child, 6yr) was taught to pee sitting down and he made the transition around kindergarten to standing up. We did a lot of Daddy showing him how to pee standing up.
DS2 (SN, 4.5yr with CP) sits to pee....but he has to. There is not much choice because he cannot stand independently. He is also too short for most bathrooms to stand and pee. Hopefully he will gain enough skills to pee standing up at some point, but now is not the time. Shoot, we are a year into potty training and he isn't fully day trained yet (don't get me started, I'm not pleased about it).
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DS 09/2008