
Thyroid testing, and possible doc issue (Update)

fjamil1fjamil1 member
edited July 2014 in Infertility
I had my follow up consult with my RE yesterday. I did get my labs from him, and saw in results, he didnt test me for thyroid. Did your RE check for thyroid as a routine or was it if they needed to check. I have an appointment on July 15, for another Biopsy, and blood work, and am going to ask to do a thyroid test. All my other tests back ok, but have low iron count, and borderline diabetic, (RE didnt even go over the sugar test). I already know im going to have GD again if I do get Pregnant.
Another thing, at the initial consult, we asked the RE how much it is going to be for any follow-up consults, and he said around 75 or so, and his nurse even said it will be 50 for first 15 minutes and then 25 for any additional 15 minutes. but yesterday they said it is $125 for 25 minutes. we did say that the doc and the nurse said 75. so we asked the RE, and he said that  we didnt talk about money last time. the IVF is cheap here $6300 for one fresh Cycle. But we are worried that they are going to charge us for every little thing. DH doesnt want to go back to them, after that. But I said we wont get any cheaper IVF in NJ, with good success rates. (52% success rate in 2012 for 77 women, according to SART). Also the biopsy they did, they send it out to labcorp, and billed it as general gynecology. Should i ask for the next they just bill my insurance instead for the lab. and i can pay for the RE fee. would save me few bucks. Sorry for the long post. How much did you guys pay for comprehensive Semen Analysis. Last time we paid $125 for the standard testing, my Obgyn ordered, but now they are saying $270. 

I had my financial consult today to go over the prices, and if we qualify for the refund program. at the last appt, RE told us the finance person will lets us know about the refund program, but today we find out the RE has to give his approval first and then we can go ahead with the refund program. I think our RE is giving us the run around, between testing and doc visits. I called him after coming home that we are not doing anymore testing until we get an answer about the refund program. we are going to be pitching a lump sum before starting IVF and DH doesnt want to spend so much just to get a negative at the end. they dont offer multi cycle plan either that we can get if the refund doesn't work. we are looking into other clinics now, since our testing is done. I have one last endo biopsy and DH's SA left. 

Re: Thyroid testing, and possible doc issue (Update)

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  • Thank you @GrailSeeker14, I am looking into other clinics in NJ,NY, PA area. hope to find some good one near by. Where do you live? If you dont mind me asking. 
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  • Hi. I get my thyroid tested once per cycle by my RE.
    There are a lot of great clinics in NJ and I think most have a price that includes all appointments if you do not have insurance. I would definitely look around.
    And anything you paid for, just submit to your insurance company if you think it would be picked up. I would recommend putting everything in to the insurance company and just paying what does not get covered because you never know. Good luck!

    TTC Since 12/2008;  DH: 32, Azoospermia     me: 33, DX during IVF #4: Low AMH (Normal FSH) / SER due 
    to IVF Meds (causing failure to fertilize) Recent DX: Hashimoto's, Lupus Anticoagulant, White Blood Cell Disorder 
    High ANA, ATA, & APA, PAI-1 Heterozygous= blood clotting disorder; connective tissue disorder 
    IVF w/ ICSI #1 2/2011     IVF w/ ICSI #2 5/2011    IVF w/ ICSI #3 12/2012   *New RE* IVF w/ ICSI #4  5/2013
    IVF w/ ICSI #5 8/2013 (Natural Cycle- No drugs)- One follicle->one blast. CCS normal. FET 9/10- 6BB blast. m/c @ 5w
    IUI #1 12/23- BFN  IUI #2 Cancelled (ovulated during AF)  Prep:CoQ10 (300 mg); DHEA (25 mg); Melatonin (3 mg), Folgard 2.2, Metformin 500 2x, Levothyroxine 50mcg, Aspirin 81mg w/ calcium, B12,  Vit. D 4000 & Prenate Elite Daily; Cabergoline 1/2 pill 2x week-  Cycling: Estrace Priming; Prednisone 10mg, Lovenox 40mg 2x,  Femera & Menopur   
    IUI #2.1 6/30 & 7/1. 1st Beta: 90 (7/15); 2nd Beta: 226 (7/17); 3rd Beta: 766   EDD: 3/23/2015

       **ALL WELCOME**                                    My Blog 

  • I agree with the other ladies that it seems like they'll probably be nickel and diming you for everything :( Getting a second opinion never hurt anybody!

