High-Risk Pregnancy

Type 1 diabetic

I just recently found out I was pregnant. I've had type one diabetes for 18 years... I've suffered a miscarriage before (3 years ago) and therefore; I'm making myself a nervous wreck this time around... Trying to stay relaxed and stress-free for baby though.

Re: Type 1 diabetic

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    The best advice I have is to test and test often.  Don't be afraid to try new things as far as diet and insulin dosage, and stay in close contact with your doctor.

    Are you on a pump?  CGM?  Is your A1c in target range?




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    starla487 said:
    Hi there!
    As nerve wracking as it is, try to relax a bit and get ready for a wild ride. :) 

    What Nacho says is my advice as well. Also - avoid the overcorrection train. Lows can be just as bad during pregnancy as highs. And highs will happen. The key is bringing them down safely and quickly.
    This.  My endo has told me to "Sit on my hands and do not bolus" for 2 hours post meal.  (Unless, of course, I'm going into the high 200s or higher).  And then she stresses micro bolusing and taking baby steps to get it down.

    Just try to take it one day at a time!




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    KnitPixyKnitPixy member
    edited July 2014

    I know your pain.... I was a complete stress monkey for the first three weeks after finding out I was pregnant.  Might have had something to do with the record high A1C I'd just gotten back.  Still working on fighting the stress levels but I've found throwing myself in to monitoring and making sure I'm eating right, exercising etc. has helped distract me from the stress.

    It doesn't work for everyone but writing has always helped me process things and deal with stress so I started keeping a journal to help get some of my worry out. 

    My big problem and what really forced me to deal with my stress is that my sugars react super badly to high stress levels.  Having an endo that is super supportive has been a huge help too.  I felt like a moron telling her about my stress levels but in the end her support went a very long way in helping me deal with it.

    Talking with some of the lovely GD ladies who go to clinic with me actually gave a perspective that I hadn't thought of before: I've had this disease for 22 years.  I know what I'm doing with it (most of the time at least).  While most of the women were going on about how they can't imagine living with diabets full time, I can't imagine finding out I have it halfway through a pregnancy.  Diabetes is not an easy thing to manage and having to learn how to deal with it while dealing with pregnancy... not fun.

    Not only made me thankful for the 22 years practice I have but gave me a new appreciation of what women who develop GD have to deal with.  Please don't take that to mean that one is harder than the other, just different.


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    MrsL2BMrsL2B member
    Congratulations on the pregnancy!
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    It will be hard work, but is so worth it in the end!!!  After consulting with my endo, I changed my pump basal settings almost every single week of pregnancy.  Test your blood sugar often, and try to get a CGM if you don't have one yet.  My baby boy is 6 weeks old today, and has grown and met his milestones perfectly.  You can do it, congratulations!




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    Thank you ladies! I am trying my hardest to enjoy the moment through all the stress.. Stress also messes with my glucose levels. My first appointment is this following week. Nervous, but very excited. I have faith that everything is going to be just fine. I was starting to look into getting a cgm/ pump before I got this wonderful news... I like the way you put that @KnitPixy‌! I'll just think of the past 18 years as "practice" preparing me for baby :) Current a1c was at 9.3 in June, still working on getting that lowered! It's amazing how selfless you become when you have not only yourself to care for, but a little human you're growing :x
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    karlynrae said:
    Thank you ladies! I am trying my hardest to enjoy the moment through all the stress.. Stress also messes with my glucose levels. My first appointment is this following week. Nervous, but very excited. I have faith that everything is going to be just fine. I was starting to look into getting a cgm/ pump before I got this wonderful news... I like the way you put that @KnitPixy‌! I'll just think of the past 18 years as "practice" preparing me for baby :) Current a1c was at 9.3 in June, still working on getting that lowered! It's amazing how selfless you become when you have not only yourself to care for, but a little human you're growing :x
    I would definitely pursue this further!!  Especially the CGM if you're willing to adjust with injections.  FWIW, I started the CGM while I wasn't on the pump and it was pretty easy to get used to and just take a quick injection if I felt I needed to. 




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    @karlynrae I know exactly what you mean about the A1C!  I was 9.8 at the beginning of my pregnancy.  I got it down to 7.9 in four weeks and it should still be on the way down for my next one (I'm due in a week for another one).  It is possible!  Just keep testing and adjusting! 

    I would recommend from personal experience that you continue to look  in to the pump and CGM.  Both are great tools when you are working so hard to bring your sugars down.


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    And also...the pump will help you keep track of how much insulin you have on board so you don't give yourself too much!  With pregnancy brain, there have been quite a few times when I've gone to bolus only to realize, due to the IOB, that I already did!  Imagine if I had double bolused?  That'd be a bad situation!




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