    As for the SA, is it possible that they're including antibody testing, and/or DNA fragmentation with it? That would make the test more expensive, so it could be worth asking about.

    image imageimage

    TTC #2 with assistance since 03/11
    Me: 33, Autoimmune (Hashimotos and FMS/CFS)
    Treated with Synthroid, acupuncture, TCM and supplements
    DH: 33, MFI (very low on all counts, high antibodies, hemochromatosis)
    Many treatments tried, none successful

    IVF/ICSI #1 05/14 - EPP/Antagonist, Gonal-F and Luveris, 18R, 14M, 13F - SET of 1BC, all arrested on day 5 - C/P
    Genetic testing = normal, DNA Frag = excellent
    IVF #2 03/15 - Long protocol with Suprefact, Gonal-F, and possibly Luveris, adding in PICSI
  • Thank you! I called another clinic is NJ, but it is like an hour drive. They asked me where I live and said it is going to be tough traveling early morning when IVF starts. The lady was nice and said to call a closer clinic in Central Jersey, like RMA, but they are costly for our budget. We scheduled a financial consult for monday at the current clinic to get there detailed prices so no more surprises and see if we qualify for the refund program. DH doesn't want to spend too much money without getting a guarantee it will work. and then we will go ahead with this clinic or find a new one. 
  • I use IVFNJ, and they automatically tested my thyroid, and sent me to an endocrinologist, who then put me on levothyroxine. They also test TSH every cycle.
    I'd be surprised if you also went to IVFNJ and they didn't test your thyroid.

    I have pretty good insurance coverage right now, so I can't tell you much about the OOP costs... but as I'm nearing my max coverage, I may be feeling your pain soon.

    *** Ticker Warning ***

    Me: 37, DH: 39, TTC 5 yrs

    2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign); 
    2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
    2014 summary (to date):
    IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
    ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!; 
    1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
    IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26; 
    ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze :'(
    1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!! 
    EDD: 29-April-2015
    Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • fjamil1fjamil1 member
    edited July 2014
    I was looking at IVFNJ too before going to CARM in Edison.
  • AMSharkAMShark member
    edited July 2014
    I really like the staff at IVFNJ, and they have a lot of offices.  I use Freehold for monitoring, and Somerset for everything else - but if you're near Edison, Somerset should be a decent location for you.

    I don't know how their prices compare, but I can say the staff is very friendly, which counts for something.

    *** Ticker Warning ***

    Me: 37, DH: 39, TTC 5 yrs

    2013 summary: Diagnosed with Hypothyroid; Cervical polyp removed (benign); 
    2 rounds ovidrel with timed intercourse (no result): 3 rounds IUI with clomid + ovidrel (no result)
    2014 summary (to date):
    IVF cycle 1 - ER: 4/17 (28 follicles, 3 fertilized, 2 survived to day 3);
    ET: 4/20 (3rd day, 2 embryos - 1 @ 6 cells & 1 @ 4 cells); Beta 5/1 - BFP!; 
    1st scan 5/13 - development behind, no heartbeat detected; D&C 6/2; WTF 6/13
    IVF cycle 2 - BCP begun 7/12; stims w/ HGH begun 7/26; 
    ER: 8/6, 12 follicles, 7 fertilized w/ ICSI; ET: 8/11, 3 blastocysts left, 2 transferred, 3rd arrested 8/12 - none to freeze :'(
    1st beta 8/19 - BFP! 294; 2nd beta 8/26 - 4976; 1st u/s 9/2; 2nd u/s 9/9 - two little heartbeats at 140 each!!! 
    EDD: 29-April-2015
    Other Meds: Synthroid 100 mcg/daily

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • *Child Mention*

    I live in Iselin, and Somerset office is half hour drive from my house, taking Rt1, but I go near there for my DD allergist appt. I should have a consult with them. and they do offer packages with Attain IVF. 
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